Sunday, August 27, 2017

Soul Knowledge and Wisdom

    Wisdom is born from the levels in how we live with others. Humanity caring for other human beings at the level of doing all they can and then doing more to end needless suffering and poverty is the level of Love needed in humanity. Giving beyond what gives to self is the level humanity needs in order to have greater life wisdom. It is only in being in service to others deeply for their lives to be better do we have the level to see the truth in life. Loving and having mercy for all sentient beings is giving the light in consciousness what expands it for higher levels of consciousness. It is through our humanness we have greater levels in life provide the pathways to learn. Through living with each other in diversity and different levels of consciousness do we carve our Souls to see the level of what God created as life. It is in our caring for other human we open the light in Heaven.
    God created life with other people so humanity would have the God faculties to evolve with greater answers and solutions that lead humanity towards unity in humanity. Other people are the source of the light. They are the only level in life giving everything for humanity to evolve through. How we are treating each other, caring for our neighbors and living through conflict creates the ability to think deeper beyond the present level. When we live through Love it is the light in consciousness that expands to give us a greater level in thinking to solve humanities problems. When we are giving to others we are giving to the light in all life that is teaching us to live in levels of Christ. It is the level of consciousness that has solutions in peace, forgiveness, and helping others to not suffer. The light of Christ is the level humanity wants to live to have the Soul knowledge that has the answers needed for life to live happy, advance and evolve.
    Every level of consciousness is having the experience of people and the level of life in one's own light to evolve through to Love. When what is being lived is has anger, hate, jealousy, anxiety or fear one is not being conscious of life and is in a God faculty to evolve through by living greater Love instead of living through the mortal world. We live through Love when we forgive, have mercy, make Love our only focus with a person.  One has to always remember what we think and do to another human being is what we live through. There is only one of us here with a universe in the light of our Soul. Love is the energy that expands consciousness and can help us live through our experiences to give every level of what we live happiness, peace and understanding.
    We are to go deeper within the Soul to be conscious of the power of Love.  When we choose Love over every other feeling we have it is the level that invokes Heaven into our light. Humanity has been focused on self and matter rather than energy and Spirit. What we see is only living in our light. We see people outside of us and think they are separate when there is only energy and everyone is in our light. There is no place you begin and another ends Energy has no barriers. What we are experiencing in matter is only levels of energy in photosynthesis reflecting the light in our Soul. What we are living through is trying to have us live Love and become more conscious of what being alive is and the level of the world being Heaven.
    We want to see people as Christ teaching us to go deeper into Love. What we see in another is the level of what is becoming Love. Humanity must remember that everything being lived is only in humanities level of consciousness. The mortal world is in Heaven and created to give every human being the experience of living in matter at the level of ones own consciousness. Through Christ we gain wisdom.
    What we are living as self is only a temporary level at the level of the mortal world. There is no level of self existing it is only the medium for Spirit to live this part of life through. One will have many different levels of a self with different mediums and Spirits to live the light in the consciousness through as we become Love. The Soul is what is living and the Soul is the energy Love giving the light in consciousness for Spirit to live through. Focusing on self in this life is focusing on the level that is transitory and the illusion. Focusing on the Love is how we gain wisdom and have levels in consciousness to invoke Heaven and the bigger world we are in. In levels of energy is how we invoke Heaven. The level of the world we are living through is for us to have the ability to bring greater energy into our living and through the energy Love we become more conscious of Life.
    We are experiencing a world through the light in our Soul awakening to Love.
    In order to go beyond the level of thinking in the mortal world we want to pause the incessant thinking for the conscious space of God. One give's focus to the light in consciousness instead of  the story going from one thought to the next. The more we pause the more we are in the conscious space of God. Thought is only a processor. There is no level of thought that is of the Soul. We are not our thoughts they are only creating the experience for us to live through at the mortal world level becoming conscious of Love. Consciousness is of the Soul and being managed in Heaven. Consciousness is the light we are living Spirit through and is the deeper knowing of all that is of Heaven. Consciousness is not transitory like thought is.
    When we pause the incessant thinking and go deeper into our Soul we feel the unity in life and begin to become conscious of a greater level that is God. The Christ in life is in the light of Love. There is a level in life giving to consciousness beyond all levels when one is living Love. The level humanity has been missing is to live Love in all levels of life. In every situation we live there is Heaven but we have to be able to stay connected to God to live the Love needed to invoke what is Heaven. We have to live through Spirit being conscious of the inner light we are of. When we focus on the divine light within we choose what keeps Heaven in our lives. Staying in conversation with God is the level to keep focused on living Heaven while here on earth.
    Forgiveness is one of the highest levels of Love in existence. Forgiveness releases everything other than Love in our energy. It purifies the Soul leaving what is only of Love.
    • We quiet our thoughts to hear God through our light.
    • Everything we see is only in the light of our Soul to become Love through.
    • Live Christ ti live Heaven here on earth.
    • No level of harming another is harming their Soul. It is only our Soul that is harmed when we harm another no matter the reason or justification. We live through everything we think and do to another. Whether in this life or the next.
    • Forgiveness purifies the Soul for higher levels of light.
    • Love is the energy that expands the light in consciousness for Soul wisdom.
    • Wisdom and Soul Knowledge are only cultivated through the Love and compassion we give to other life.

Love Is The Light All Life Live’s Through

Humanity is living the experience of seeing our level of consciousness in matter. Every level of what is living in matter is only through the light in our consciousness. We live evolving through experience's in matter that give us reason to live greater Love because the purpose to living is to become Love.

Love is the energy in photosynthesis giving the level to live Heaven while here on earth. When we know that thought is cause and what is experienced in matter is the effect it gives us the ability to change how we think and therefore change the level of the world we experience. Having the ability to change how we think is achieved through living Love because Love is the energy that changes the light in consciousness to higher levels for Spirit to live through. Spirit is living through the light in consciousness from the energy of Love in our Soul.

Living Love give's us higher levels of light that change our perception, understanding of life and lifts us into higher levels of Heaven as we live through our experience's.  We want to focus on our energy rather than the level of matter. Live bringing compassion, kindness and Love into every level of living because the energy that is in levels of Heaven bring Heaven onto earth. Everything we see is in our light and everything is living through our Love. The level of life itself is an illusion in our light for us to live learning to be conscious of Love.

The level of this experience is living through consciousness from the level of the energy Love we are of and the level is only one of us here. Love is the energy in consciousness that give's us the level of light that can lifts us above the mortal world into Heaven.

We want to have the conviction of Love be greater than the level of the circumstances in the mortal world.  The mortal world is living in fear evolving to Love. What divides communities, separate's people, and increases fear are all the God faculties to consciously evolve towards Love.  No level of life is to live in a level that is suffering while other levels of life accumulate in excess, that is only consciousness not seeing what life is living for. The level of consciousness will always be dependent on Spirit being lived through or not. Humanity disconnected from God long ago and has existed at a level of humanities consciousness not aligned with God and why he created life. We have forgotten why life is existing and have lived for matter rather than for Spirit. Brotherhood and living on a planet floating in space with everything needed to exist was only intended for humanity to create Heaven on earth as humanity consciously evolved becoming conscious of Love. We are consciously evolving to Love so that we bring into matter what is of peace and Heaven. Only through consciousness can the world in matter exist in peace, with poverty eradicated and war non existent. Consciousness is the only level human beings are living. How we think is what we bring into being to live through in matter.

If there is fear there will be separation and separation create's opponents. Violence is a level in humanity that has not evolved beyond survival and the level of animal in consciousness. Creating opponents is a level of consciousness not understanding that everything we see is within our own light. God created life to live in freewill giving us the ability to create in matter the level we could think at. The experience we are having is the level of humanities consciousness not understanding the level of the world or what being alive is.

We want to see the light in others instead of focusing on the transitory self that is only existing for this part of life. What remains with us through out our existence is the energy Love that is in our Soul. What is transitory is the level of self that Spirt is living through for for this level of consciousness we are experiencing. When we can see other people in a level of Heaven we give the level of photosynthesis the level of light with greater Love rather than fear. Replacing fear with Love is what humanity is learning to do.

Ending violence for humanity is only possible when humanity is living with a life purpose that give's consciousness the ability to think at the level understanding what being alive is and that everything in life is in our own light. The level of hating another is not understanding there is no one outside of our light. We live through our hate, we live through how we think of others,  the suffering of others and how we treat people is a direct level of our level of our consciousness. Anyone who is conscious of life understands who is outside of them is only existing within them. No one would harm and create what they are going to live through in their life continuum as hell if they knew Heaven. Everything we do in this life is creating our life continuum to live through to Love. The world feels like seven billion people are all separate and in their own lives, when that is the level of the miracle God gave us to live through. God is hundreds of billions of years alive and living for every Soul to live Heaven. While we have different levels of consciousness in different levels of matter they are all in our light for our experience of living consciousness through matter to become conscious of Love.

Humanity has to live for Heaven instead of for what is in matter. We decapitate the Soul when we do not live through Spirit. Matter doesn't lead to God, living Love does. Every experience is transitory and every level of life we live is transitory. What is staying with our light is the level of Love we have lived in our experience's. The experience's continue until we have the Love needed to transform the level through alchemy to higher levels of light.

Other people are creating what we live through as life. They create what cuts the Soul into greater light. They are the God faculties we awaken through.  Human suffering is man made out of the absence of Love. Love is the energy that is the key to transforming what is being experienced in matter and is the light consciousness needs to expand every level of living in matter. Love is the alchemy for Heaven.

If we are to live having the mortal world give life the levels needed to live greater levels of life, than humanity must create life's purpose at he level of divinity to be conscious of Love and understand what God created as life. We are on this planet floating in space living inside a conscious living energy experiencing as conscious energy life in matter. Life was created to live Love and experience Heaven while here on earth.