Friday, May 25, 2018

Religion, God and Life

Religion, God and Life
Humanity was created by God to live going deeper into God by consciously evolving through Love.  From living at the level of matter we neglected God at the level of Spirit. Religion has been living at the level of the mortal world instead of from the level of Heaven.  Understanding consciousness is imperative for understanding how far away from God we have been living. Jesus walked the earth upsetting religion because He spoke of a greater message than they could conceive. His light was greater than any human beings but humanity could only conceive God from their level of thinking. Jesus was crucified because of religion not having a deeper level in God to understand God's light.      
Throughout the history of the human race, we have been living more through the level of the mortal world than through God.  We did this because matter became the reward. It was easier to live with material giving to us rather than Spirit giving to us. Matter was tangible and we were not understanding consciousness. We didn't understand how matter was existing. We never questioned how the earth and rivers were only existing at our level of consciousness. Instead, we took them for granted as they appeared not questioning the light we saw them in. Everyone is born into a world with people and furniture all around them. Never did we realize Heaven was giving us the way to touch our faces, see the earth and live in matter. Matter is a nothingness only existing at our level of consciousness. We never questioned the livingness in our thinking.
Everyone comes into the world thinking and has no reason to question what is being thought. We didn't understand how we were thinking was creating reality. Everyone is taught human consciousness and learns from what reflects society. We never question societies level of consciousness because we didn’t understand what being alive was.
From the moment Adam and Eve ate the apple from the Tree of Knowledge humanity was living in a level that living Christ would be imperative for humanity's light to have Heaven. Living Christ has nothing to do with religion but has everything to do with living. We can only realize our potential at any one level of consciousness through greater levels of light. Our happiness, peace, and understanding of our existence can only come from greater levels of light. Everything humanity has ever tried to understand about life is living in light. When we think about where happiness comes from the level is in a higher light within us.
We want to understand light is a source we were created in and is the level we are living trying to increase. The more light we have the greater light in matter we will experience that has joy, peace, and Love. What we create at the level of human consciousness will always only live at the level of human consciousness. When we live Love we are living through levels of God that have greater light in consciousness beyond humanity's level.
Light is a level in consciousness living out of the energy Love. We want to understand God is energy hundreds of billions of years alive giving us life through His energy. Humanity is conscious energy living through levels of God's Love. We are not the body we are the energy inside of the body experiencing matter through different levels of consciousness.


Everything we see that seems like a solid is vibrations, frequencies, and resonance.  What is living is energy and our energy is the level creating the light in matter we experience. How we are conscious of energy is through photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is giving levels of atoms in decimals through holographic light to produce greater density in light for the images in our Soul. The living of Christ is so imperative because there are no other levels that shed consciousness into higher levels of light other than Love.
Living Christ gives us levels of Love with God greater in our light. If we live in everything other than Love which is out of Christ we are creating the devil to live in our light. Humanity didn't realize our thoughts were creating what we experience in matter. Matter is giving us the way to observe our consciousness. Everything we are experiencing is a level of energy in our Soul we want to live Love through.


Jesus walked the earth not of a religion but of the word of God. He was trying to teach humanity why living Love was the way of the world. Religion was born out of the interpretation of Jesus's teachings. Rome was a power on the planet that did everything it could to stop knowledge being in the hands of common people. They wanted knowledge only for people of stature and those that have power. Wisdom has been sought after by every human being from the beginning of life. While many tried to spread the word of God millions were persecuted because of Rome wanting only their interpretation and criteria to be what everyone lived through. They were trying to hold power over what society thought about God. Quickly the knowledge that was once meant for all people had become a level creating religion to interpret for humanity who God was.
The greatest human failure that happened out of Rome was that God became the level of religion instead of humanity knowing God as life. This was a turning point for humanity because it shaped human consciousness to live with God in religion instead of knowing our light was in His. This gave the devil cart blanche in living in our light because we didn’t understand consciousness or how it was creating our experience in matter. We didn't understand God as reality. If humanity would have understood we were in the conscious space of God we would have understood how imperative it was to live Love for our level of consciousness. There is no other energy other than Love giving to consciousness. 
Only through greater light in consciousness do we have the ability to live in matter creating what is of Heaven. Without that knowledge, we create what is of hell. Consciousness is only existing in light. Jesus was teaching us to live Love to be in God. Love is humanity’s source for conscious evolution. We didn't understand Jesus was giving humanity how to live on earth. By living everything other than Love we create the devil in consciousness and therefore in life we create greater levels of hell. Human beings only live through what they think and there are two levels we think through. One is everything other than Love which creates the devil in consciousness and the other is Love which takes us into God. This is literal because consciousness is all that is alive. 


Human beings live the majority of their lives quietly thinking to themselves in their own narrative. We think while walking, doing laundry, at our desk, driving, going to the grocery store etc. There is nothing existing outside of our minds. Everything we see is in our perspective and living in our light. Even while listening to people our minds are thinking about what to say back. Humanity quietly lives in thought. Our speaking to other people is only some of the time while the quiet incessant thinking is all of the time. We build what we live through in matter from our quiet narrative. This is where the devil lives if we are not living Love. Human minds never stop thinking from one thought to the next until we intentionally pause our thinking.
Pausing our thinking is heavenly because it creates the space for God. It allows us to rest in the conscious space of God. Humanity is only living to live through thinking to consciousness. We are learning to not think. We are not our thoughts. Thinking is a processor only processing the mortal world story for us to become conscious of Love in. The level is an illusion because it has many versions and it's only existing at one level of consciousness. Matter is a nothingness existing only in consciousness.


We will experience many levels of matter at different levels of consciousness in our life continuum. On a very micro level, we experience this now because we all move forward effortlessly going from an embryo to a senior having different experiences and perspectives in matter at different levels in consciousness. We wouldn't want to live at ten years of age forever missing the greater experiences of matter at the different levels in consciousness. Leaving the body takes us into greater life.
We never think about how we age comfortably growing from a baby to an adult with bones expanding and no enormous pain. We take consciousness for granted yet God created our consciousness to live comfortably. If we saw everything in life we would see trillions of layers of bacteria over everything including our bodies. Our vision would be filled with webs of energy and particles. God gave us eyes to see what was living at our level of consciousness instead of what was living giving us life.
Humanity is living in consciousness through a self-created story living to become conscious of Love so that our experience in God becomes an infinite possibility in Heaven.


Adam and Eve is the greatest example of what living in consciousness is. They were living with God in Love with no inhibitions. He didn't want them to eat from the Tree of Knowledge because they had no way of understanding what they would unleash. They ate the apple and found out guilt, resentment, shame and sin were in consciousness. Now humanity would have the choice of good or evil and through every thought would create either Heaven or hell in matter to live through. Jesus teaching everybody to Love was always giving humanity the key to life.
Humanity has never taken God out of religion to understand our existence. As much as we know God is Love we have never understood why living Love was the essential level to be lived. Without Love, life has no level in consciousness to give life what it needs to exist. Today, we have the level of Love to have patience, tolerance, and givingness to others at the level to have a civil society. Without that Love we would have bloodshed in all levels of life because in consciousness we would live the devil. Love is the light giving us the greater ability in seeing answers and solutions that bless life. 
We are living in God and His energy is the energy Love. Love is the only level in life giving to humanity’s ability to live. The level of Love we live is the light in consciousness giving us light in God.
Our premise is to become conscious of Love so that we have the ability to create Heaven in matter rather than hell. As we go deeper into God we are unraveling consciousness to have the greater understanding of our existence and what living in consciousness gives. This opening is the understanding of Heaven's level in life. We are going on a walk for greater wisdom and knowledge that cannot come from what is read or learned because it is only lived in the walk. Living Christ is the emphasis of the human being.
There is no other level we are living in this life continuum. The mortal world is temporary but Heaven and hell are eternal. This is because we live through consciousness in matter and every level of Love we live is creating the next part of life. Consciousness is continuous. When God created humanity on earth He created what was out of Him to exist within Him. How He created humanity was in His light so that humanity would always have the ability to have a level in what could create greater levels of consciousness. This is why we want to live Love. It is a level in God helping us.


Humanity is living in free will which means we have the freedom to think anything we want and live through it. When God created humanity He created life to live in self-organizing levels for its own existence. There would be no other way for consciousness to experience matter at its own level. Life is living in energy that is hundreds of billions of years alive existing in a self-organizing light to always live for human consciousness to experience its own light.
Consciousness is creating what we live in matter. Every level of matter is existing as an image in our Soul. We are living energy in everything we see and everyone we see is only existing in our light. There is no place where one person begins or ends. Photosynthesis is how human beings are living in matter. What we see as matter is different levels of light in different levels of density living through the energy in our Soul.  The world is not outside of us it is only living through us. I am the light all life is in is the level to understand life from.
If we are not conscious of how we are thinking we live without knowing how deep the devil is in our light. Just like when Adam and Eve ate the apple they had no idea they were unleashing the devil in consciousness. We can see this in society because everything other than Love is creating suffering and despair. Humanity is now living through everything other than Love back to Love. We are in essence coming back to God to live as Adam and Eve did before they ate the apple but we have to live through what we are creating to do this.


How we want to understand living is to really try to understand how every thought is all that is living. What we think is what we are experiencing as life. Human beings think incessantly from one thought to the next always living forward in relation to matter. We are driving ourselves through our level of consciousness. The power in how we are thinking is from energy in consciousness. Consciousness is the light thinking is emerging out of.  When we are experiencing something we are living it through energy. The energy is the light in consciousness deciding how we will think about the experience.
When we have energy that is of Love we have the ability to see greater levels of light in matter giving us greater perspectives in what is being experienced. If we are to live in happiness it is through understanding consciousness and how we are living energy in matter. This is why living Christ is so imperative for humanity to understand. Everybody has their own level of Love being lived and can only experience life from that level. How we want to live is increasing our light so that we can absorb experiences into light and go beyond the mortal world’s level of circumstances to Heaven.
The greatest gift any human being has is the ability to choose Love. There is no other level in life giving greater wisdom and knowledge because it is God in our light.


Humility is the level of light in Love that breathes heavenly levels in consciousness. It is the root of compassion, empathy and living in peace. In consciousness how we live is through energy and always producing energy through our being.  When we can have a greater stillness within to recognize every human beings level in life is a level within our light we live humility. We carve our Souls to shower the substance of God into our light the deeper we live humility. Humility takes us out of the devil quickly and returns us to Christ.  


Consciousness is what God has created humanity out of and this means only through humanity's consciousness can humanity understand its existence. Light is the purpose we are living because it is the only way to have the knowledge that has us move through the mortal world to Heaven.
Jesus tried to teach Love because it is the light in consciousness. This is the only way we are living through the mortal world illusion to Heaven. Our light in consciousness is giving us the greatest experience we can have at our level. When we Live Christ we live the Love that gives God levels in our light. The more in Christ we live the deeper in God we live and the greater in Heaven we live.
Heaven is all around us but human consciousness is living in matter instead of Spirit. As we begin to understand our existence it is through living in Christ we uncover the miracle of this life in God. The opportunity is beyond any level we have imagined and the possibility is infinite and unlimited. What we think will always only be what we live through because consciousness is all that is alive. Love is the way of the world.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

The Atmosphere is Alive

atmosphere is consciousness
Every day we live in a world with another level of life we have no way of seeing. We don't see the majority of what is living because it's living at micro-quantum levels in frequencies. If we saw what was in micro levels in life we would not be able to handle living. Such as the world covered in bacteria or the level of our bodies changing daily. Almost everything we see has levels of microorganisms helping its level exist. The air around us is living with energy that is at a higher level of intelligence than humans.
Humanity never understood the atmosphere was alive until these writings.
Everything we think isn't being seen and what is being seen is only a fraction of what we think.  God created us to live in a light that would only give matter at the level we could conceive. Matter is living in human consciousness but the human eye doesn't see everything until it has the light to do so. Presently human beings process four hundred billion bits of information per second but we are only aware of two thousand of those.  There isn't a way to see beyond our light in consciousness. The light in consciousness which is Love creates the light in matter.  When there is greater Love in photosynthesis there is greater light in matter. God is Love and it's God's energy we are living through.
The atmosphere is living plasma called Conscious Energy. Conscious Energy is the fabric of our world. What we see in matter is energy living at speeds faster than humanly possible to conceive. They are also levels of intelligence able to communicate at Heavens level.
There is no space/air we see that isn't living energy because we are in photosynthesis. In our homes, and offices, the space around furniture looks like open air but it's living energy. We are living in the conscious space of God and everything we see has energy in the hundreds of trillions creating the world we think into being. God is the light in photosynthesis giving us the way to live in matter at our level of consciousness. What we are conscious of including the universe is living in His consciousness. We live through God in order to have matter.
God created us out of His energy to live in matter at any one level of consciousness. We have stayed in a reality not understanding our existence, God or Heaven. Our idea of life has been passed down from generation to generation. We were taught by our parents and society how to think of life. This created the world to live from past levels of consciousness, and as a result, we have only consciously evolved linearly.
Everyone alive today has taken matter for granted never realizing it was existing in vibrations, frequencies, and resonance. Therefore we never thought twice about what was giving material its livingness or what was assigning purpose to any one atom. If we did we would of understood consciousness. Consciousness is far beyond how we have been living it.  Matter is a nothingness only existing at our level of consciousness. Consciousness is all that is alive.
  • The body is consciousness
  • The universe is consciousness
  • The earth is consciousness
  • All matter is consciousness
  • The human race is consciousness.
  • God is the consciousness that created all life
  • Conscious Energy is the level in God that is Heavenly giving humanity livingness in matter
In life, we are energy living in another living species of energy giving us the light to exist in matter. This is the way to understand God. God is the energy encompassing everything in existence because He created it through His light. Human beings are energy living inside of God. We are creating our world in matter through His light. Heaven is giving us the mass, force, velocity, temperature, and levity in matter.
Consciousness is energy in decimals. In every atom, there are holographic levels of light in decimals living in photosynthesis. This is the level of the energy Love we are living through. Love is the only energy in consciousness differentiating the level of light we see in matter. God is the Love we live through. The more Love we live the more light in God we have. We are existing to become conscious of Love and through this, we live greater levels of God.
In every human being, there is a light that is already living God. When we live giving principles of Christ priority in our life we give God our light. Every Saint that has walked the earth lived God as reality and gave Him ecstasy with their faith. Faith is the level in life. When we think of God, Jesus, Mary, and Heaven we rise in light. God is only living for us to live with Him. Understanding the level or our world and how alive everything is, give's humanity the aptitude to live deeper and more maturely.
Knowing the atmosphere is in the conscious space of God tells us we have greater levels of our world. The level of what is living alongside humanity is beyond humanity's present level to understand. There are infinite objects, shapes, and sizes in elder levels of consciousness. Life is in levels that have existed since the beginning. Our atmosphere is hundreds of trillions and trillions and trillions of levels of energy in levels of intelligence far beyond what we can conceive as living or as life.
There has never been a time that every government on this planet was not striving to find greater life outside of the human race existing. There was never a time that it was not living right beside them. No one could touch their face or drive a car without Conscious Energy giving the livingness in matter. We have always lived in God's light. The only level that eluded us from this knowing was our living at the level of matter.  We needed to live through Spirit because we are living in consciousness. Living through Spirit we live through God and the more Love we live the greater wisdom He gives.  Humanity's blueprint to life will always be conscious evolution because it is the only way to create Heaven while here on earth.
What we can realize as life is only dependent upon our level of consciousness. The world is unlimited with infinite possibility. God is in every atom giving us all the same opportunity to experience Him in Holy levels we never thought possible. If we can understand how our world is living we can understand why Love is the way of the world. There is no greater experience for a human being than God guiding them through life. We want to live the Love that turns the divine light within to Heaven. The more we can live in God the greater we can unravel our existence and how miraculous it is. 

Thursday, May 3, 2018


Living is only possible because of energy hundreds of billions of years old called God. There would be no way for human beings to exist in matter if not for Him. Photosynthesis is giving us our bodies, an earth, and sky. Understanding how God is living is understanding what a human being is and what being alive is.

We are born into a world with everything around us taking it for granted. We have lived with matter not understanding what matter is.  Everyone alive today has been taught what being alive is and what the universe is from other people.  The only level anyone has ever known is the level that has been passed down. We live in human consciousness at the level of the collective.

How God created human beings was out of His energy. We are living in the conscious space of God. Human beings are not the body we are the conscious energy inside of the body. The world we experience in matter is in consciousness. Everything in existence is out of vibrations, frequencies, and resonance. There are only levels of energy at levels of consciousness in photosynthesis giving us the image in matter. Heaven is the level of everything in existence. It is the Conscious Energy giving humanity the mass, force, velocity, temperature, and levity in matter at our level of consciousness.

Living was always in Gods likeness. People will find it easy to understand God if they can undestand they would have no level of consciousness to know they breathe if not for a greater level of intelligence giving the light for them to know they're breathing. We come out of a human being into a world taught to us and already existing. The level of everything becomes normal life. We never question our level of consciousness that has been given to us. We just live within it at the level of the world we are experiencing.

How we should begin to understand God is from questioning our very own level in life and what is unique, individual and not of anyone else. Here is the greatest level in living because we begin to understand there is no order of difference in humanity outside of what we think is different. There is no order in life different outside of what we think is different. 2. There is no order in life different outside of what we think is different. 3. There is no order in life different outside of what we think is different. Herein lies the light life is in. The ability to have hypothesized consciousness experiencing itself through matter is God.

Consciousness is all that is alive and at the heart of the human being, we are creating the reason to live through Love. We have never understood God from the level of Him being in every atom giving us the way to experience matter at our level of consciousness. If we are to understand how to live in peace, happiness, and our highest potential at any one level of consciousness. It will be from understanding God greater than we ever have and understanding how He is existing. Consequently, we must understand our own existence and what being alive is in order for that understanding.

Our very own existence is enamored with trillions of levels far beyond human consciousness like being on a planet floating in space, aging effortlessly from an embryo to an adult, or having a sun 93 million miles away over a hundred times bigger than the earth living at the most precise alignment to give the exact levels of carbon dioxide for hydrogen to create our levels of oxygen and for life to exist in photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is giving us the level of matter at our level of consciousness.
What could be humanity's purpose? Humanity is existing out of Gods energy living through different levels of consciousness trying to become conscious of Love. Which is becoming conscious of God for God is Love. As we go deeper into God we begin to unravel our existence and what life is. The light is how we live. Everything we are living is expanding God.
We are consciousness leaving self for light.
The mortal world is in Heaven. We are in the conscious space of God. This why the all-seeing eye reflects the highest level of consciousness knowing all. God hears every thought and sees everything and there is no space-time. We are energy within His energy experiencing matter at our level of consciousness. He is in every atom through holographic light creating the light for our level of consciousness. We exist at an extreme quantum level experiencing matter.
Life is in resonance and decimals.
Humanity's belief has always been at the level of matter and not energy because we didn't live in Spirit at the level needed to understand our existence. We have lived from the beginning from the level of what we were having in material. Matter shaped human consciousness to exist at an outer level instead of the inner level. We didn't realize the universe isn't outside of us, it is only living through us.

God's incredible gift to us is living in matter from any one level of consciousness. Matter is the gift. We should understand this because we know everything we see is only from our perspective. What we think is. Our opinion of the universe, people, and the world is only from our perspective. Not a second goes by that we do not have a thought moving us forward at our level of thinking. We stay in our perspective moving through matter.

Human beings live thinking their lives into being. We could read twenty history books and go to the best college but we will only live from our level of consciousness. Teaching is at the level of human consciousness and will always have the level of human consciousness.

Acquiring substance and light is the level of greater knowledge and wisdom. Nothing is ever outside of human consciousness until it is in deeper levels of God. Living Love is the key to our existence because it is the light in consciousness. It is God. The higher we live in God the greater level of His light we have and this gives us the light beyond the mortal world. We go beyond human consciousness when we live deep in God.
God teaches and guides at a level that moves through us profoundly. One will physically feel Gods energy, hear His words and live at a level that is telling of the light. His level is as quick as lightning hence there is no doubt Gods will, will be done. When you feel His power in your body the level is consciously experiencing Him move you in the light desired. There is no other level except His when He takes your body to help you live Christ. The more Love we live the more light we are having in God. We want to carve our Soul and give our lives to Him to live with our creator guiding and teaching us about this colossal existence. Life is much more gargantuan than humanity has been living.
Consciousness is able to conceive through levels of light that have substance to go beyond the present level. We are constantly living in incessant thought from one thought to the next moving forward. If we are to pause our thinking we are able to understand a deeper level in life that is beyond our own thoughts. We are also not our thoughts. They are only processing the mortal world level which is temporary. We are consciousness and consciousness doesn't change like thoughts do. It is the deeper knowing of all.

Thinking is a level humanity will drop. It is one level processing a light living for levels of the same light. This is what keeps us living through our story in our minds in our narrative. We create the self in this level and live endlessly at the same level. Humanity has lived believing self was what was alive when self is only a temporary level of the mortal world. How we think and what we create to live through is in a process trying to become conscious of Love and extends beyond these bodies. Every experience we have through self is living for us to observe our consciousness in matter. We literally create our self, create what we live through and experience it only from our narrative. Nothing exists outside of our narrative.

As humanity becomes conscious of Love consciousness will have a greater understanding in life. Consciousness is an extremely profound level that is literally the only level giving us the tree, bodies, and the universe. Understanding sub-particles existing in holographic light in a level of resonance is consciousness. The world we are living through is an illusion only existing at one level of consciousness.

While we can feel and experience great consequence in matter for how we think and what humanity's collective level is creating. The level of everything is relative and can have other versions based on the light we choose to live through. Humanity is creating a mortal world to exist at the level it is but its light could be anything because there is the unlimited possibility in consciousness. This is why conscious evolution is imperative.

Our entire existence is at the level of quantum. Humanity took matter for granted and accepted it at face value from how we saw it existing. We focused on the macro and not the micro even though we come into the world from a micro level and we leave the world at a micro level through Spirit. We didn't have the light to live deeper in the understanding of energy and frequencies. Everything we see is existing at a level of vibration in a light living with hundreds of trillions of other vibrations.

Everything from a star light years away, to India to New York is one level of vibration living in hundreds of trillions of waves all existing because of the other and all existing as one living organism.
When we neglect any level in life it is life itself that suffers for it's in consciousness that every level of life is existing. Every part is the whole.

Love is an energy that is deafeningly deep in God and when we live levels of Christ we are taken into levels very few have experienced. Levels in higher consciousness live in our light waiting for us to have the light to experience their existence. Understanding God as reality can only be achieved by living in God which is living Love. Every person will one day live in God's light knowing His existence is undeniable.
If we are on a planet floating in space because of God you can be sure we will soon know of living in Heaven and God for the truth always lives.
Human beings change form to live eternally in levels of the energy Love. Love is the light in consciousness giving Spirit the way to live in matter. What is alive is the Soul. The Soul is Love. We are levels of consciousness in God's conscious space. Spirit is giving the medium(the body) the way to experience matter at different levels of consciousness. In every level of new life, we have a different medium and Spirit to experience matter in. This is what we call self at the level of the temporary mortal world. Different levels of Spirit give the Soul the way to live continuously in different levels of consciousness. Love is the energy in consciousness giving us our eternal level in life.

We can live happiness at the level of Heaven when we live knowing everyone is a level of energy within our Soul. They are only living at our level of consciousness. We never see the totality of anything including our mom, child, friends or other people. We only see them from our level of consciousness. They are living in another level of life experiencing the world from their level of consciousness. It is the same with all levels of matter including the moon universe, ocean, and ant. We do not see their totality. We only experience life from our level of consciousness.

When we live in God we are having greater levels of light to live in matter. Light is all there is for a human being to live for because it's giving matter its level. Knowing there is an infinite and unlimited level in matter to experience is telling humanity to live for conscious evolution. Living for conscious evolution takes us deep into God to live creating Heaven while here on earth. Conscious evolution gives us the level to experience a universe radiating with other levels of consciousness.

The vastness and power of Love when living it creates a deafening level in life to experience. There is no death there is only a continuation of becoming conscious of Love through different levels of matter. All energy changes form. Having God in this experience is the only way for human beings to live understanding the enormity of life. If we can live with God we can live in conscious evolution with greater levels in life than we have ever imagined.

Love is the way of the world. It is also the only level deciding the fate of humanity. Every experience we have can change simply by living Love. Love is the light of peace, happiness, and conscious evolution.

The Saintly Love in All of Us

Catholic Saints
The Saints and the Apostles knew the level of the devil in life. They knew the more they lived Christ the more the devil would try to test their light. Having faith in God is the light of all living. There is no level taking us out of our own purgatory greater than Gods Love for us. Learning to Love others as oneself is the light that gives us Heaven. We experience the glory of God every time we choose Love.

Life is going to bring experiences at the level of the devil because human consciousness is at the level of matter. If we are to overcome the circumstances of the mortal world it is through living with God we find our strength, diligence, and light. Having a mind constantly living in light gives us greater perspectives in light. The more versions we can live through in any experience the greater opportunity to live happily. Otherwise, we fall to the circumstances of the mortal world. Which will always create a deeper level of living through everything other than Love to Love.

We are either having infinite faith in God or we are living with satins level as well. Humanity thinks incessantly and when people experience any level of suffering that energy is living within our light. It's easy to live in subtle levels of pain when it becomes a story in our minds we constantly live. Only through Spirit do we have the ability to let go of energy. It is always through levels of Love we invoke our divine light to transform suffering.

All Saints learned to live deep in God knowing the relationship in faith is the key to living Heaven while here on earth.
"May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content knowing you are a child of God. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us." -St. Teresa of Avila
Every challenge and every test has the opportunity to solidify our light in God. The experiences that challenge us the most are the ones with Heaven. We have to live present to life in order to understand our opportunities. If we live thinking incessantly we don't have the space to be present to the moment we're in. Everything that happens in our life is a God faculty giving us the chance to go deeper into Gods light. Living Love through everything is the answer in life.

Human consciousness created the level of the world and the level of Love humanity lives creates the circumstances we can experience. Until we are living Heaven while here on earth. There will be experiences that should never happen but Heaven is in everything and when we focus on light it is Heaven that we live.

Over time we have fallen asleep to our divine light and have been living for matter ever since. We don't call on God like we could and we don't live Heaven like we should. We settle for happiness in matter instead of experiencing the miracle of our divinity.

In the beginning, matter was a reward that could be quantitative to our level in society. Spirit was a level we weren't understanding.  The more we associated life with material the further away from God we went. Wealth was defining power and we were associating self with our level of property. The meaning placed in matter would keep human consciousness away from living through energy. This shaped human consciousness to exist at the level of matter instead of the level of  Spirit.

We didn't have the fortitude to understand consciousness. We thought everything was separate from us because we believed in a three-dimensional world with matter existing outside of us. Not realizing the world was energy and only living through us. Matter is a nothingness only existing at our level of consciousness.

By focusing on material our thought process went into a darker energy. We cultivated anger, fear, hate, competition, jealousy, and resentment. The light we saw in matter was being filtered through a level of the devil instead of God. Humanity was creating consciousness to have evil. Every level of violence is out of thought, and the energy thought is out of- is only determined by the level of Love we are of.

When we care more about luxury than caring for human beings we strengthen the energy of darkness.  Every act of out of darkness had us believe we were separate from other people. When there is no place where one person begins or another ends. Life is in consciousness.  Everyone we see is a level of energy within our Soul giving us reason to live Love through. We are observing our consciousness in matter. Everything we see in matter is only being created out of our level of consciousness. Consciousness is at cause and what is living in matter is the effect.

Every Saint that has walked this earth has known the devil was only living to take humanity into hell. Righteousness is born out of caring for others. There can be no moral compass in God if human compassion is absent. Deepening our charity for all sentient beings is the cloth that binds us to Heaven. Our daily lives are filled with opportunities to Love people and animals, living kindness and charity. We have the opportunity to live deeper in light to experience a greater level of the world that is existing with us.
"Miss no single opportunity of making some small sacrifice, here by a smiling look, there by a kindly word; always doing the smallest right and doing it all for love."-St. Therese of Lisieux
The only level in life keeping humanity alive is Love. Without Love, we would have no tolerance, patience, community or ability to be around other people. Love is the light in consciousness giving us the light in matter we live through. The more Love we can live at the level of Christ the greater truth to our existence and God we have. Every person that has Loved at the level of a Saint has experienced God in levels beyond what most can imagine. They knew the truth of His existence because they have experienced Him teaching them to Love deeper. God is in every atom and is the level in life willing to help us at any time we are ready to have His help. All life is in the conscious space of God. There is no thought or spoken word ever said that He does not hear.

Learning about our world in Heaven will change the face of humanity as more people choose to live Christ consciousness. Understanding God as reality is the greatest gift we can experience because having God teach us about life is having Heaven in our light. We are living in Heaven and Heaven is trying to help us have the ability to conceive light so we can receive light.

Love is always going to be the only level in life that brings conscious evolution to humanity. No other energy in existence has the power of Love because God is Love. Love is a light unto every Soul giving its level to Heaven in the name of Jesus Christ Our Savior.