Saturday, December 7, 2019

Atoms in Consciousness

Most people see cars, buildings and oceans but what is here at creations level is subatomic particles in vibrations, frequencies, and resonance. Learn more:

Consciousness is beyond any level neuroscience, biology or physics has known because humanity never understood what matter was. There are no human beings walking the earth as we see them. Matter is a nothingness only existing in consciousness. We are living through images in our Soul.

When God created human consciousness, He had to create a way for individual atoms to respond to algorithms in self-organizing energy. Human beings are living in human photosynthesis (not to be confused with plant photosynthesis) for living uniquely in our own light experiencing a world only existing at our level of consciousness.
Consciousness is an algorithm out of God's energy. God's consciousness is hundreds of trillions and trillions and trillions of energy in vibrations, frequencies, and resonance living as the light everything lives out of. Every thought we have create’s the Soul’s journey unraveling its light back to God.
Most people never realize until it's pointed out that we only live in our perspective. We never live outside of our thoughts. How we see the world is personalized as our own curriculum for evolving. We will never experience anything other than what we think as life. Every thought is what we live through.
The human race is energy. We're not the body we're the conscious energy inside of the body having images in our Soul we live through. The body is like a suit of clothes we put on and take off in every life. It's part of the temporal experience. The Soul is in Heaven and giving Spirit the way to live in matter. The world is energy in vibrations, frequencies, and resonance. Every algorithm has a unique pattern for communicating with other levels. One emphasis lives in all emphasis to have matter at the level we think it to be. The possibility is infinite. Human consciousness wants to live in conscious evolution for unraveling the world. We can only receive what we conceive. No other level is living except for consciousness.

Atoms in Consciousness

Probability of a particle isn't anything we don't experience continuously. The human mind only lives in probability. The human mind lives in incessant thinking jumping from one thought to the next. We are in constant self-chatter only experiencing life in our narrative. Human beings live in fillers. We make up stories constantly that do not exist. We live creating probability in what may happen or what we want to have happen. We're embellishing on future possibilities and live in assuming outcomes that don't exist. Our minds are moving forward in matter giving us a reality to experience in matter. The reality isn't anything but an agreement at one level of consciousness. Our world is in infinite possibilities.
Our thought system creates thought patterns that live unique to our probability. From birth, we are forming patterns in how we see and hear. Humanity hasn't understood what reality isn't. Our illusion is very real to us because if we fall we will scrape our knee and it may bleed. The reality of life is only one level of consciousness among an infinite. It's an illusion made to live real so we can carve our Soul consciously evolving in God for Ultimate Reality.
Which is living with Him above all things. Most people think they do that now but they haven't understood the depth of living with God for experiencing Him rearranging the world for you. Life is an illusion and we are shedding veils for new ones. Always living through every thought as life.
Humanity lives in linear consciousness. We're not evolving vertically but only horizontally. When we made tangible goods reality we made everything in life live at matters level. We only keep expanding the use of money and material as life. We didn't know what we didn't see was more alive than what we did. Our three-dimensional theory prevented us from understanding our world as energy. Even though science has always known at the smallest particle there is only a wave. They didn't know how that wave was existing, how it originated or decided probability.

God's Energy is Hyper light 

God is the energy keeping measure for all elements. He's keeping every atom in His hyper light for human consciousness to assign the atoms purpose and the livingness of the particle. The Heisenberg theory didn't know what is observed only exists at the observer's level of consciousness. No one will ever simulate not seeing something and then seeing it. It doesn't live in anything other than what you think. Which is existing in probability out of your thought process and humanity's collective consciousness. We literally are shaping conditions of our world in our little persons level of consciousness. Ultimately, there is only one of us here with God and He's keeping measure for every atom for us to assign its level.
Consciousness is hundreds of trillions and trillions and trillions of grids of self-organizing energy. We're imprinting upon energy matters level from our level of consciousness. Every building, car, person, and ocean is subatomic particles. There isn't matter except at our level of consciousness.
When we look at the sun we're existing within microbionic atoms that live creating the image of the sun. Without human consciousness, there would be only grids of energy. Spacetime doesn't exist in Heaven. God is of no form and is of all form only because of human consciousness. If human consciousness didn't exist God would happily only live as different energy of no form.
Human consciousness places the sun ninety-three million miles away. This lives in human photosynthesis. Every subatomic particle has livingness in everything we observe having a principality in its level. In Heaven's level, there are only hundreds of trillions and trillions of self-organizing energy.

Coherence in Consciousness

The coherence is through our light and self-organizing energy we're imprinting upon. The first string lives in God already existing at a level for living in human consciousness. Then it lives in Conscious Energy for the level in human photosynthesis and then we imprint upon energy matters level from our level of consciousness. Everything is out of God's energy. The word created the world.
God created human consciousness. There would no human story for us to live through if not for God creating that. Almost like a blank computer with someone adding a program that brings it to life. We live within His light and He brought us to life. We have to get more mature about God's level and what life is living for. It's far more advanced than any level we''ve been realizing.

Quantum Races Are Consciousness

God is like the quantum computer of higher intelligence and we're levels of His intelligence in infancy having infinite possibility for reproducing energy for matters level. God gave self-organizing energy the way to live within any human beings light for us to experience matter at any one level of consciousness. This gave us the way to live for eternity. We're living for remembering a light already existing in our Soul.
Consciousness is celestial races/energy created by God and programmed for every probable thought we can have. Humanity lives through other races for our light to live in matter. Almost like a petrie dish with lots of energy all swimming around mixing with each other and creating something. We wouldn't hear our thoughts if not for living through God's energy.

Seven Pillars in God

There are seven pillars in life and they all live within God's light. The light we live through was created hundreds of billions of years ago. It developed into the level we experience today through vibrations, frequencies, and resonance in God.
The seven pillars of Heaven are like seven rays of light having properties of God in every level of all in existence. The light is hundreds of trillions and trillions and trillions of different levels of energy in God living in decimals through holographic light. Parallel universes and higher dimensions are a normal part of life. The seven pillars of light create God's light in everything. Everything we can think into being is out of these seven pillars of light and already existing. They renew life, restore life and keep order. The seven pillars of light are Hiphen, Laz, Bak, Nol, Mar, Pias, and Ay.
Decimals have the equation of zero and give unlimited infinite numeration for existing in matter. The gravity that we speak of doesn't exist at any level we're realizing. No level of the universe is actively existing without human consciousness giving its level. We literally shape the atmosphere to our level in human photosynthesis.
What we live experiencing takes the sum of our intelligence existing at our little person's level. We made everything in life fit into a three-dimensional theory because that was all we could realize. Now we will create a greater level of life from knowing consciousness in human photosynthesis is the theory of everything.
Human beings have a choice for what energy we live. God gave to us for living through His energy instead of lower earthly energy. We process energy for living in consciousness and have to process a level. The choice is earthly energy which will only give lower energy to process in consciousness and will keep us in lower mind living through ego, satan, and little person. Or living Love higher in God and having His energy in our light for greater intelligence and revealing greater levels of our world.

Life in Human Photosynthesis

Living has already lived. Our lives have lived every little nuance in human photosynthesis. Everything we do has happened and it can be years out. I experienced God and Heaven knowing my future years out and we made decisions that benefitted that knowing. We're only aware of what we live now because of light in human photosynthesis. The orchestrated process lives happily in human consciousness.
We were having consciousness before we were born. Consciousness comes into us from outside us for giving us the light for living through.  Who gave the Soul its origin of light? God and He created the level Love we enter life with. We live accumulating Love in every life for having greater light within our consciousness for creating Heaven in matter. God is giving His energy for us to exist.
A good way to understand simultaneous communication is every spark lives in the light of everything. Able to exist among different waves communicating in all languages of the quantum elements at different temperatures. We're communicating with many different microbionic subatomic particles. Our lives exist with hundreds of trillions of levels of microbionic subatomic particles that live in decimals through holographic light. These levels have many decadent levels hundreds of billions of years alive.

Microbionic Subatomic Particles

Microbionic subatomic particles are fascinating because they are everything and nothing at all. Existing throughout life weaving the substance we live from. Humanity doesn't live in form we live in images receiving the level of form. Our reality hasn't lived in higher levels of consciousness for knowing of our world until now. We haven't understood self doesn't exist and consciousness only exists for us to be the emphasis of our little person evolving beyond to higher levels of consciousness.
No human being is their age. We live in energy that has existed for hundreds of billions of years. Our consciousness is in infancy but we have levels within our energy older than we can imagine.
Every human being is aging effortlessly without say from an embryo to a senior and out of the body. The synapses are programmed beyond the human body and live in consciousness outside of us. The qubit never ends from the environment at Heaven's level. It's eternally maneuvering multiple positions of relation within quarks and microbionic subatomic particles for livingness in human consciousness.
Our consciousness holds imprints from human photosynthesis. The depth of remembering has variance in light-based upon the temperature of our energy in God. Everything we store and process is only the temporal world. We are not our thoughts and how we think is part of the temporal level in matter.
Our world will never be realized computational because it's in intelligence hundreds of billions of years alive. We will bring into being what we think is the reality of the world and live it from that agreement. We made the three-dimensional theory exist and gravity exists even though the world is energy and matter is a nothingness only existing in consciousness. Gravity doesn't live in anything other than human consciousness and will soon not exist any longer.
Human photosynthesis is the theory of everything in consciousness. It will change all present theories. We'll never see the totality of any element of our quantum world. We'll only observe what is in our present level of consciousness.

The Dead Cat is Alive

Our world in consciousness tells us the dead cat is alive literally. We may not see the body move but the cat is not the body it's hundreds of trillions of subatomic particles in consciousness existing in another light, having nothing to do with the body and our probability. We can hold its level as dead or alive but we do not see its livingness in a greater position outside of our probability. We can't even compute another reality because we're only existing through our level of thinking. We never considered matter was a nothingness only existing in consciousness.
No death wasn't a possibility. It hasn't been in our realm because at matters level we make the body life and not conscious energy. We don't live knowing the temporal world is just that. Its a temporary state of mind that we come and leave and will do it for eternity. There is no superposition existing for the state. It doesn't have anything to do with probability as much as it has to do with God.
If there was a particle in two locations how does it move in one or the other and which one does it become? There isn't a singular position for any subatomic particle. The light we live through has its purpose living within our awareness from the little person level of consciousness. There are infinite possibilities and we will bring into being what we observe. Our thought patterns have already created the algorithms of our reality and we will define those within that parameter.
If I stand on the corner and watch cars go by and go down the road two hundred yards. My livingness is in the car two hundred yards down the road while it's also in me standing at the corner. God's light is in the little person and the level of everything including the car, street, people, buildings, and atmosphere. The atom isn't in one or the other. It's simultaneously existing in Heaven's through Conscious Energy. Conscious Energy is the fabric of our world and giving our livingness in matter from our little person's level of consciousness. The atom has measure from God and we are giving the atoms purpose and the livingness of the particle.
As we understand human photosynthesis is the theory of everything we understand the atom's existence in simultaneous light within human photosynthesis.

Thinking and Consciousness

Thinking and consciousness are not the same. Thinking is transitory and only part of the mortal world experience. We're hosting this body and brain only for living the present human story for carving our light deeper in God. No level of the mortal world goes with us when we leave. Everything was just existing for the temporary use of having something to evolve through.
Consciousness is Love in the Soul and lives out of the Soul giving Spirit the light for living in matter. Consciousness is the deeper knowing of all and doesn't change as thoughts do. Thinking is only a processor for processing the human story at this one level of consciousness.
Our existence is consciousness leaving self for light. We have a profound existence with higher intelligence we never tap into because our reality failed to recognize the deeper level in God. Human beings have Angels, celestial races and God able to communicate and guide through His creation. When humanity understands matter is the effect of consciousness we will begin the new era of leaving matter for energy.
Please comment below or contact me if you have any questions here.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Religion Living Deeper in God

The deeper we live in God the more we know society is the illusion and Heaven is our world. We're moving through society to Heaven. God doesn't live in religion He's the blueprint to life.

If we want to live deep in God, we need to experience Heaven while here on earth. How
many people are hearing Angels, living with God changing their reality and knowing society is the illusion? Jesus walked this earth, giving us the way to know God was living beyond religion. Heaven is the world with human consciousness creating its version in matter.  Creation tells us every child being born including every cardinal, bishop, and pope is born into darkness from our making money a second God.
We never understood the consequence because we never understood what matter was. Darkness is energy we’re living through that’s in our thought process. Human beings have to process energy for living conscious of matter. The level of energy we process determines the level of light in matter we experience. God told us to live for His light because His energy would process higher. Without doing that, the devil lives in human consciousness.
Hell and Heaven are a good way to understand energy in consciousness. If we process lower earthly energy, living for materialism and self, we live through ego, satan and the little person. Which creates hell on earth. If we live higher in God; we create more Heaven on earth by living through Love and Christ. We’re born into a world that has made money a second God and doesn’t live for enlightenment but thinks having wealth or fame is success.
Jesus told us, “It would be harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle,” because consciously we make society reality and we only live at the level of money. We don’t live higher in light and therefore have no way to enter the kingdom of Heaven. Entering the kingdom of Heaven is a having a thought system that lives heavenly with Angels, celestial races and God while here on earth. The Holy Spirit moves through us. If we’re placing meaning in matter and our self identity in materialism, we’re in lower earthly energy not able to live higher in God. When God told us not to make money a second God, He knew the level of earthly energy would create darkness and never lead us deeper into Him.
We’ve been living on a planet floating in space with everything we need. Never knowing creation, what being alive is or what matter is. Science hasn’t understood consciousness in matter for knowing the atom’s existence. People know the story of Nebuchadnezzar who thought he was invincible until God gave him humility. Our world is changing from money to enlightenment. We created the house of cards instead of building the soul of humanity on rock. Humanity will never again believe that money is greater than God. Enlightenment was always the way of the world. People that live deeper in consciousness holding principally in God, peace, compassion, Love, and oneness will benefit better. Far too long money has created people to appear better off than anyone else. That’s changing. Money doesn’t discern intelligence, compassion, riotousness, Love for humanity, ethics or morals, so why should it cover up the truth of the human being? It shouldn’t. We need truth for evolving.


Our reality of God has never lived out of ego, satan and the little person. Human beings live in lower mind because money shaped our thinking, and it’s been this way for thousands of years. We’re in a reality that doesn’t give us the level of our world. Religion has never evolved beyond itself to know creation or God any deeper. People come into the world learning to live for society, wealth, fame, and status instead of enlightenment. No one lives for knowing God beyond religion.
No one has understood that living with God takes you out of society’s reality for only living God as reality. It’s literal. Our consciousness when we live deeper in God changes for hearing God more profoundly than we ever imagined. Our lives flip upside down and everything we’ve ever thought as life changes for knowing God. It's the opposite of how society is living with God.
When religion created its hierarchy, practices and protocols, it wasn’t living deep in God. It was living society as reality not knowing creation or how matter existed. In the 300’s, the Roman Empire gave legal status to the papacy. The papacy started creating itself as the authority of God. It was trying to establish doctrinal authority. It never lived deeper than any other human being with God. It only created its role in society as living deepest with God. We want to live consciously evolving carving our Soul in God for knowing more of Him. Until then, we’re living at the level of society from the little person level with God. No one can know God any greater than they do today until they consciously evolve.
While the intent was wholesome, the ignorance was pervasive. The devil lives in those who live for power and control. We created a papacy which taught humans to believe the pope had authority with God when he didn’t. No human being has greater authority or decree with God over any other human being. Except for when a human being lives in Heaven while here on earth. The papacy will evolve quickly for telling people to live beyond itself for knowing God because they know Heaven is on earth through these writings. If we don’t live for enlightenment, we don’t live expanding our light in God.
Human beings have known God from one level of consciousness. We’ve existed far too long not learning more of God and life. The reason religion never understood its own position is that human consciousness can’t live outside of itself. We have to live through our consciousness to light. Hence, why conscious evolution is mandatory. Religion didn’t evolve and wouldn’t, if not for God. The last time this happened was two thousand years ago, when Jesus was crucified because religion lived so deep in satan it didn’t know the Messiah right in front of them. Jesus tried to teach religion society’s level won’t know God beyond itself unless it lives consciously evolving.

God Is The Light All Life Is In

If we would have listened to God, humanity wouldn’t be in such darkness. Making money a second God was like Adam and Eve taking the fruit from the forbidden tree of knowledge. We didn’t understand the consequence was darkness and unleashed millions of tiny little snakes in our thinking. We’ve been raised in practice, protocol and Bible study, instead of living Christ consciousness. We feel we know God perfectly but don’t experience Him in conversation dismantling our reality. One way to know our living with God is by our understanding of how He exists. If we know we’re living through another race for living in matter, then we’re knowing God and Heaven better. If that’s alarming, then we’re not understanding how matter exists. We’re living through Heaven in order for matter to exist. God is in every atom giving the light in human photosynthesis for our experiencing a world only in our perspective. God is hundreds of billions of years alive. Saying, “God is the light all life is in,” needs to be understood.
“God is the light all life is in,” means He is in every atoms nucleus giving the light for human consciousness to assign the atoms purpose and the livingness of the particle. God exists in every atom throughout trillions of galaxies, subatomic particles and trillions upon trillions of elements making up our world. His energy is the light giving human photosynthesis to us. His existence is extremely quantum. There is no level of God living at the level of human consciousness. God created human consciousness and created everything in existence. He’s so far beyond a human beings’ little person level. Matter is the gift God gave life. We wouldn’t experience the body, people or the universe if not for living through Conscious Energy in God. We’re imprinting upon energy matters level from our level of consciousness. So when we think “God is the light all life is in.” It’s understanding God is at an incredibly quantum level giving us the light in every atom as energy to be able to experience matter.
God is beyond religion and society. Reality changes the deeper we live in God. Religion created its depth of knowing God and has never lived beyond itself. When God created human consciousness, it was for consciously evolving deeper in Him. When we didn’t do that, we didn’t have the way to understand creation. We want to experience God changing our little person into higher light, evolving to higher levels of consciousness. Living in conversation with God, hearing Angels and living with miracles is a natural part of being with God.
Jesus spoke in parables because the human mind couldn’t process greater light. Jesus told us we’re the ones forever seeing but never seeing and always listening but never hearing because we haven’t opened our light deeper in God. We experience religions level and master what religion is giving and don’t go beyond it. We’re living with God staying at the level of a world deep in Sodom. Not trying to know Him more or live in enlightenment.
What God created as life is the opposite of what humanity is creating. That’s why matters level is considered the devil’s level. We believe society is real and reality and that people are living outside of us. When people only live through us. There is no place I begin or you end. There is only energy existing. Society is the backdrop for carving our Soul deeper into God. It’s the illusion and the temporal level of life we’re passing through to others. We want to evolve through society to Heaven. Not master society but live through it to God.


When Christianity established its hierarchy and doctrinal authority, it established the depth of knowing God, which kept us from knowing Heaven. Jesus, two thousand years ago, tried to teach us to not live religion as the authority of God. He knew we wouldn’t live beyond the institution if we made it the authority.
There are billions of Christians only knowing God from society’s level instead of living Christ consciousness. Society is reality to them and the knowledge that society is the illusion is now a level they have to carve their Soul to understand. The more we don’t live Christ consciousness and we don’t live God as reality, the more darkness we have from living society as reality. So we have more darkness we have to live through to God. The reason society doesn’t know God at a deeper level is that practice and protocol doesn’t live Christ consciousness. It lives worshipping God with society as reality not knowing God’s light in life.
No one in the Vatican ever held the light for having God teach them about creation. Which is the only level people need to know for realizing our living with God isn’t at His level, we’re living society’s level. The debate between faith and science would never have existed if religion had lived consciously evolving in God. That conversation comes from living in Heaven while here on earth. Conscious evolution must be lived for hearing God in the light of Love. People can only receive their little person level until they consciously evolve, carving their Soul deeper in God.
The level of consciously evolving is the unravelling of our thought system at society’s level. It’s living through the devil in human consciousness. God isn’t an add on at our present level of thinking. He’s the level of everything trying to have us leave one level of thinking for another. We’re dismantling our thought system for having greater light in God, for seeing Him beyond any level we do today. We don’t want to keep our level of knowing God at the present level. There is more to Him we need to experience.
The disciples showed us the way with God, which was beyond any level we’ve been willing to live. We’re living with God comfortably at society’s level not trying to live beyond it. We don’t go beyond religion or society. No one knew Heaven was here. People are living with God wanting to experience Him profoundly but live Him at society’s level, which doesn’t open that door. We have to live carving our Soul in conscious evolution living God as reality not society. Living Christ consciousness is the way. We’re living through the little person trying to become Love so we can consciously evolve to Heavens level. Living Love gives us God’s energy in our light, which expands consciousness.
No one is being born to live beyond religion to then turn around and teach religion about God. When that’s exactly what we should be doing. Instead, we’re taught to only master religions level. No one in religion has lived in Heaven while here on earth or in enlightenment for knowing God greater than anyone else. Which created humanity to never evolve in God. This is exactly how the high priest lived oblivious to Jesus’ and instead lived in satan. They believed they knew God better than anyone else. There wasn’t any way for them to know they didn’t because they established the rule with the authority. If we only live religions level and no one evolves, then the world falls to satan.

The Apostles

The Apostles should live only in the light of their lives. There isn’t a human being giving Christ to humanity ever again or creating a pathway to God as they. No cardinal or bishop is in the light of an Apostle. There’s no passing of the baton for knowing God. It’s a deep process consciously evolving beyond society and the devil in human consciousness. Without conscious evolution carving our Soul deeper in God, we don’t have substance for understanding Him. No one has Apostolic authority for living a role in society. Just as I can’t communicate with God or Heaven for anyone else. There’s a journey we take changing consciousness for knowing God greater, and it’s a path unique to our Soul. I would take the Soul’s journey away from people if I just played their messenger. It’s our experience to have with God and not mine to take. No one would evolve or have eyes to see with or ears to hear with if they didn’t carve their Soul into God. We have to evolve deeper in God for substance and for our eyes and ears to open.
No one can fish one time and understand fishing. No one can work out in a gym and then believe they know the magnitude of running in a triathlon. Or hike in California and think they know what it’s like to hike Mount Everest. We have to carve our Soul deeper through experiences that give greater substance to our Soul. Gaining maturity and depth in God is how the Apostles lived.

Unraveling Our Thought System

People have learned to live more for self than for others. Believing society is reality and they are their thoughts.  We live Love only at the level that works for us and is convenient. The moment it doesn’t work for us it’s no longer Love.
Self doesn’t exist and others are a level of energy in our Soul.  We’re not our thoughts they are a transitory level of the mortal world.
Jesus said, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” because how heavenly it’s when we live giving to light we live through. Most people don’t want to live beyond their convenience. We’ve shaped our reality at the devil’s level, not knowing we’re in Heaven. We want to understand that the world is like a personal curriculum giving us the way to live deeper in God. Energy is all there is, and ultimately there’s only one of us here with God. We’re making choices through the devil to Heaven. We get tempted by money, materialism status and lose energy for consciously knowing Heaven. If we can understand God created life selfishly for us to only know Him, we understand why the world only lives at our level of consciousness.
When God unravels our thought system for living Him as reality, it’s not aligned with how we think or live today. We’re opening opposite directions for seeing what we never knew existed or wanted to live through. God creates the experiences that carve our Soul. He works in our mind through the light in human photosynthesis, changing our light for Him. He’s giving us the way for understanding His teachings. Most people never stretch for living outside of what’s comfortable, pleasing, and easy. God’s teachings remove the barriers we’ve created as the perfect life. What we think is perfect is learned, and we have no way to know what is beyond it until God helps unravel it. The whole idea of losing our lives to gain our lives in Christ is losing everything we created from the little person level for living in higher consciousness in Him. Most people are not willing to give up wealth, fame, status, and their lives for reality with God. The journey is intense, but the reward is the light in God.
Think about Abraham walking up the mountain with his son Isaac to sacrifice Him. If Abraham would have asked Sarah or Lot about it, they would have screamed telling him it was the devil and not to do it. It wasn’t in society’s light it was in God’s light. God knew the Angel was there and nothing would happen to Isaac because Isaac never existed in the way Abraham saw Him. The journey of Abraham carving His Soul to trust God and live God as reality was done. Human beings only want to live what is comfortable and in their knowing. Anything greater than that doesn’t get lived because we don’t go there. God lives outside of our comfort zone, level of thinking, and knowing. Where we don’t go is where He is. We’ve been taught to master living in society when God masters taking us home.


Human beings are imprinting upon energy matters level from our level of consciousness. We experience matter only in our perspective and never live outside of our thoughts. God created us for experiencing the world at our level of consciousness, which is incredible. The atom is living for having different light from any observer’s mind. Only through human photosynthesis does the atom live, giving every observer exactly what they’re thinking. Consciousness is more heavenly than anyone is conceiving.
Every thought emerges out of consciousness. Thinking is the transitory mortal world level only processing the human story. We’re not our thoughts, and they only serve for processing the temporal level. When we evolve to higher levels of consciousness, we’re aware of lower mind and higher light. Little person is out of lower mind and isn’t a level we need. It’s darker energy we’re living out of and isn’t who we are. Energy is creating our perspective and livingness. We shape our entire being from energy and it becomes who we believe we are. When it’s not who we are. We are beyond every experience in matter and exist as Love in Heaven. The Soul is what is living, and the Soul is Love. The Soul gives Spirt the way to live in matter.
Human beings are trillions and trillions and trillions of different levels of energy. And within this pool of consciousness, there is darker energy and higher light. If we live in a higher consciousness, it’s higher energy in God that’s in our light. There are higher levels of intelligence merging with our energy. We live in Conscious Energy, which is another race in the conscious space of God. We see the body, buildings and earth, but what is here is grids of energy in vibrations, frequencies and resonance. No where is there matter. Matter is a nothingness only existing in consciousness. We’re living through images in our Soul in Heaven. This is the gift God gave us. We live for eternity because as conscious energy we’re always changing form for new experiences in matter for different levels of consciousness. When God created the word it created the world. The human story is just one level of consciousness we complete. The universe is consciousness, as is all matter.

The Other Being

A human being is comprised of energy. There’s another being within our light we can live. Energy is creating the being that lives this life in matter. There isn’t anything else alive other than every thought we have. If we create the lower energy as our being, we experience the devil’s level of the world as life. We want to lose the little person for living higher light in our Soul. With higher light in God, we create the being more heavenly.
Energy is always merging with our light based upon the Love we live. We’re not our thoughts and self doesn’t exist. Self is like a costume we put on and take off in every life. It only serves this one experience. In every life we have a different persona, body and level of Love to live. The energy we can experience is much greater than any level we do.  We have more light in our Soul we don’t live because we don’t live for enlightenment in God. Other races live in our light for conscious evolution. Energy is creating the human experience in matter. We want to see the human being as trillions and trillions and trillions of subatomic particles. We’re always merging with other energy from our little person’s vibration, gradually increasing God’s energy in our light for higher levels of consciousness.
Our thinking creates a filter we live through and we don’t go beyond it. It shapes our eyes and ears to its level and becomes normal to us. Human beings live with childhood pain, accumulating pain energy throughout life. We want to release it for having the light in our energy. If we don’t, it becomes a subtle level that shapes our being. There’s two distinct levels in a being and one is with darker energy than we need to have. We don’t know we’re living that level until light comes in. When we live in higher levels of consciousness, we experience the two different levels profoundly and lose the darker one for only living light.
Animal in human consciousness is from lower earthly energy. Human consciousness keeps the devil’s level in life through this energy. Evil only exists out of human beings that harness lower earthly energy. The little person is a pain vessel moving through life in a thought system from lower energy. The more Love we live the less darkness we have.
Heaven is living for giving us the way to live deeper in God. Angels are part of our lives and people have many Angels with them at all times. We’re a species that lives with different levels of intelligence in our light for consciously evolving. We’re always living in other races for living in matter. Celestial races don’t have facial features or bodies. Just like God is of no form and is of all form. We’re the same. Human beings are not the body we’re the conscious energy inside of the body. Our species existence is as energy. We’re at a young level of consciousness and we need matter for knowing we exist. As we leave the body, we’re with many Angels for helping us into the next level of light.
There are Celestial races living as energy that can communicate effortlessly and some take form. There are races that look like objects and shapes we probably wouldn’t know were higher intelligence until these writings. Some can form as the level of a craft. There’s a lot of intelligence with us for living in matter. The atmosphere is alive and the fabric of our world is Conscious Energy.
We’re living at an amazing time with God. Every human being has the same opportunity for living in Heaven while here on earth. Understanding creation is imperative for deeper living with God. Heaven will always be a level with us helping us live deeper in God. Religion is a beginning, and our Soul opening in God permeates the effervescent journey.

Monday, November 25, 2019

What is Consciousness?

what is consciousness
Consciousness is hundreds of trillions of little subatomic particles in temperature giving human photosynthesis the light for density in matter. Our world is vibrations, frequencies, and resonance. There’s only energy existing. Matter is a nothingness existing only in consciousness. If we saw our world at creations level, there would only be grids of energy going in all directions infinitely.
God is dynamic energy and is the light all life is in. Meaning He is the light in every atom giving human consciousness the way to live in matter. When God created human beings, He did so through His energy just as He created every living creature and all matter. There is nothing in existence except consciousness creating matters level in light.
Human beings are not the body we're the conscious energy inside of the body. We’ve always thought of our species as the level of form but we’re a species living as energy always changing form for other levels of matter in consciousness.
Matter is the gift God gave life. He as energy created the way for matter to exist and then went to another level by creating the way for matter to exist in individual consciousness. Which is through human photosynthesis. God is keeping measure for every atom and human consciousness is assigning the atoms’s purpose and the livingness of the particle.
Nothing in human existence lives outside of our thoughts. Our ability to be alive is through Conscious Energy. Conscious Energy is the living species in the conscious space of God and is self-organizing energy in the trillions and trillions and trillions. Every human being is levels of energy in different levels of intelligence, giving the way for a reality to be lived in human consciousness.
God created human consciousness. The word created the world. God began the human story for life to exist in matter. There isn’t anything we see including the sky, earth, stars and moon that did not live as an idea in the mind of God. His intelligence created our existence. We take it for granted and think everything is normal instead of marveling at trillions and trillions of different pieces all having light for human consciousness to live.
God is the light in every atom (Goditron) giving human consciousness the way to live in matter through individual light. Which is remarkable to know atoms exist giving individual light for the observer. They have the temperature for light to be different for any level of consciousness. What is existing a thousand years from now will live with different light from the same atom that exists today. There is rejuvenating atoms in holographic light in decimals.
The world we are experiencing is temporal and the illusion. It’s only existing at one level of consciousness and when we leave it never again exists. Reality is relative to the agreement but not limited to the present level of human consciousness.
Our world lives in Heaven. We’re in God’s energy with human consciousness creating its version of matter within His light. The Soul is what is alive in a human being and the Soul is in Heaven having images to live through. The Soul is Love just like God is Love. Love is the energy in consciousness giving matter it’s existence. The Soul is giving Spirit the way to live in matter.
A human being can live for eternity changing form for new experiences in matter. We will have many different bodies and personas that each live at different levels of consciousness. With the only purpose of carving the Soul deeper into God. While we do we create Heaven in matter. Spirit is a temporal level in matter. It’s giving us the way to create a self story within the human story for living through. The Soul constantly create’s life. After every life Spirit rest in Heaven with loved ones while the Soul continues creating new life. The body is like a suit of clothes we put on and take off in every life.
There is no human being walking the earth as we see. There is only images in our Soul giving us the illusion for living through. If we fall we will scrape our knee but what we are experiencing is consciousness.
People never notice until it’s pointed out that we only live in our perspective, listening to our narrative as life. We never live outside of our thoughts. Every human being will live this life talking more to themselves than to another human being. The people we share life with our levels of energy in our Soul. Only existing for us to live Love through. Our thoughts keep us moving forward. We’re aging effortlessly going from an embryo to a senior and then out of the body. Every experience is giving us the way to live Love.
Everything we see lives in its own light. Every blade of grass, every snow flake and every human being lives in their own light. The pebble is consciousness; the ant is consciousness; the universe is consciousness; the atmosphere is consciousness and so on. Every creature on earth lives in its own light. We’re an idea in the mind of God, and everything we live as life is an idea in our mind.
Consciousness is continuously creating how we live in matter. It keeps us living through images at our level of consciousness. Ultimately, there is only one of us here with God. The observer is the one living with every level of matter in their light. Thinking isn’t living conscious. We believe we are our thoughts, but we are not our thoughts. The energy at matters level is only for living through as we carve our Soul. We're beyond this one version of life. Just like God is in every atom giving us the way to live in matter ten thousand years from now. His level is beyond this one and existing ten thousand years from now in light. We're beyond the body giving the body the way for living in matter for this quick experience.
Thinking is part of the brain functioning as a processor. We’re not our thoughts. Thoughts are energy existing at matters level and are temporal and do not live beyond this experience.
Consciousness is deeper than thinking. It's not transitory like thinking. It's the light all thought emerges out of. Consciousness doesn’t change like thoughts do. Consciousness goes beyond this one experience and is the Love in the Soul. The brain is facilitating matters level for energy to move through for this one experience. Consciousness comes into us from outside of us. Remember the body is only subatomic particles. There are only vibrations, frequencies, and resonance existing. Thinking is for the little person experience.
Human consciousness as a collective creates the light life lives through from the level of Love we live and don’t live. Love creates the circumstances a human being can experience in life. Individually, we’re creating the light we live through by the level of Love we live and don’t live.
As energy, we're inside of other levels of energy for experiencing matter at our level of consciousness. We hear every thought because it lives through God’s energy and Conscious Energy. We live through other races for living through matter at our level of consciousness.
People don’t think of God as another race but when we understand creation and His level we understand He is an intelligence hundreds of billions of years alive that exist in every atom for life to live and isn’t close to the little person level of consciousness.
We’re gradually morphing with greater levels of God’s energy as we evolve to higher levels of consciousness. As we become Love, we create matters level more heavenly for living through. Other races are a natural part of our existence. Learning about quantum races will be humanity’s next knowing. Other races don’t need facial features or bodies. They live as energy. Some are part of the fabric of our world giving us the light for living in matter. Because human beings are energy, they can communicate effortlessly. Our body is energy. We’re seeing form, but what is here is only energy.
We exist as the universe. Our consciousness is at the level of everything. We are consciousness leaving self for light. Our living isn’t in this one experience it's the light giving all experiences.
Being human has nothing to do with matters level except for the fact God created matter for human consciousness to evolve through. Consciousness is creating the universe. It creates the level of every species on earth. The dinosaur was part of consciousness living at the level in human photosynthesis. The lion, tiger, and bear are at our present level of consciousness.
Consciousness is creating all life for the present level of human consciousness. The little person feeds human photosynthesis the light for matter to exist in either darker energy or lighter energy.
Consciousness is at cause and matter is the effect.
When we live Christ consciousness, we increase God’s energy in our light through human photosynthesis. The light in human photosynthesis changes for living Heaven while here on earth. People can physically feel the light in human photosynthesis change, their speech change, and waves of energy move through them. It’s greater energy coming into our light. We literally morph with the higher race for having higher levels of consciousness. This may sound weird but when you understand algorithms, quarks and decimals you realize the level of life and being human is profoundly different than our present level of thinking. The human body isn’t giving us the light for knowing the magnitude of our living as advanced as we are.
When we think about the body in consciousness, we can give homage to the trillions and trillions and trillions of cells communicating in algorithms in holographic light for giving density at matters level.
Human beings are always increasing energy. We’re increasing lower earthly energy by living for wealth, false idols, and materialism or we can live for higher energy in God by living Love. Intelligence only increases with God. We need His energy in our light for processing higher consciousness. Consciousness is always processing energy and we live in free will for choosing what energy we live through. Lower earthly energy keeps us living in lower mind through ego, satan and the little person. We think in terms of matter instead of energy. In Christ we live enormous levels of Love which give higher energy in our light for God’s energy. This gives us the way to see greater light in matter.
Consciousness is continuously carving itself towards God even if we don’t believe in Him our lives live towards Him. No human being has ever lived for knowing Heaven on earth until now. The data given becomes the only living level of a human being existing hearing God and Heaven at a biblical proportion for society to once again learn to live deeper in God.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Religion Needs to Live Knowing God

Obviously we only know God from our present level of consciousness which tells us we have to live evolving for knowing more of God than we do today. 


Monday, November 18, 2019

The Anatomy of Consciousness

Perception is created before birth and in human photosynthesis (not to be confused with plant photosynthesis). It's part of the anatomy of consciousness. Every embryo has consciousness before it's in matter. The embryo begins out of frequencies in human photosynthesis. The energy in different levels of temperature multiplies the level for mass to form. It's the epitome of celestial life having programmed intelligence in human consciousness for knowing exactly how to form the body and life.
Consciousness is all that is alive, and it's living in higher levels of intelligence for matter to exist. The precept in human beings is they live in a world that matter already exists in. When the opposite is living. Free will is having the ability to think anything into being and live through it. Learn more here:

The Theory of Everything

Human beings are living in consciousness for living in matter for eternity. Matter is a nothingness only existing in consciousness.
When God created life He did so out of His energy. When God created human consciousness He also did it out of His energy. The world only exists in energy. What we see doesn't give the light of creation; it only gives us comfortably what we are thinking. Our world is existing quantumly in vibrations, frequencies, and resonance. Learn more here:

Algorithms and Quarks

Everything we see is living energy. Algorithms and quarks give us light for experiencing life in our own level of consciousness. They're unique to us.
The atmosphere is alive with Conscious Energy as the fabric of our world. There is no place we see that isn't living energy. When people look at buses, trees, people, and furniture they are living through trillions and trillions and trillions of subatomic particles. Existing in a different light for the temperature to give measure for what is being observed. Learn more here:

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Architect of Intelligence

The architect of intelligence is light having property in Heaven and human consciousness. The intertwining web of energy we're living through unbuckles different levels of light we can enter. How we see matter is from hundreds of billions of years alive intelligence. Our bodies live in consciousness and our world lives in God's energy. Learn more here: