Sunday, September 30, 2018

This is a Requisite for Living Heaven

Every thought we have is what we are living through. Inside are practices for controlling our thought to live deeper in the conscious space of God.


  • Love is the energy in life that expands consciousness for greater light in matter. Which means it gives us the way to change our perspectives for seeing better versions in life. If we have returning upset, sadness, anger or suffering in our thinking it’s only because we aren’t processing greater light for a new thought process.

    When we begin changing our thought process it's for living in greater peace. We want to continue living just as we are today but with eyes. ears and a mind that can believe in a better level of life. We live only from one level of thinking and we never learn to change how we think. Now we will learn to live in a greater light of Heaven while here on earth. The practices below are only for beginning a lifestyle through Love.

    Krishna, Buddha, and Jesus all taught us how to Love in a thought process that gave us the power to change how we think and therefore change the experience’s we have.  They showed us Loving other people and living in conversation with God was the way. Even though Buddha didn't believe in God he believed in the Ultimate Truth which was actually God. His message of compassion for living in peace is eternal and continue's to bless the human race. 

    Jesus gave us the light for living beyond the mortal world circumstances to the conscious space of God. All suffering starts in thought and continues to then play out in matter. Human beings think incessantly from one thought to the next living out of what is being thought. When we get upset we tend to keep thinking what upsets us instead of changing that thought. Somehow believing if we keep thinking about it we will make it better. When what makes it better is giving our thoughts greater light to think through and that's with the energy Love. 

    Every time we think about what is upsetting we're living in that same energy. The key to going beyond suffering in thought is to understand what thinking is. Every thought emerges out of consciousness. Consciousness is the Soul giving Spirit the light to live in matter. The Soul is the energy Love. Just like God is Love. We are Love but we also live with darkness because we're in human consciousness. God lives in no darkness. Human consciousness is trying to move through the mortal world's level of consciousness to Heavens level of consciousness. We're living from everything other than Love to Love.

    Every thought lives in energy and our energy is where we think from. Incessant thinking from one thought to the next keeps us in our narrative listening to our voices through stories about the past and the future. We carry upsetting moments from the past into our present. We never live present to the moment we are in because our incessant thinking keeps us reliving what happened in the past. Our thoughts are continually in self-chatter to ourselves about what to eat for dinner, what we did earlier and what needs to be done tomorrow. We want to learn to quiet incessant thinking and live present to the moment we are in. Feeling Heaven.

    For every experience we have, there are other versions we can live through when we learn how to change our energy. Changing our energy changes our thoughts and by changing our thoughts we change our experience. Our perspective dictates how the experience occurs and our ability to pause our thoughts discerns how we manage what is happening.  There are only two energies thought emerges out of and they are fear and Love. If we narrow down our feelings and thoughts we end at one of those energies.

    Learning the process to control thinking is a requisite for every human being because we live in consciousness. Which means every thought we have is living in matter. Thought is all we experience as life. Consciousness is all that is alive. What we think is what we live. Having the ability to be present to every thought and controlling our thinking helps us live Heaven.

    When God created human consciousness, He gave us the way to live in free will creating anything we could live through from any level we could think. We live our entire lives only from our perspective. We never live outside of our perspective. Everyone we talk to or see on TV only lives in our minds from our perspective. Matter is giving us the way to observe our consciousness. Everything we are conscious of is trying to teach us to live greater Love.

    Having the ability to live very present to every thought and quiet our incessant thinking is the way.  Everyone we see and every experience we have is only living to teach us to live greater Love. When Jesus said, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." He meant it because when we make Love our priority in every human encounter we create the space for living through compassion, mercy, kindness, and humility. The Love we give is the Love we live through.
    Our thoughts are emerging out of consciousness and if we are to control how we think it's through controlling the energy we live through. We want to focus on the energy thought emerges out of. Love is the most powerful energy in existence because it's God's energy. When we live giving Love to others we invoke greater levels of God's energy in our thought process. His energy gives us greater wisdom and knowledge.  The energy Love changes the light in matter which is how we change our experiences to have greater peace.

    Energy is in everything we see and when we change our energy we change the experience we live. After changing our energy we want to keep our thoughts at the new level and not fall back to our old thought process. Many people pray in the morning for ten minutes and then resume thinking the same way they did before they prayed. This takes away the power of prayer. We deflect our miracles when we pray and then go back to the old level of energy and thinking. Praying is teaching us to carry that energy all day long. We want to stay miracle-minded by living in God's energy. We don't want to pray and align our energy with thinking incessantly at the mortal world level. The power of prayer is that we alter how we think in those moments changing our energy to Heaven. When we alter our thinking we want to continue carrying that same level all day long. 

    Having a practice that helps us live to end incessant thinking for living presently in greater Love is a requirement for experiencing what is right beside us and that's Heaven.
    We want to begin at this moment changing how we live so that when something happens that's challenging or upsetting, our level of thinking is in the right space to move through it with greater peace, happiness, and God.


    Take time focusing on your present moment. Some ways to do this is by focusing on your breathing and breath slowly. Monitoring your intake and exhale holding your breath for a few seconds before exhaling. This will also quiet your mind as you focus on each breath. Practice living this every hour for five minutes is good. One can always expand the time as they begin living it. An extension to this practice is mindfully stopping our incessant thinking by being present to where our thoughts are emerging out of and doing the breathing, mantra or meditation for pausing it. Then focusing on what we feel knowing we want the energy to live in peacefulness and Love.

    Similarly to breathing practices using a mantra to break incessant thinking is also good. Mantra's are very powerful because they are repetitive and hold energy when we use certain words. They keep us focused on phrases instead of listening to our self-chatter. Some phrases that are good are I Love you God, I am Love, or I am living blessed. Repeat the phrase over and over again. Saying it a million times is too little.


    We want to send Love to everyone we see. We want to understand everyone we know and see is a level of energy in our Soul only living through us. They are giving us the reason to live Love. Taking time to send Love to everyone we know in the morning and sending Love to all the places we will be going and to the people, we are going to see is the way.  Sending Love changes our energy and it guides us through everything we do living Love first and last. Taking ten minutes in the morning is good and we can always take longer if we feel. Ongoing throughout the day we want to send Love to people including strangers quietly in our minds which keeps us staying present to living Love over our incessant thinking.

    Also, quietly blessing people in our mind is good. Living throughout the day mindfully knowing everyone we see is a level of energy in our Soul only existing for us to live Love through. We can make them or savior or teacher. Better for us to see everyone as our savior standing in front of us for us to Love no matter what.


    We want to live in prayer energy. After praying in the morning we center ourselves in the energy of compassion, Love, mercy, kindness, and forgiveness. We want to live through prayer energy throughout the day. Staying in conversation with God and periodically quietly blessing people around us. Keeping our thought process in Love is how we want to live. We want to live disciplined in living prayer energy with great humility towards others. Treating them peacefully is our only mission in living.

    Having frequent conversations with God is the way. We quiet our minds to hear God and focus on our breathing for pausing our thoughts. Listening for God is always living aligned in His light. His message is always the loudest. Centering our lives around living with God above all else is the way for living Heaven while here on earth.


    Moving through the mortal world to living in the conscious space of God. Our world is in Heaven and the only level stopping us from experiencing greater levels of Heaven is how we think. When humanity believed the world was three dimensional we didn't understand how matter was existing. Now we know matter is energy only living in consciousness. We want to focus on where matter emerges out of instead of what we see.  Knowing everything lives out of energy and our version holds darkness. We want to live as much Love as we can to change the way we think moving into the conscious space of God. We want our energy to live like God's who doesn't hold any darkness. Love replaces our darkness for light. Beyond our perspective, there are greater levels of Heaven.

    In order to begin moving beyond matter we have to begin seeing matter in different ways.
    Looking around a room we will choose ten items to repeat this phrase with. My eyes don't tell me what is real. Only Love is. What I think is real isn't, there is more light. This is only my version at this one level of consciousness. Only Love is real. My eyes don't tell me what is real. Only Love is. What I think is real isn't, there is more light. This is only my version at this one level of consciousness. Only Love is real. My eyes don't tell me what is real. Only Love is. What I think is real isn't, there is more light. This is only my version at this one level of consciousness. Only Love is real. This is only my version at this level of consciousness. There is more here I'm not seeing. Only Love is real.

    Do this practice with ten items every day and they can be the same ones. This is a practice we do indefinitely. Constantly training our mind to know there is more beyond the world we see from another level of consciousness. Changing our consciousness will change our we perceive matter. Our level of consciousness only gives us one version in matter. As we begin to live out of a bigger space matter changes its light for us to live deeper in God.

    As we do this we eventually understand the conscious space of God is all there is and His space is Love. Human consciousness writes on top of that and makes everything in matter live at face value instead of realizing there's more beyond it. Only we make it real and bring it into being. There is more here that can absorb every experience for us to feel greater Heaven. We want to broaden the space we live out of and change how we look at matter. Living unattached to matter and with less meaning in matter we place more emphasis on the space it lives out of which is Love. When we focus on what is beyond matter we begin to hold a greater space in the conscious space of God. We begin to live feeling Love deeper.

    These practices begin our journey into controlling how we think and opening our world to a level we haven't been seeing. Controlling our thoughts is the only way to live empowering ourselves using the gift God gave us. Our consciousness is the light in living. If we idly think we live unconscious to life and the bigger world we are in. We want to live miracles and experience Heaven. Controlling our thoughts is an all the time process. We've been raised to think idly and not observe how and what we think. Understanding that life is consciousness tells us we have to control every thought and give ourselves the ability to create what we live through.  In seconds we can fall back to old thought systems if we don't stay diligent and understand the power of consciousness.

    The same amount of time we've spent thinking incessantly is the same amount of time we have to live controlling our thoughts. The only way to change consciousness is by increasing Love and living deeper in God.

    God is in every atom and can hear every thought and wish. Living in conversation with Him gives Him the way to enter our daily lives more profoundly. Every human being has the opportunity to experience Heaven. Heaven is all around us and there are greater levels of life to live. As we remove the mortal world veil from our eyes there is a world with greater levels of life ready to help us live in Heavens Love.

    Friday, August 24, 2018

    The Soul's Journey

    human consciousness
    Every part of life is only living to give the Soul Love. We have been taught the body has to do with life but the body is only living in consciousness. The Soul is what is alive in a human being. The Soul is giving the body the way to have a Spirit for living in matter.

    The body lives through photosynthesis as does everything in matter. Humanity never understood what being alive was or the level of a human being. Now we are understanding that a human being is conscious energy. We are not the body we are the conscious energy inside of the body. We also understand that everything in existence is energy and what we are seeing in matter is only existing from our level of consciousness.

    We've been making reality three dimensional when the world is energy. We live in nine dimensions with atoms in holographic light. Subsequently, every decimal in holographic light is multiplying light. When we couldn't understand the body or the structure beyond our level of consciousness we had no way to understand the molecule. Even though we understand the smallest particle is a wave we couldn't understand energy in temperatures living in photosynthesis.

    We can't live beyond our level of consciousness if we don't have a hypothesis in greater light. Hence, this is why conscious evolution is important for humanity. We want to always live with greater hypothesis beyond our light to evolve through.

    Matter was created for humanity to have the way to observe our consciousness. When God created matter it created the pathway for life to always exist because energy would always have a way to change form carving itself into higher light. This created our path ascending towards Heaven by living Love and evolving deeper in God.

    We've been taught the body is living and that the body is self. When the body is a shell and self doesn't exist. The body is temporary and will fade away when we leave for new life. This body doesn't have a level in life beyond this level of consciousness. Self is a transitory level of the mortal world and doesn't exist.
    Self is only the costume living as the storyteller for this one level of consciousness. It's giving us the way to experience matter.
    The body has a Spirit and Spirit lives in a persona which is who we are calling self. It is the little person in matter trying to evolve into Love. Trying to live outside of matter in light. We are consciousness leaving self for light. Our Truth is Love. Just as God is Love. The Soul is Love. We live becoming conscious of Love because Love is Gods energy giving us the light in consciousness to experience matter in. With greater light in consciousness, we understand life and the Souls journey in God.

    Everything we know as life today is transitory including our bodies, family, friends, matter, the universe and who we call self. Nothing exist when we leave our bodies. Only the Soul is continuous in every life. Everything else is temporary and created for the human story. After each life,  Spirit rests in Heaven with loved ones as the Soul continue's on creating new life.

    Everyone we share life with is a level of energy in our Soul that manifested in matter. This means our family, children, co-workers, friends, universe, people we meet, hear about or see on the street live in the light of our Soul. Hence Jesus saying, I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12) Every person we experience is reflecting a level of energy in our Soul trying to have us live Love. They will live in our life continuum manifesting for eternity in different levels of matter. Everyone we live with in this life will continue in new life. 
    Our life purpose is to carve our Soul into greater light becoming Love. The Soul is the energy Love. Hence, God is Love. The Soul is living to accumulate the energy of God.
    In order for the Soul to live in matter it lives through Spirit. Spirit is our persona in this life giving the Soul the way to experience matter. Every level of Love lived is accumulated in the Soul and creates the next part of life.
    Consciousness is the light all thought emerges out of giving Spirit the way to create our human story.
    As we journey into living greater levels of Love we journey into God. Living deeper in God gives us greater light in consciousness for understanding life. Humanity hasn't really begun to live in how God created life. We have been living at earthly levels trying to understand our existence and creation. We're now beginning to live in a light for conscious evolution and for going deeper in God.
    The level of the world is a dream/illusion. It lives in photosynthesis and is only one level of consciousness. When we leave our bodies the world fades away.
    When we come back we live through a new level of consciousness and will experience human consciousness from a different level that hopefully has ascended. The world we experience will have circumstances created out of humanity's present level of light. In every life, we live to understand God greater.

    Living in matter gives us the way to feed the Soul Love. The Soul is what we want to focus on instead of focusing on the transitory level in life. Which is a hundred and eighty degrees different than what we have been living. We have been living at the surface believing what our senses told us was life when what is existing is consciousness in Heaven.

    The content of our world doesn't matter the Love being lived does. We could be a CEO, trash collector, waiter, politician or actress and the Love we live, is the only level giving to our Soul and our life continuum. Everything else is transitory and was only a story to live carving our Soul. Our titles, positions, thoughts and who we call self is the transitory costume giving us the story to become conscious of Love in.
    God created matter for humanity to have the way to observe consciousness, evolve and live deeeper in His energy giving human beings Heaven while here on earth.
    As we consciously evolve beyond our world into Heaven we live in greater levels of life. We can understand living in Gods conscious space as a huge circle and inside of that circle is a smaller circle. The smaller circle is human consciousness and the big circle is God's consciousness. Energy is all there is and matter is the gift God created. When God created human consciousness He created the "word' and the "word" created the world.

    The fabric of our world is Conscious Energy and they are giving every human being the level in photosynthesis for living in matter.  They are the mass, force, velocity, temperature, and levity in matter. Every thought we have is living through Conscious Energy in photosynthesis.

    God is hundreds of billions of years alive and it's taken the human race a very long time to have light to understand God from this level. Which we're not even close to understanding God. God is a level of consciousness far beyond what we have been conceiving. He created us and all living things including our universe and Heaven. His intelligence and what life is existing as, is beyond any level we have thought about. Human beings in photosynthesis living as energy in another level of energy has not the level humanity was considering as life. The level tells us how far away we have been in understanding life and God. Our level has never lived for conscious evolution beyond our present level.

    When we think about God being the light all life is in we have to go deeper into what that means. Life having light to exist is giving human beings the level for having matter in photosynthesis. Which tells us we are energy just as every particle in matter is.

    Conscious Energy is the self-organizing energy in God that is another race giving to photosynthesis.  Human beings only live in human consciousness but everything giving us life is living in another level of consciousness. God isn't a human being. He created human consciousness and is not part of the human race for He is the one who created the human race. God is the consciousness creating all other levels of consciousness needed to give humanity life.

    We tend to think of life only as human beings but life is living in a pool of consciousness. Just like the ocean is filled with life that isn't human and the earth is living with life that isn't human, likewise the atmosphere and all life in the universe isn't human either. We aren't familiar with greater life and so we think of everything outside of our knowing as something very odd. When everything we will ever be conscious of has already been living beside us. Our not knowing it is only our level of consciousness not yet seeing greater life.
    The same way we have been living with God and didn't know He was in every atom. Or the same way we have been living in matter with it all around us and yet we didn't even know what matter was.  Is the same level of consciousness that didn't even know what a human being was and we're living as one. There is a huge level in life that has been missed because we haven't been living in the light to understand our existence. We have been focusing on matter instead of enlightenment and living deeper in God.

    The trillions and trillions of pieces that create life are all different and in different levels of consciousness. No two levels are the same and no level is living outside of its own light. This includes every cell, snowflake, and blade of grass in consciousness. Literally, there are levels of life that have been giving to life on earth we have never seen nor will we until our level of consciousness has the eyes to see them. That is part of conscious evolution as we evolve we open greater levels of our world to experience. God created life with everything in it. Just as he created seeds to blossom into huge oak trees or an embryo to become a senior. We have greater life all around us and slowly we evolve to live enjoying the greater levels of life we live with.

    Its the same as Christopher Columbus traveling and discovering new levels of life. The human race has only lived at the level of matter and hasn't begun to understand energy and our world.  The universe with hundreds of billions of galaxies has life that we're not going to begin having experiences with until we live in a much greater level of light. As we evolve the world opens up. Humanity is the only race in existence still living violently.

    Every level of consciousness is living in a light for a purpose unique to them. No two races live in the same light or have the same life purpose except for conscious evolution. Most levels of life off-planet only live for conscious evolution understanding that matter is only created out of consciousness. The higher levels of consciousness are only living light for life to exist.

    Which the species Snow squid is a level of consciousness in our atmosphere that has been existing before we were living in matter. At the end of this writing, there will be a link to download and watch video's of greater life including Snow Squid.

    How we have been living is in a tiny reality only shaped by matter instead of through  Spirit.  We have been living at earthly levels not understanding energy, our universe, and God. Some life can live without form and just be vibrant colors in energy able to communicate in vibrations. Others live in their own light and will never look like a human being. Just as the whale is in it's own light and doesn't look like a human being and the giraffe is in its own light and doesn't look like a human being.

    We have so much life all around us living in their own light and because we are familiar with them, we don't think about them as being a different race. Yet, they are. Animals are profound and we haven't understood their level of consciousness. How we treat them is reflecting our level of consciousness. Al life has to have infinite respect, kindness, and compassion. Animals are another race and how we treat them with compassion is reflecting our level of understanding the miracle of life. We want to have infinite respect for all life because that reflects human consciousness and our maturity in life.

    God created animals for humanity to have dominion over but it was never to exist in the light it is today on earth. Human beings are never going to understand life if we can't treat the life around us with infinite respect and compassion. There is no greater teacher than our own levels in life.

    We have amazing shapes and levels of energy people wouldn't even understand was life. Because we've only associated life with matter instead of understanding our world is energy. God is in every atom and we haven't even begun to understand how advanced HIs light is living.  The quantum level of our world is greater than what we are experiencing as life. We're not seeing all of.  We're not seeing bacteria all over our bodies or cells changing but we do see our hands, legs, and arms perfectly. God created consciousness for us to see what helps us live greater Love. He didn't create consciousness for us to live uncomfortable seeing creation.
    Every level of life in our atmosphere like Snow squid will only live at the level we can conceive. This is what makes life amazing. We never see the totality of anything or anyone because we can only experience the world from our level of consciousness. Our children live in another level of life experiencing the world from their level of consciousness. We can only experience them from our level of consciousness. Everything will always only live in our perception no matter what. This is why we want greater light in consciousness it gives us greater light in matter to see with.

    We must live with God and how He created life because when we don't understand consciousness we live in fear at the devils level. Letting the devil take away our miraculous and awesome experiences because when something is beyond our knowing it invokes fear instead of excitement. Moreover, this is only because we live at earthly levels in the little person instead of in our higher Truth with God.
    All that is real is Love. Human beings create everything else to live through. We want to learn to see life as the innocent child running through a candy store for the first time. Not being afraid of anything that we don't understand but instead living it with God for the ultimate experience in light. Everything we can conceive is a choice and we shape our consciousness to live through Heaven or darkness.

    There is a profound lesson in realizing humanity has been on this planet floating in space with geniuses, scientists, and governments spending exorbitant amounts of money and resources yet not having a way to understand our existence. God will never be in anything more profound than Love. This is why enlightenment is through Love. When we didn't listen to God we lost our ability to have a greater hypothesis in light beyond our level of consciousness.

    We had no idea what was shaping reality was what we never saw in life.  What we didn't see had the level of cause and what we were seeing was the effect. Consciousness is all that is alive creating matter.  We disregarded the Bible and the Ten Commandments not realizing they were our lifeline in shaping human consciousness in greater light.  God knew what consciousness could unleash if humanity didn't understand energy. We've been living linear not consciously evolving in Heaven. Without light human beings have no level to have hypothesis outside of our own level of consciousness. We want to live increasing how we live Love to give our Souls the light to live deeper in God. His energy gives us light.
    Every thought creates the Souls journey into God.
    God created us out of His likeness which is the energy Love. Every human being is born with Love to live expanding Love.  We live aging effortlessly in a process moving forward from an embryo to a senior having experiences from different levels in our consciousness that create a choice for Love.  Life is giving everything we need to give our Souls Love.

    Live life knowing the world is transitory and everyone is a level of energy in our Soul trying to have us live Love.  Love everyone relentlessly claiming God in all levels of your life. Forgive people quickly to live in higher light. Lastly, let us open ourselves up to an enormous world in Heaven with amazing life just waiting for us to realize its existence. God will always live ready to guide and help us through every challenge and achievement  Let us stay in conversation to keep our light in His.
    To download videos of other species including Snow Squid the race in our atmosphere. Go to

    Wednesday, August 22, 2018

    Life's Purpose

    Life was created for us to experience Heaven while here on earth. We are meant to live in joy, peace, and abundance. There is no level in life that should exist in needless suffering. Having over seven billion people together on a planet floating in space, was the way to ensure everyone had someone to care for them. There would always be someone who had what someone else needed. But we haven't been living that way.

    We're not caring for people outside of our families.  Yet, there is no level in life that is not part of our existence. Everyone we live with is a level of energy in our Soul. No matter where they are geographical. The moment we are conscious of anyone they are part of light and part of our life lessons. Life in energy tells us there is no level of separation between any human being. Everything is waves. We see bodies but at the quantum level in life, there is only vibrations, frequencies, and resonance.

    There is no place where one person begins or ends. No one lives outside of you because they are only existing in your consciousness.  When we see someone or hear about them on TV, they are in our light and part of our life lessons. Which means we had a thought about them. That thought is in our livingness. They exist for us to live Love through. How we thought of them, our opinions, and feelings are only reflecting a level within us. It is a level of energy within our Soul.
    Every thought we have is part of our life continuum because they are part of an energy within us either living Love or not.

    We thought caring for family was what we needed to live for when caring for every human being was the call. As we lived for matter we lost our moral compass in God to live in greater levels of righteousness and Love.  When we focused on matter we began changing our level of consciousness to live for self instead of others.

    When we don't focus on others we begin to lose our lifeline to Heaven.  Love is the connector keeping us with Heaven while here on earth. If we don't strengthen that level we lose the ability to live in Heaven. If we can't have Heaven in our thoughts if we have no way of having Heaven in our lives.

    Giving to others is one cloth. We are living blessed when we give to others because Love expands giving us a greater light to live through. We want to care for others more than ourselves to understand living in light. Love always teaches us. When we care for others we are expanding our world beyond the level of matter. We're having God's energy in our light.

    Living for the levels of the mortal world is living at matters level instead of through our divine light within. When we live at the level of matter we are living at the mercy of matters circumstances. We want to live beyond matter having our light in Heaven to absorb the circumstances we live through. Having greater space in our light helps us to live through experiences with God.  Everything in life is a level of energy within our Soul. Nothing exists outside of what we think.

    We want to live seeing everyone as Jesus. What we see in others is only inside of us. Our opinion of others show us the places where we have yet to become Love. Our perception is emerging out of consciousness and that is reflecting our level of Love.

    Living in Christ is the way we live greater Heaven while here on earth because our thought system stays in God. It's pretty amazing that humanity only has to live Love in order to live Heaven and yet Love has eluded us. God has been trying to teach us to live Love from the beginning and now we're understanding why.  Jesus showed us the way but we never did what He taught or followed what the Bible tried to teach us.

    Human consciousness since Jesus walked the earth never lived a day of Love at the level He taught. Love Thy neighbor would have ended war if we knew how to Love. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, would have us living Love caring for every human being on earth. We didn't know how to Love. Learning to Love in greater levels of Heaven is how we must begin repairing the Soul of Humanity.

    As we try to live balanced in our hearts living for all of the human race. We develop a level within our Soul that grows greater in Heaven. When we live focusing on getting everything we can for ourselves and living only concerned about our lives we lessen the light in our consciousness.
    The concept of self doesn't exist. We have been living this way since the beginning because we didn't understand what a human being was or what being alive was.

    Every level of life is in energy and a human being is not the body we are the conscious energy inside of the body. Life is living in consciousness. Matter and the experience of the world are transitory. We live in a life continuum that is based upon consciousness. Consciousness is the energy Love and Love is the Soul. Every life we are only living to become conscious of Love to accumulate greater levels of Love. In life, we will live through different levels of consciousness beyond these bodies changing form for eternity. Every life gives us the chance to experience matter at a different level of consciousness. We're slowly becoming Love deepening our relationship with God. Learning to live as He does.

    Every new life will have a body that has a persona given from Spirit. It is temporary level and only for this one experience. The persona will create who we call self but self it's a temporary state giving us the way to live in matter. It's like putting on a costume that we take off later for a new one. The Soul is the light giving Spirit the way to live in matter. The Soul is what is alive and continuous in every life. The body is only living for this one experience. We'll have many different bodies throughout our life continuum.

    Self doesn't live beyond each level of consciousness. It is the costume giving us the story to live through.  Everything in our world is transitory. No level in our existence is continuous except for consciousness which is the energy Love. Living for self has never given us the chance to understand our existence because we were focusing on the temporary level and not our Truth. Our Truth was always deepening our hearts to live for the light within. We have been wondering the earth trying to find self when self doesn't exist, Love does.

    As we begin to understand what a human being is this will help us understand how self does not exist and is only a transitory level of the mortal world giving us the way to be conscious of Love. Which gives us our higher Truth and home.

    The mortal world is giving us the way to observe our consciousness. Matter is the gift God gave conscious energy to experience as life. We are conscious energy. We're having the ability to experience matter at any one level of consciousness.  We can literally bring into being anything we can think. Which is amazing when we realize thinking is infinite and unlimited.

    We have the opportunity to think anything we want. Living for conscious evolution ensures that we have an ability to expand our light beyond the present one. Love is the light in consciousness giving conscious evolution its light. God is Love and when we live Love we are increasing His energy in our light and that's how we expand our wisdom and knowledge.

    Matter was created for human beings to have a way to observe consciousness. We live moving forward having levels of energy in matter create levels in thought that keep us living forward. Every level of matter is giving reason for thought out of our level of consciousness. And every thought creates what we live through.

    Humanity believed matter was life but no level of matter is living outside of consciousness. Matters level is energy creating in hardness through photosynthesis what gives human beings a world to live through. Every level of consciousness creates the universe and our atmosphere which is only living the human experience.

    Levels of energy are consciousness living in a light able to communicate with intelligence far beyond humanity's because they're part of Heaven.  Heaven is the level giving us the way to live in matter. Our world lives in Heaven. We are energy living inside of another level of energy giving us the way to live in matter. The fabric of the world is Conscious Energy which is the living species in the conscious space of God.

    How we've been living is with matter outside of us. We thought the body was life, the earth was life and the universe was life never understanding consciousness was life. Our thinking has been at the level of our senses not going beyond it. When energy is all there is and consciousness is at cause while matter is the effect. Consciousness is all that is alive.

    The level of placing meaning in matter is a level that didn't understand life to know consciousness will live in everything we place it in. This means if we place meaning in matter at a level that has emotions attached. We identify and create a web that runs deeper than we are being conscious of. Consciousness touches every level of life in a thought system that wires itself through intricate levels in our living at the level of meaning we place.

    Everything that has meaning creates association to our identity. This begins to shape our thinking into living at the same level of matter. When tangible levels were giving us rewards we could only identify with matter as what life was. We've built self to exist in matter as part of the same level instead of knowing our divine light within. We didn't live for Spirit.

    We lived through our senses identifying with what we could see and touch. When what was living was in what we couldn't see. What was invisible was the bigger level in life.

    Matter became our reality. When matter was only one part of life and what we weren't seeing was the level living greater than what we could imagine. Life lives in an extreme quantum level which means in atoms we're not able to see. Atoms can live in temperatures through decimals in holographic light that expand to levels beyond human consciousness. Our world is living in such a quantum level that every level of matter we see is a wave and doesn't have any hardness. Photosynthesis is giving matter the hardness to live as matter.

    Energy is extremely quantum and is resonance. Conscious Energy is the mass, force, velocity, temperature, and levity in all matter.  Matter is an outcome living out of consciousness.
    We've taught ourselves to live at earthly levels keeping matter as life. When energy is all there is. What we see in matter is an illusion because it's only living in one level of consciousness.  What is real is Love because Love is continuous throughout our life continuum while our bodies and the world we experience are only temporary.  God is Love, we are Love and the only level existing is Love.

    We're an idea in the mind of God living in Gods love.  Just as our living is an idea in our minds with Love as the only level creating our life.

    This world is like a temporary movie set and we're living through one script. When we leave our bodies none of this exist. A new level of consciousness will live out of photosynthesis and we'll have a new body and world to live through. The world will be in the light of humanity's consciousness and the level of Love that has been lived. This create's the circumstances we can live through, and the human story.

    Everything in this life including our thought system and who we call self will end when we leave our bodies. Spirit will rest in Heaven with loved ones.  While the Soul continue's creating new life and a new medium for Spirit to live through in matter again.

    When we shaped human consciousness to live at the level of matter we started separating from God. Matter created false idols and money created our false God. This began to increase levels of energy that were earthly and not living in light. Darkness began to increase in human consciousness. The more material and money became our way of life the less we were living through Spirit. Only through Spirit did we have the way for greater light.

    I don't think anyone thought God, Jesus or the Bible really had anything to do with life because we created the complete opposite of everything God tried to tell us not to do. He knew more than we did.  We had no idea how the devil would take over human consciousness and not give us a way to live. Living for false idols can only shape a thought process at its level. So the more we lived for wealth the more we were putting ourselves in a box. Only associating life at the level of matter. This is why the human race has lived for one million dollars, then for two hundred million dollars, then for one billion dollars and then for five hundred billion dollars and now for a trillion dollars. We're living in a linear level of consciousness not going beyond the box.

    Consciousness will always only weave itself within the level of meaning placed. This created darkness because we developed strong characteristics that were the opposite of Love.  We never understood our thought process was alive in matter.

    Instead we just idly went along thinking without living present to our thoughts never understanding what matter was.  Living for matter created societies level to live through darkness as part of life. Everyone coming onto the planet today is taught to live for money and that material defines the being. Instead of being taught that God is reality and God is the blueprint to life. We are living with a divine light within to consciously evolve into higher levels of Soul in Heaven.

    We live associating life and associating self with our titles, car, square footage, status, bank account, clothes, and hairstyles. Which is temporary and only serving to become conscious of Love through. Life is bigger than what we have been able to understand and exists beyond these bodies. We want to live for our divine light not the transitory levels. We want to live within God to live hypothesis in Heaven.

    There isn't any other reason a human being was created other than becoming conscious of Love because Love is God. Today, people walk the earth only associating life with what is in matter and how it is creating pleasure on some level within. This is not what life is about. The only level giving anyone the ability to live in matter, see matter, and touch matter is the energy Love.

    Understanding Love is a requisite for every human being because we have associated Love with the level of matter instead of the level of life. Knowing God is Love helps us to realize the enormity and level of what Love is. There isn't anything keeping a human being alive today other than the energy Love.
    The level of Love being lived in human consciousness is creating every circumstance in existence.
    As an example, child cancer is only existing out of the darkness in human consciousness as is all needless suffering. Many people think well how could God do this to us when it isn't God who is doing anything in human consciousness. Human beings are creating the level of circumstances that exist in life through the level of Love being lived and the level of Love not being lived. When we don't live Love darkness manifests in ways we can't control.  It's like a wild snake roaming the earth and striking in ways we can't imagine.

    The Soul of humanity creates our world. While we can't control how darkness will manifest, we can control it not existing by living Love through the darkness. We want to live Love to rid all darkness. All energy is changing form and whatever level we are strengthening in life is going to manifest on some level in human consciousness. We want to be able to strengthen Love.

    This is why it was imperative for humanity to live Love instead of living for false idols. The false idols only create energy at earthly levels and human beings need light at God's level. Consciousness create's itself and cannot be broken it has to be lived through. How we think is only creating one level of consciousness. We have the ability to increase light to live better but we must live God's energy to do it.
    Love is the only energy in existence that will expand the light in consciousness. It's deafening important we live greater Love. We have no way to understand life's enormity if we don't. Our existence has other life living right beside us and yet NASA and all governments on earth have been searching off the planet for life. While there is more life right beside us living in intelligence that can communicate. The level of other races living on earth is as vast as the different species on earth. We just never understood our atmosphere or how God was giving humanity the way to live in matter.
    Humanity has been living at a surface level not living deep enough to understand our existence on earth floating in space. ( We're including at the end of this writing and podcast a link for watching or downloading videos that have other life including one video called Snow squid that is another race living right beside us and has been since the beginning of life)

    Consciousness can only receive what we are able to conceive. If we're living earthly levels instead of through Spirit we can't live Heavens level. Even though it's right here with us. Without conscious evolution, we stay stuck in a box never living outside of that level. All the while there is an infinite level of life all around us waiting for us to realize its existence.  Our box doesn't give humanity the pathway to live. There is an ending in that level because consciousness doesn't live outside of itself. Living in linear consciousness will not have the light to manage life's complexities or the universe. Living with God was a requisite because His energy gives us the pathway to greater life with wisdom and knowledge in higher levels.

    The persona we create in Spirit to live through matter has a level of thinking that only relates to the earthly level. It's part of the thought system of the mortal world and doesn't live through the divine light within until we live greater levels of Love. This is the little person in us also holding ego and satan. It's part of a thought process in matter not understanding life in light. It's not our Truth. We are not our thoughts. We are the divine light within but until we live the Love that invokes our divine light we are only consciously living through a thought process from the earthly level that is in the little person level.

    Life is in consciousness and our world is energy in vibrations, frequencies, and resonance. Living at the level of matter creates the darker energy because the resonance isn't high  enough in light. Matter keeps us living at earthly levels instead of Heavens level and keeps us in the little person perspective. How satan lives is through every thought that's everything other than Love. This is darkness.
    The little person/satan will keep our thought process in matter which leads us deeper into the devils darkness. Keeping us living for false idols and only living in linear consciousness. Darkness is like a million tiny snakes multiplying trying to take every thought we have out of Love.  It slowly changes our eyes and mind to live in negativity.  We create opponents, and live in attack and defend. It's a veil of fear that takes over furthermore it takes us away from Heaven.

    Hence the proverb Hell is below us and Heaven is above us. Living in consciousness needs us to live for what is above. We want to move beyond the mortal world to greater levels of light.
    We have to live with God in our thoughts. The world is a teacher trying to teach us to live Love. Everything we do here is trying to have us understand God with infinite light instead of living in finite matter. When God created mankind we were predestined to live through everything other than Love to Love because human consciousness would create what to live through by itself.

    God tried to give us the way of Love but when we started living for false idols we were shaping human consciousness to live through itself and that would include a devil. Living in free will means we can live through any level we can think. It was in our best interest to live for light in consciousness. Living connected with God was the only way for the human race to not create the level of darkness in consciousness.

    Having the ability to Love is the only requirement needed to experience Heaven. How we are presently living Love is from the little person level in matter. We haven't been living Love at the level of Christ. When we choose Love we have to choose it in all the places we presently don't want to choose Love in.

    This means where we have anger, contempt, upset, fear, jealousy, competition, resentment, and love with a little 'l." We want to live Love through all of those places.  The reason Love with a little "l" was included is because humanity's love hasn't begun to live the level of Love in our divine light. We're living through the little person level of Love.  Choosing Love when it is good for us, convenient and comfortable. We created a thought process that has a list of what isn't Love. This list is based on our darker places that are trying to become Love.  Where we are challenged to live Love is where we want to live Love.

    Jesus didn't have a reason to not live Love. This is why living Christ teaches us the level to live Love. We don't want to get stuck at societies level we want to live Heavens level.  There are no reasons to not live Love. We justify, rationalize and persecute only from the darkness within. We want to release that energy by living Love through those places. Living to feed our Souls instead of living the transitory little person level at the mortal world's level of matter.

    When we live for false idols we darken the light in consciousness. Which creates greater lessons in life to live through as we carve our Souls into light. Everyone will live through major tests in the Soul's journey that defines the level of Love they are living.  As we understand consciousness, creation, and energy. We have greater understanding as to why what we do to others is only what we do to ourselves.

    We can never harm another's Soul we can only harm our own Soul. This is the crux of human life. We are creating our perpetual hell or Heaven through every level of what we live in this life. The journey of the Soul can never be escaped or broken because it is our life to live through evolving into greater light. Our consciousness is every level of all that is living, therefore, we want to live Love and give to each other what has happiness, joy, and peace. Every bit of Love we give is the Love we live through.
    The Bible and what we thought was biblical a long time ago was never-ending. Only human consciousness separates itself from living biblical. God never left and neither does Heaven. They are giving us the way to live in matter no matter what level of consciousness we're living. Heaven has always been trying to help us live with God. Consciousness is the only level that keeps us from experiencing God.  As we begin to live Love we will happily connect and begin experiencing greater levels of God.

    The energy Love is creating our relationship with everything we are conscious of. How we experience matter is through energy already existing in a light in photosynthesis. How we are feeling in any given moment is out of Love and life's level of civility is out of Love. Every child born on earth has a level of Love they are born with. We are living to expand Love into greater levels of God.
    We want to be present for every thought so that we don't miss the opportunity to live in the higher light. Every thought determines the experience through the level of Love in our Soul. Thought emerges out of consciousness and the Love we are of is the only level giving us our experience.
    Everything we think lives in an energy. We want our thoughts to emerge out of God as much as possible because He's the most omnipotent level of light in existence which is Love. Love is the level in consciousness we want thought to emerge out of.

    Focusing on consciousness leads us into higher levels of our existence. Thought is transitory just like the body is. Thought is only serving to process the mortal world experience for becoming conscious of Love.  Love feeds the Soul. Every thought we have is always leading us towards enlightenment for increasing Love in life.

    Living a lifestyle in Christ is how we want to live by staying in prayer, forgiveness, and humility. Prayer is the language of Heaven and keeps the Soul in light. Finding what helps us break the incessant thinking for living present to our thoughts is very important. Human beings think incessantly from one thought to the next in a narrative that keeps us living in stories.  We live thinking of what happened in the past and planning for the future instead of living in our present moment. Most of humanity's upset is in a memory rather than the very moment they are living in.
    We don't live present to the living moment we are in. We live forward moving through matter not living in the very moment we are in.  Only by pausing our thoughts do we come present.  By pausing our thinking we begin to widen the space between our thoughts. This helps us live in greater energy in the conscious space of God. We want to go beyond our thinking to His light. We live in our level of thinking making it more difficult to understand there is more beyond our thoughts.

    How we want to understand thinking is that it's emerging out of consciousness. We want to live in consciousness and not the transitory level of the mortal world as the primary level of our existing.  Thoughts are nothing more than the storyteller giving us the way to move through matter. They create our level in Spirit for the Souls journey to become conscious of Love.

    Consciousness is the deeper knowing of all and doesn't change like thoughts do. Thoughts jump from one to the next in an energy that is earthly and will only process the mortal world story. Whereas, consciousness is feeding the Soul for our higher purpose and Truth. Focusing on energy is what we want to do because the level of our thoughts live in energy that either have Love or don't have Love.  If we're not increasing the energy Love we are darkening the level of our thoughts.
    We want to learn how to go beyond our thoughts to deeper levels in consciousness by being present to the space they emerge out of.  There are different methods for creating space and some of them are mantra's and meditations.

    Mantra's that have God, Jesus and Love are a very powerful way for creating levels of energy to increase our light. Waking meditation has never been in humanity.

    Waking meditation is living through the conscious space of God while moving through matter. It's a deep meditation because we are living through what is alive in another level of light. When we live in matter we tend to exist only focusing on what we see and our senses tell us. When what is living is far greater than what we are seeing and can touch.

    Focusing on God's light takes us beyond the level of matter to a deeper light in nothingness that's holding more life than what is being seen. We are connecting beyond matter to the very light matter emerges out of. Every level of energy in light has the ability to move in levels beyond our time and space. Living Love is the only level we want to live through.

    Humanity has only focused on three dimensions as life when there are nine dimensions in holographic light expanding greater than we can imagine. As we go beyond our thoughts to the space they emerge from we are entering higher levels of energy that are not in the earthly levels.

    Beyond matter there is a silence.  There is enormous levels of life in a light greater than we are living for.  With waking meditation we take ourselves to the deeper quietness beyond everything around us. There can be cars honking and people talking but we're settling into the level of God. The conscious space of God is where everything in existence emerges out of. Its a powerful level of energy having higher life moving through it.

    We've always been living with other life right beside us without having a way to know because our level of thinking never had the way to go beyond itself.  Our eyes only see what we tell them to see. Our ears only hear what we tell them to hear and we feel only what we tell ourselves to feel. There is moving energy we want to live within beyond our senses perception. The conscious space of God is living in levels far beyond our intelligence. The more Love we can live the greater ability we have to understand God. It's a fabric of energy we're living in with heavenly intelligence only living to help us understand God.

    We've been living at the level of matter and now we're moving into a new era of energy. There is much more life beyond what we are seeing. More importantly, if we are to have eyes that can see more we must have a mind that can hold more. In order for our minds to hold more, we must increase the light that expands consciousness for seeing a greater light in matter and that is Love.

    As we do this we are silencing the incessant thinking and creating a greater level in the conscious space of God.

    God is the energy giving us light to live in a world beyond the level we live today.  Our experience of life is predicated on Love. There isn't another energy that can give to our living Heaven other than God's energy. Everyone who has experienced enlightenment from Gandi, to Amma and Buddha have done so through the energy Love. Love is the only energy that increases God's energy in our light.
    God will always give light to those living for His. Jesus said," I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." That is as true today as it will be for eternity because every human being will always only be living for Love.

    From the very beginning of time, it was Jesus's light giving to humanity before He took on the robe of flesh. Helping us to have levels of enlightenment and power to live greater Love. He is the only one to be born of Heaven. We are all living through Jesus for living Christ consciousness.

    Faith will always be the catalyst to having God in our lives. Faith is the matrimony of Heaven. It creates a thread in consciousness placing light beyond what we are living through to Heaven. When we have faith it means we are believing in something we may not see, understand or even know exists. We are increasing energy in light in greater hypotheses to live through. Our faith in God should be rock solid and infinite because He is capable of changing every atom in this world quicker than any other level in life. We never want to live doubting our Father for He is the light in every atom. God is the blueprint to life.

    Every level of what we see including all space is living energy. God gave us the way to live in matter perfectly. The sun alone would shed our matter if not for Gods light in photosynthesis. Every planet has a purpose beyond what we have understood. Their purpose is giving every element exactly what we need to breathe. As humanity becomes more conscious of life the focus on the earth and using natural resources like the sun for power will have precedent.

    It's mandatory if human life is to remain on earth that life use what God gave humanity to live.  Every resource on earth lives in a light with a level off planet playing a role in it's existence. Keeping the earth living at the most organic levels benefits life for eternity.

    When we live in darkness the earth moves into darkness as well as the universe because everything lives in consciousness. Using resources that don't tax the earth is optimum for our planet's health. Life requires humanity to live understanding preservation, balance, restoration, and quality of living for all living organisms.

    Every level of life is in its own light. Including every blade of grass, human, snowflake, insect, leaf, and raindrop. We want to nurture everything to stay healthy to keep life existing. Darkness doesn't serve life and it certainly doesn't serve the habitat humanity is living in. It's in the best interest of everyone alive today to come back to a world living in better shape. Instead of coming back to an experience of a world in worst shape.
    The Soul of humanity must live in Love for enlightenment. There is no other level in life that gives humanity the answers for what it needs to exist. We were created and the purpose is to live deeper in God.  We are living slowly understanding Love going deeper into God for greater levels of hypothesis.

    God is the reality of all that is living and is the only way to happiness in our life continuum. There are only two paths we live through. One is darkness and the other is through Heaven. By choosing Love we create a life continuum with Heaven. We have everything in us to live heavenly while here on earth creating the most ultimate life we can live. Having God with us makes this journey the heavenly experience we have always dreamt about.

    To watch video's of life never seen by humans or to download them go to

    Saturday, August 4, 2018

    God Isn't in Religion

    Human beings have never known what being alive is, how we are living on a planet floating in space or even how we are living in Heaven. How can anyone claim to have authority in God when they don't even know what being alive is.


    Wednesday, July 18, 2018

    Heavens Love

    heavens love
    The human race is living on a planet floating in space.  Everything off planet is helping to keep us alive. We have a sun ninety-three million miles away aligned perfectly to give us the exact levels needed for life on earth. We have stars four light years away having nitrogen not even yet living properties on earth. Jupiter has the exact composition for giving humanity temperatures and seasons. The earth's atmosphere being alive is telling humanity the level of intelligence giving us the way to be breath on our planet is hundreds of billions of years alive. Living in photosynthesis is from a greater level of intelligence.

    We don't think about everything we should to understand our light in life. There are trillions and trillions of living organisms, elements and energy giving us the ability to experience matter. Temperature can only exist through other levels of life. Human beings have their bodies regulated in temperature through what is existing in the atmosphere. No level of human life can live without everything else giving our bodies the way to exist. Our world is living in a very extreme quantum level. What we see in matter is actually very tiny-tiny atoms in holographic light. These atoms are living energy at the level to create images in our Soul for us to live through. Everything we experience is out of energy in holographic light in decimals.

    Our world has been living with greater levels of intelligence providing us the way to live in matter. God is a level far beyond humanity's. The fabric of our world is the living species Conscious Energy in the conscious space of God. Being born into a world with matter all around us made it hard for us to question our existence. Or have the ability to understand how matter was existing. We have taken matter for granted at such a level we didn't understand living on a planet floating in space with everything being provided to us to live was in a much higher intelligence than our own.

    We come into the world and only learn about life through societies level of consciousness. How could we think outside of what was being taught? We are born with parents teaching us what life is. Then we go to school learning what life was which becomes what we think of as history and how to live this life. Every level of what is being taught has been taught by another human being. They actually had their level of perception and thinking taught to them. The idea of life is being passed down from generation to generation and so is the structure, religion, the money realm and every level of what we're living today.

    Human consciousness has been living out of past generations that never understood life or how human beings were living on a planet floating in space. There is only one level in life has ever existed for humanity to have the pathway to learn about life and that is Love. Love is the energy of God that give's us greater wisdom, knowledge, and light in life. Love has always been the way of the world and is the only energy in existence that brings enlightenment. We never understood Love beyond societies level of living Love.

    Understanding energy is requisite for every human being because the energy Love is the level giving us life, wisdom and light in matter. God is Love.

    Humanity is learning answers to deafening questions that have plagued us since the beginning of life. From the beginning, we placed God in religion. When God has nothing to do with religion because He is the blueprint to life. Religion doesn't define God nor does it have a decree in God greater than any other human being on earth. Religion lives at societies level when what is needed is human beings living Christ consciousness at Heavens level.

    If we keep God at religions level we keep humanity only experiencing God from that very same level. Which is never taking humanity into Heaven. The premise of living with God is to evolve deeper with Him living through a conscious process evolving from the mortal world's level of thinking to Heavens level.

    Jesus was the perfect example of going outside of society in living with God. He didn't live by any level of religion He lived outside of it. That's why He was persecuted by the high priest in Rome. He was deep in God walking the earth while having His consciousness in Heaven. God was giving Jesus light. There is a level we live when we live Christ that takes the Soul into Heavens Love.  Our light in God is giving us our light in Heaven.  Blessed are those that never live the mortal world's ecstasy but live opening Heaven in their Soul for ecstasy in God.

    Our journey with God is to consciously evolve carving our Souls beyond societies level. Life is infinite and unlimited but because society lives at earthly levels it only holds a tiny-tiny fraction of reality. Life is living greater in what isn't being seen rather than what is being seen. We need to live through Spirit to understand our Truth and our existence in God. Living Love is detrimental because the energy is the light in consciousness that gives us knowledge to move through matter opening our universe.

    We've been taught societies level of Love and it's a level that lives Love when it's convenient, comfortable and works for us in our lives. When living Love at the level of Jesus is the only way to live it. When we live Love comfortable we justify, rationalize and live love in thought instead of through the heart. We live it at societies level and that is in more darkness instead of light. We have to live it at Jesus's level if we are to experience Heaven. This is why life's purpose is becoming conscious of Love and living Love. Life is giving us the way to observe our consciousness learning and moving through matter as the teacher.

    Going beyond our comfort zone, our thought process and societies level of Love takes us deeper into God's energy. We have miracles, Heaven, and greater life if all around us we just have to live greater Love. We want to carve the path to our own light in God just as every Saint has done before us. Following every person who has lived greater Heaven while here on earth.

    Everything we experience in our world is temporary and only living for us to become conscious of Love. Putting Love first is what gives us greater light in consciousness.  The ultimate way to live this life is by living greater Love because it gives us heavenly levels in our light.

    We're learning God's energy gives us the way to live this life in higher levels of consciousness. Love is the only energy in our existence creating what we live through.  Matter is a nothingness only existing at our level of consciousness. Everything we see is energy having Love run through it. The more Love we live the higher light in matter we live. We want to live the energy that runs through all life.

    As we focused on earthly levels with material giving tangible rewards we moved further away from Spirit. We weren't seeing energy even though we knew energy at the smallest particle was a wave. There wasn't a way to realize more because matter was all we were focusing on. Life is in vibrations, frequencies, and resonance. Everything we see is only living out of our Soul.  Everyone we observe in life is a level of energy within our Soul trying to have us become conscious of Love. Love is literally the only level a human being should focus on to understand their existence, the world and what being alive is.

    We experience life only from our perspective. Nothing exists outside of what we think. Life is only being lived in our minds through our level of consciousness. The human story is created from humanity's collective consciousness.  The Love humanity lives is creating the circumstances our world we can experience.

    We want to focus on Spirit because consciousness is at cause and matter is the effect. Matter is the teacher giving us the way to observe our consciousness.  Everything we see is living through us. There is no place where one person begins or ends because everything is energy. It's important we stay present to matter living as images in our Soul because this helps us understand how the world is only living in our light.

    All darkness on earth is created out of not living Love. Meaning a child can be born today into what has hate, violence, cruelty, unconsciousness, war, poverty and needless human suffering.  These places are showing us the levels in our consciousness that have yet to live Love.

    When we only live for matter we separate from God and this why it is imperative we live through Spirit. We want His energy in our light because God's level is greater than any human beings. God knows every level of our Soul greater than we know ourselves because He created us. When we have God in our light we have His energy running through our consciousness giving us greater perspectives for higher answers, and solutions in life. This is how we live having peace, joy and infinite Love.

    Everything we ever believed was biblical is a level that continues today and will for eternity. Humanity is existing in God and there is only one way for the human race to live and that is in Christ towards Heaven. We want to be conscious of life at the level to live the Love needed for opening the universe.

    If we give matter greater meaning and have our self-identity at the same level we can only live at the mortal world level. Heaven is all around us trying to have us live in its level but we have to live focusing on the divine light within. We want to live Love beyond the mortal world into Heaven.
    Living for conscious evolution is humanity's sole purpose for living Love. Conscious evolution is when we carve our Soul in a process through living Love beyond our present level. This changes the energy in our light for deeper levels of God's energy. The more Love we live the more light in consciousness we have. Heaven will help us go deeper into God. God will guide us through Heaven's light for our living deeper within Him.

    Change, adversity, and suffering can all live through conscious evolution to give us greater Heaven while here on earth. Heaven is in everything always waiting for us to realize it. Change gives us greater possibilities because it takes us to levels we didn't have light in before. Everything leading us out of our comfort zone and thought process is opening us to higher levels of life. When we consciously evolve we experience an awakening to life beyond how we were thinking. We literally unravel our own thought process for light we never knew was existing within us.  As we live Love in Christ God is changing our thinking and eyes to live deeper in Him.

    The process of consciously evolving will never live in what anyone expects or believes it should be. It will be the opposite of everything we think life is living as and for. Human consciousness created its reality at its level. Living with God is living beyond humanity's level and doesn't exist at humanity's level of consciousness because it is living in God. His ways bring us experiences to understand a light in Him beyond what we knew of life.

    God created Love as the way of the world so we would always have a way to consciously evolve beyond any level we were in. But this means we have to live for our divine light greater than anything else in life. Living for false idols changes our consciousness from having light in God to living in earthly levels.

    We're always making a choice in what energy we will live through.  No matter if we make the choice or not one will be made. Living Love is the only way to live through God. Love is literally the key to human life because it gives us the light to move through matter in heavenly ways.

    God didn't create a species to live on a planet floating in space through photosynthesis and it be for something originating out of human consciousness. Human beings created our purpose not knowing anything about life. God has greater plans for us.

    As we learn about human consciousness and creation it's imperative we live for conscious evolution. So that we keep understanding why it is a requirement to live Christ on earth. God's life purpose is far beyond what we are conceiving as life. There is a purpose greater than we can imagine for why human beings need to live Love.

    We live in a life continuum for eternity and will come back to a world created out of human consciousness. We want to live in a world that has little darkness and has been living greater light in God.

    Living peacefully on earth instead of needing weapons requires humanity to understand consciousness and energy.  Our thinking must evolve to have greater light to process thoughts and feelings living out of energy that create weapons. By living deeper in God we have greater ability for foresight, perspectives and light for seeing heavenly in our challenges. Only through consciousness can we end war. Every thought that holds violence, fear and suffering is energy that needs greater light to process higher levels deeper in God. God is our salvation for living heavenly on earth.

    Humanity has to understand our consciousness is creating the world we experience. We have the ability to change the experience of the world by changing the energy we live through. Love is the light in consciousness that changes the light in matter.

    Caring for another human being is the Soul of humanity. There is a level in human life deeper than we know from birth. Every human being has a level in life creating an energy that expands a level for another life to be born. Life is living in photosynthesis and every human being is carrying what gives life its ability to live. We have to always care for life beyond any level we think is acceptable and give much more than we think is needed.  Our caring for life gives human beings a greater life force and that life force is only strengthened through each and every one of us and our Love being lived.
    We are a race that has the ability to live unity in humanity. We're in a universe giving us the way to realize our potential at any one level of consciousness.

    By living greater levels of Love, we create possibility in life that presently isn't living in our light. Love creates a greater path in consciousness we have yet to live.  By living Love, we increase the unlimited factor in our lives for what we have yet to experience. God is giving every human being a chance to live in light. Having the ability to understand their lives greater than society's level and living Heaven while here on earth.

    Living Love has always been a requisite for every child born on this planet because the world lives through Love. Love absorbs darkness into a nothingness. We have always had the level in life for greater knowledge. We just never lived in God deep enough to understand the miracle of this life. Living with God is our greatest gift in life because we live learning in ways we never thought possible. We have Heaven all around us and have to live greater Love to experience heavenly levels in life.

    Living through the mortal world to Heaven is why we are here. We each have a destiny far beyond any level we ever fathomed and have the ability to live the Love that opens the door to our Soul. Live Love relentlessly living for God and experience a world so alive and only living to give you Heaven while here are on earth.