Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Living God Living Heaven

consciousnessWe didn't realize we were in Heaven and there wasn't a way until human consciousness was in Heaven's light. If not for Heaven we would have no way to touch our faces, see the earth or sit in a chair. Heaven is giving the photosynthesis for us to live in matter.

We've been living relating to matter as life instead of relating Spirit as what is living. Living for matter is the level of the devil and we have been living without ever noticing what we have been becoming.  We choose what is familiar, and comfortable instead of trying to realize the deeper level in life. What is placed before our eyes is like a screen that keeps us in hell instead of living with God.
Our Lord once said to a holy soul: "Not a single soul falls into Hell that is not torn itself out of my arms."
Living in matter cleverly has us choose the mortal world instead of how Christ would live. When there is Heaven in everything the only pre-requisite to live it, is to want to. We have to change the way we think. The level of the mortal world would have us live buying everything that we can for what represents a good life instead of revealing our divinity. We need to live differently understanding how God created our existence and the level of our world in Heaven. So that we can see the light to live through.  We want to raise the screen between us and God through consciousness. We do this by living the energy Love. Love is the light in consciousness giving us our level in living. In essence, we are changing our energy to change the level of light where thought emerges out of and by doing so we change the light in matter we experience.

Humanity has been taught to live in a story of self with everything around us existing in levels of the devil. Meaning we worry, have anxiety, see what is wrong, what needs to be fixed, is a problem or needs to be done. This level of thinking keeps us living in the past and future. In the present moment, there is peace but we don't feel it because our thoughts think us out of it. We want to understand what thinking is because its sole purpose is to create what we live through.

We are not our thoughts. Thought is relative and only processing a level of energy for us to live through in matter. It builds and holds a story at the level of the mortal world. Thinking is incessant and randomly jumping from one thought to the next weaving a reality at its level. Every thought is all we are living in life. The purpose of living is to become conscious of Love because we enter into God's light every time we live Love. We eventually become conscious that all we are is Love. Consciousness is the level of what is living and is the energy Love in our Soul.

Thinking at the level of the mortal world is only one level of consciousness. It's temporary and only serving for us to experience the mortal world. There isn't a level in thinking that has to do with living other than giving the story to live through in matter. As we consciously evolve we live deeper levels of consciousness in God. Then we begin to understand our existence as being Love.

The level of thinking is the screen giving us what to live through as we become conscious of Love. We are observing our consciousness in matter. We create everything we live through from our level of consciousness. Human consciousness created its level not understanding life or that consciousness was all that is alive. When we cultivated our consciousness to live at the level of matter we created the level of the devil to live in how we think. In order to evolve we have to have the ability to go beyond our own level of thinking. That can only be done by different levels of energy in our light. We are literally unraveling our thought process to see a different level of light in matter.
Consciousness is a profound level because it is the only level in every particle in existence.
Most people think Adam and Eve was a tale but it holds a deep wisdom in a truth that is in the psyche of every human being. The Tree of Knowledge was not to be eaten from because what it unleashed in consciousness was guilt, fear, resentment, and sin. The Tree of Knowledge represented the profound level of consciousness. That humanity would create the world they live through from the level they think at. Not understanding energy and the energy Love would give the devil a greater level in consciousness.

Adam and Eve had no way to understand Love and the level of what was being unleashed. Life was always a level beyond human consciousness and was always a level to live learning about. But the only way to learn was always going to be by Love. God tried to keep us living for Him because He knew what could be created by humanity if Love was not lived at the level needed. We needed to live deeper in Spirit than any other level for life's purpose to have the wisdom and knowledge life required.

How humanity developed was through free will choosing our own level to think through. God provided the world giving us the ability to create anything as life to live through in a process becoming conscious of Love. Meaning we consciously created from our level of consciousness our existence at the level of matter instead of towards Spirit and Heaven. We didn't know the level of what being alive was and disconnected from God at a deep level very early on. When we went towards material as defining life we created a level of consciousness that was in the opposite direction of our divine light.  We always had the ability to create anything as our world we just never understood the level of consciousness to create what would give humanity the greatest level of Heaven to live through.

Consciousness is all that is alive. It's the only level in matter creating what human beings see as the universe, life's purpose, and meaning. When we didn't understand our creation we thought matter was giving life and our world was a three-dimensional world instead of energy. We continued evolving linearly at this level of consciousness creating what today we live as human life. We're living for what identifies us in matter as what a human being is instead of living for our divinity. What has been understood as life has been handed down and never at the level of the greater knowing of God and life.

Consciousness is the only level existing. Every level of matter including furniture and the sun is consciousness. This includes every living experience such as war, life's purpose, and our trials and tribulations. They are only existing because of the level we think from. They have been created to be as they are through our level of consciousness. The light we live through is defining the level of the world circumstances that can exist. The level of Love we are living is in everything.
Love is the only energy in consciousness that gives a human being conscious evolution.
Its a level of light from God. Knowing the level of everything in existence is consciousness and that God is the energy all life is in and that God is Love. Tells us that our perception of Love has been at a level not understanding the levity of the light Love is of. We are living at a level that has been unconscious of our existence. Never was there a time that humanity had a knowledge of life existing in photosynthesis until these writings. There was no level in life for anyone to understand how humanity was created and living in Heaven.

This is why we want to live the Love that expands consciousness. There are more levels of life to live with greater levels to experience. By doing so, we can create in matter what is more Heavenly.
Human beings are conscious energy, not the body or the level of the temporary mortal world. We are moving through this level observing our consciousness trying to become conscious of Love so we can enjoy God's light in ours. We are only living to one day realize God as reality and live within His light at the level of the Son of God.

The one Son of God is Jesus living Heaven from birth as Jesus Christ our Savior and the  Son of God for every human being is living Christ Consciousness in God. With Jesus helping us in all ways to live His light in humanity. Living through consciousness is the only way a human being can experience light at levels greater than humanity's present level of consciousness. God gave every human being the way by giving us Love at birth. Love is the way of the world. The divine light within is the Love we are of. Which is the level of God we are living on earth.

When God created Adam and Eve they were living in Love. They had no inhibitions or fear of any nature. They wore no clothes and never felt self-conscious. It didn't exist. After eating the apple there was fear and they hid behind trees feeling self-conscious because what was unleashed was a level in consciousness having deeper choices. The knowledge humanity never had was knowing what being alive was and the level of the world. But there was no way for God to tell us this until a human being was living the Love needed for that wisdom and light to be upon them.

Living in consciousness means we are only living through our own level. We can't live beyond our consciousness. This is why we want to live for conscious evolution. There is no way for any  Soul to receive more than what they can conceive. We have to be able to think greater in order to understand greater levels of life. How and what we think is in our free will. Our thinking is the only level creating the world we call life.

Consciousness will only develop through what we strengthen. Seeking Heaven and seeing what is the greater good in others is a requisite for every human being to live in happiness. We want to cultivate a mind that is thinking in levels bringing into matter that which is of Christ. To live in greater charity, forgiveness, Love, compassion, empathy, and mercy is a requisite for every human being. Living in consciousness tell us if we are not cultivating what is of Heaven we are creating what is of hell. We will create fear and a world in hostility instead the level of unity in life.
God is in every atom and our level of consciousness is the only level that keeps us from Him.
How we think and what we are cultivating as our consciousness is the only level in existence that will live ripping our own divinity away from us. We have the opportunity to understand what the Bible gave us long ago and that is our Father created us for living the Son of God. What was biblical then never went away only human consciousness did. The world is in Heaven and will always be.

How we live is our choice and we will only ever live through two levels of energy. One is in fear and the other is  Love. People live incessantly thinking from one thought to the next not having the space to go beyond what they think. Thinking is never ending unless we end it. This process has given us the level of what is keeping us living forward. Every thought is having energy in matter carrying our livingness forward. While we sleep energy is moving in our light. The only level for a human being to go beyond thinking is through another level of energy that is the light in consciousness and that is Love.

We want work on not thinking. Pausing thinking is the only way a greater level of energy can get into our light. If we incessantly think from one thought to the next there is no room for any other level to penetrate. When we meditate or do mantras we slow our thinking and eventually live in a level able to pause thought for living consciously in God. Humanity will learn what we think has nothing to do with living beyond the level of the story it creates to become conscious of Love through. Every level of this experience is only a level that is giving us the way to live deeper in God. Every new life we have continues 's taking us deeper into God. We carve our Soul living Love and the light in consciousness opens the light in God.

We have been out of place in our journey because we didn't have a way to know ourselves. There is a deep feeling within all of us that calls to our Soul wanting to know our truth. There is much more to life than what we have presently lived for. We were born miraculously on a planet floating in space part of a universe with a sun ninety-three million miles away giving us carbon dioxide to live. We can feel Heaven in greater ways than how we are living.

We have to think outside of every level we are presently holding as life. Knowing it is relative and the deeper permanency is consciousness. Thinking is temporary and only one level of life. Consciousness is continuous and lives in every life. We are Love.

Human consciousness has to live for conscious evolution because we are creating what we live through in matter from how we think. The more conscious we are the greater knowing of Heaven we have. A good example is gravity. Humanity thought the world was three-dimensional instead of only energy. Gravity doesn't exist. If it did the world in matter would be ripped apart. We brought it into being but what is living is so far beyond any idea of what gravity could ever give to life. The universe isn't assigning any one atom its livingness or any one particle its purpose. Consciousness is.

Every level of our existence is only existing in consciousness. Humanity has the ability to create a world from divine levels that lives in Heaven, but it's only possible through conscious evolution. If human beings do not consciously evolve beyond the way they think and see they will only create a world at the linear level of matter. Meanwhile, our existence is living in God who is hundreds of billions of years alive giving us the possibility for an experience far beyond anything we have thus far ever imagined possible. We literally have an infinite unlimited world to create.

Having the ability to understand what being alive is and the level of the world is a gift that opens our existence. As we learn about being alive we have to live what we learn. There is no easy or quick way to consciously evolve because we are having to live through the thought system that created where we are today. Our thought process created the world we are experiencing and sustains it to exist.  The ruse of the devil can be very thick.
Matter is giving us the way to observe our consciousness.
We are strengthening the divine light every time we choose Love. We must never let any thought lead us away from Jesus. This is important because we think so incessantly from one thought its easy to get caught up in the mortal world's level of circumstances. Let no experience be an obstacle to living Love. We want to keep Love first in all we do, sending Love to everyone, and seeing the greater good in them.

We must be present to every thought we hold. We don't want to focus on what is wrong, what our idea of right is, opponents, negativity or upset. We want to seek Heaven in everything and in serious situations we want to seek God's light. No level of our thinking is giving us anything other than the mortal world's level until we are seeking Heaven or God's light. We will stay in our narrative of life at our level of thinking until we live seeking Heaven or God's light. If we can have the willingness and only the willingness to seek Heaven we will be saved.
God once said, "The devil keeps the devil alive by never giving the choice of Heaven to the Soul."
We want to seek in every thought Heaven and we do that by living Love. No matter what we face in life we want to give Love. It is the saving grace in matter. Only Love has the power to take any situations and create Heaven. Only one power create's Heaven while here on earth and that is Love. It's the most profound level of power in existence for consciousness to bestow.

When something happens in life that has us suffering. We want to stop thinking about it. In doing this we give our level the opportunity for greater light to come in. If we think incessantly about what happened we block the miracle from having a way into our lives. Only through consciousness do we change what has happened. Most people will think incessantly about what happened and live it deeper and deeper into their energy. Therefore suffering more and creating everything else in their lives to live within that level of energy. We tend to re-think something that has upset or hurt us from every angle of the situation seeing it like a film in our minds living who said what, how they said it, what we said and what we wished we had said. Even if it happened a month ago or twenty years ago we can recall it and the story will feel just as it did when it originally happened. That's because its energy and energy never leaves its source. We can transform what happened to a higher level of energy. Taking the pain out and replacing it with healingness and Love.

History repeats itself and we will live in patterns that aren't giving to our growth because energy is trying to change what hasn't had the Love to change.  It's trying to have us live the Love that transforms it into greater light. All matter changes form because it is energy having form. A human being is a conscious energy and every level of what we experience is part of our energy. When we live Love we have the level of energy that has the power to change light.

Choosing Love will always be a level different than what we think is the level to live. When we live Love at the level that changes our life it will be a level that humanity isn't living. Most people would say you were crazy, not looking out for yourself, being taken advantage of or making a mistake. That is the time to choose Love greater than any other level in your living.

We know Love through the deeper knowing in our light. No human being ever denied Love because it would hurt them. They denied Love because they were hurting. Love doesn't harm us in any way. It can't. Our thoughts do but the level of Love only gives Heaven to us. We have to understand our existence is already in Heaven and the only level keeping us in the reality at the devils level is our own thinking. Thought is all we are living through.

Consciousness is giving us the world to expand through. A way to understand this would be if we met an elder level of consciousness that was millions of years older than we are and was living on another planet in another level of life. You can be sure their world, what they eat, whether they wear clothes or not, how they look, how they communicate, technology and life's purpose would be completely different than the human race's. Because it is a different level of consciousness. Al life is giving us reason to evolve living Love.

Reality is relative and only creating in matter at one level of consciousness. As humanity evolves the world will change and change dramatically. How human beings lived in the 1500's is a stark difference than how human beings live today. In a thousand years, our reality will be a distant memory having no level in life what so ever. Consciousness is always churning and creating the level of matter we call our universe.

Conscious evolution is like a doorway to the universe swinging wide open greater possibility in how we live. Every level of consciousness reached is a level ascending deeper into God. We are living to create in matter Heaven here on earth and we have everything to do it. We're already in Heaven we just need to reconnect with God at the level we were first created of. Jesus gave us the way and taught us that Love is the way of the world. It was with good reason. We have to live through our consciousness. God gave us Love to have the way to live heavenly in matter at any one level of consciousness.

The greatest knowledge for humanity to know is our version of life and Heaven is very young. We've not understood the complexity, depth or that the secret weapon in life is Love.  What unfolds as we live Love is our own personal curriculum living with God.

The miracle of this life reveals itself beyond our wildest imaginings when we believe in God.  We are so blessed and living in Heaven. We just need to live the Love to realize it.

We Live Through Heavens Light

God is energy. Everything we see is living in vibrations, frequencies, and resonance. All matter is energy living in our light. Our home, body, roads, people, sky, earth, and furniture at the smallest particle are waves existing in consciousness.

There is no level of matter existing outside of what we think. If there was a painting God would be the canvas allowing for anything to be painted while we would be the painters creating anything we could think. God is the level giving us the way to experience what we think in matter at any level of consciousness. He is in every atom giving us the light to think our world into being. Matter is tiny particles living through photosynthesis giving us the images we live through. Our existence is at a quantum level through holographic light in atoms. What we see as our world is an image from the light of our Soul. Everything is tiny levels of light creating images in photosynthesis.

For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light. PSALM 36:9 

We are projecting into matter a level of perspective that gives us what we live through. There are many versions of what can be seen but we can only see through our level of consciousness. When we consciously live Love we have a greater light to see through giving us more heavenly levels in matter.

God is the universe able to exist at any level of consciousness a human being can think at. Individually, we experience the world only from our level of consciousness. There is no level of life existing outside of our perspective. The world is living through us.
Consciousness is all that is alive. God created life out of His energy and, we exist within His energy for matter to be realized at any one level of consciousness. We are experiencing matter through Conscious Energy and photosynthesis.

What we see in matter begins in thought. We think through Conscious Energy which is a living species in the conscious space of God. Conscious Energy is the livingness in all matter. When we see a table it is having Conscious Energy living in our light creating through photosynthesis the tables livingness to us.

The gift God gave mankind was the ability to experience matter at any one level of consciousness. This gave us the ability to live in free will while creating the world at any level we could think at. It's literally an infinite unlimited level to experience as life. We have the ability to create anything in matter to live through. What we are thinking is all we are living.

Life is in consciousness which means everything experienced is only living through the one who is observing life. Everything living can only live through the observers level of consciousness. The level of the world is created by humanity's collective energy that is Love. This energy creates the mortal world circumstances the observer can experience as life.

The one who is observing is living through the light and the universe is living through them. Sequentially, there is only one of us here with God. Everyone we see and the world we experience is existing through us. Nothing is outside of us. There is no level of living outside of our level of consciousness.
We can never see the totality of any human being including our child, mom, dad, friends etc.
They live in another level of life experiencing the world from their level of consciousness. We are only living them from our level of consciousness. Everyone is a level of energy within our Soul. Existing for us to live Love through.Make sure
Every particle creating matter is having its livingness from the one who is observing it.
We are living with matter out of a level greater than how we are seeing it. Eyesight hasn't been understood because there is a level of light within the pupil having God's energy.  The brain activity is only processing out of light. Humanity was created to have the ability to live in matter at any level of consciousness. The window to living is through energy that has the highest levels of light for processing energy. Love is the energy out of God with the highest levels for a human being to live through.
All that is living is energy at different levels of consciousness.
The human bodies functions and secretions within the cells are living in higher levels in life. We have other levels in our existence we are not realizing because of our perspective of the world as a three-dimensional world. There is no three-dimensional level to life. There are atoms with holographic light in decimals creating images from photosynthesis. Just as the embryo is programmed to evolve and become a senior, the seed is programmed to blossom into the flower. Many levels of life are living in greater levels of intelligence programmed to live at higher levels at different times. Human beings live in process of recognizing their own higher light in life. The light is a level in consciousness living in our Soul. We have greater levels of living in higher levels of intelligence in our consciousness waiting to be experienced.

Just as different levels of consciousness can see different levels of life. As we consciously evolve we open our level up to greater life experiences.  In consciousness, we are projecting life itself through a universe ready to give any level of matter at the level we can think. Love is the light expanding consciousness. Since God is Love and His energy is the most omnipotent level in life. If we want to experience the higher levels of our world with greater life we want to live greater Love. Matter is a transitory level of perception only living in our level of light. What is being projected is living through the level of the energy Love we are of.

Consciousness is always moving forward. This is why human beings think incessantly from one thought to the next. Thought is what is living. The same way we age effortlessly in a process always living forward. Life is living forward in consciousness to continually expand the universe. As a result, the human body has been living in a light knowing its level and how to live in different cycles of its livingness. The bodies time to change is prefocused in levels genetically. This is giving human beings the light to change when the time is optimum for living comfortably.

Humanity has taken for granted growing from an embryo to the age of thirty-five. Yet the body is living in a level changing profoundly. Everything that changes in the human body from consciousness, skin tissue, organs, levels of blood and digestive levels are having the ability to change effortlessly while we go through the process comfortable. There are higher levels of intelligence living in our light for our experience in matter to live at the level in our consciousness.

We want to understand our quantum existence. We have been living at the level of matter not seeing life at its quantum level. This is why we place meaning in material rather than placing it in Spirit. We live at the level of matter rather than energy living with light as living. We see the biggest level in life rather than the smallest level giving us our ability to see the big level. Consciousness is at cause and matter is the effect. Light is giving human beings the way to experience their level of consciousness in matter.

Plants can live and end their cycle appearing dead while living dormant. When the time is right they revitalize and begin a living process over again. Every level of life is living in higher levels of intelligence with properties creating life cycles in living. Human beings change trillions of cells every day. The body is existing out of consciousness and is always changing for the light in Heaven.
Humanity was created for living in consciousness rather than living for the body. The body is transient only serving one level of consciousness. We live changing form for new levels of consciousness.  Consciousness never leaves its source. What is living is the Soul in Heaven. The mortal world, and our experiences in matter are secondary, temporary and only living out of consciousness.
Because consciousness is living to change form for different experiences in matter. We leave these bodies for new life. Hence, there is no birth in a human being and there is no death. There is only a continuous level of consciousness evolving. Every human being will change form over and over again. Our higher levels of consciousness are already programmed from our inception.

The world we are experiencing is living in photosynthesis. Therefore, the atmosphere is a diaphanous grid holding pockets of energy in lines, squares, octagons, triangles and other forms for a hypothesis in every level of consciousness that can exist. Energy is the conscious space of God living in a self-organizing order for different levels of consciousness to give the light for matter to exist. If we were to experience the actual level of photosynthesis there would be lots of objects and plasma surrounding our view. Human eyes are living through the light of our level of consciousness.

A good example is if human beings saw the level of bacteria which is infinitely greater than any other level in life. We would not be able to handle the level of dust mites, organisms on our body moving and levels in the air. The eyes are only having light for living in matter at our level of consciousness comfortably. What is existing as life is much greater than what humanity has been able to conceive because life is living at a quantum level in holographic light. Our perception of life is relative to our level of consciousness. The level of what is living is giving human beings the ability to live in matter at any one level of consciousness.

God is hundreds of billions of years alive and a different level of life. He created humanity out of His level of energy. Conscious Energy is also another level of life only existing to give the mass, force, velocity, temperature, and levity in all matter. Human consciousness is creating our level of existence through what we think into being. The present level of the world is only a reflection of human consciousness and the level of Love we are living and not living.

Today, humanity is learning about its existence in Heaven. Every level of what gives us life is based on the energy Love. The more Love we live the more light we have in consciousness. The light we live is out of God. God is Love. Humanity wants to have a greater life purpose to live unlocking our divinity because it is the key to life.

The more we can understand what being alive is and the level of our world in Heaven the greater ability we have in creating Heaven while here on earth.

Every human being is living to live the Son of God. When we are living Love we are giving God unitedness in our light. God created life for us to live increasing Love so we could evolve deeper into His light. The deeper in Gods light we live the more we expose our divinity.

Human consciousness is trying to become conscious of Love and what we create as life is what we are living through to do this. Everything in our existence is a call to live Love. As a result, we see greater light in matter and Heaven while here on earth.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Human Life

human consciousness
Humanity is living in the conscious space of God. God is the light all life is in. 
God created life to give energy the way to live in matter at any one level of consciousness. Human consciousness is creating the very world we evolve through to higher levels of consciousness.
This created the path for life to always exist provided there was conscious evolution. As human consciousness became more conscious of Love, the level of matter would change towards Heaven. In life consciousness is the only level in existence. Energy has been living from the very beginning of life. Creating the way for energy to experience matter is only a level God was able to create. Humanity is the species God has given everything to for life to experience living in Heaven while here on earth.
Heaven has been giving humanity every level of matter at its level of consciousness to experience being alive. There would be no way as energy for human consciousness at its level to understand living without matter. Humanity has been living to understand everything it is today. We will always have greater knowledge the more Love we live.
Photosynthesis is energy having levels of energy in higher frequencies than human consciousness can conceive. The level of resonance is in decimals through holographic light. In these decimals, there are greater levels of vibrations that can vibrate in levels creating matter in greater levels than any living energy.
The mortal world is living in Heaven. God's energy is giving us the way to experience matter at our level of consciousness. Human consciousness is creating in energy the level of matter that is being lived as life. Every level of what we are living through is energy in photosynthesis. This is giving us the image of matter at our level of consciousness. 
Humanity is living at a level of consciousness only understanding life as a three-dimensional world. When energy is all that is living.
Matter is a nothingness only existing at our level of consciousness. We bring everything in  into being through thought. The world is living from the energy Love being lived from the base collective consciousness. This is creating the level of circumstances we can experience in life. Love is the energy in photosynthesis giving every living Soul the level of the world they live through. 
The Love we are of is creating the light in consciousness for our Spirit to live in matter. We experience the world through our level of consciousness.
The world is only existing at the level of the one who is observing it.
We are living in matter to observe our consciousness and become conscious of Love. Love gives us greater light to see in matter. As we live conscious of our light we are able to give the Love we need to change our experiences. Having greater light in matter is a requisite for seeing beyond our present perspective. When we have greater light we change the version we live through. Consciousness is the level of everything. 
We have been taught the world is outside of us and people are separate from us. When there is no place where one person begins or another ends. We are energy and the world is energy.  


We are born with matter all around us giving us the hypothesis matter is existing separately. Matter is only living through us. Matter is a nothingness only existing at our level of consciousness. What we observe in matter is existing in a light from the level of the energy Love in our Soul. We are having continuous exchanges of energy with matter. This is helping us to live through matter at our level of consciousness. We are living through the living species Conscious Energy. They are giving the level of photosynthesis for matter to exist at our level of consciousness. Without Conscious Energy we would have no way to touch our face, feel objects or see the earth. They are giving us our livingness in matter.
Society has taught us to give matter meaning and value. When matter is a nothingness only existing at our level of consciousness. The meaning we place in matter brings a level of our identity into it. We begin to live to have greater attachment to what is outside of us instead of what is inside of us. Matter becomes a level defining our being. We live for its meaning because we associate it as part of our self-identity. This is why we have lived caring about the kind of car we drive, clothes we wear, job title and neighborhood we live in. It has defined our perception of ourselves in society. We have been living at the level of matter and not through the divine light within. We are giving our light away to what is transitory and meaningless. Matter is only a level we are moving through to observe our consciousness in. It is transitory. The level of matter has no level of existence outside of our consciousness.
Matter is showing us the deeper light to observe our livingness in. If we make it part of our identity of self, we are taking what is a nothingness and making it a level of our being. That attachment is creating why consciousness stays at the level of matter instead of enlightenment. We create in consciousness a very deep level of who we are at the level of matter instead of understanding consciousness. Humanity has always been living for what is outside of us as defining as what is inside of us. When matter has nothing to do with our level of being. There is no level in matter that is real, except what we make real. The level we make real is shaping our level of consciousness and perspective of life.
Humanity is only passing through matter living to become conscious of Love. How we perceive objects and people is only living through our level of consciousness. Whether someone is a President or waitress there is no level in life other than observing our consciousness in matter. Life is trying to teach us to live greater levels of Love so we can live through greater levels of Heaven. 
The mortal world is an illusion because it is only living through one level of consciousness. As we change our level of consciousness the world changes too. Humanity has been living with the world outside of us not understanding it only has its existence through us. There is no other level living other than consciousness. 
Matter is only playing a role for us to be conscious of our consciousness. 
The level of the world is the reflection of human consciousness. The meaning we place in matter is a deeper level in our psyche not able to develop. There is no level in matter that gives levels of consciousness higher light. Only through Spirit do human beings have the ability for greater light. We are living to live in conscious evolution with God. 
We can only understand life and our universe from our level of consciousness. There never was a time that human beings were not living in Conscious Energy. Humanity not understanding life has only been because of the level of human consciousness living at the level of matter. Human beings can only live in higher levels of consciousness when there is greater light in consciousness. Matter is the level that is giving humanity the way to evolve. We are evolving from matter to energy.


When God created life He created the way for each of us to experience a world only from our level of consciousness. We perceive humanity, world issues, society and our level of self only in our narrative at our level of consciousness. The world we are experiencing is living in energy through photosynthesis individualized to the level of light in our Soul.
Levels of energy exist in matter of humanity's collective consciousness. This is creating the human story that gives us the level of circumstances we live through. Every level of matter we are experiencing is existing in energy at a level within our Soul. The premise is to live becoming conscious of Love living deeper in God. This gives us the ability to live through higher levels of light in matter with Heaven.
Nothing in life is outside of our consciousness. There is only one of us here, we are experiencing the world with God. This includes our family, friends, government, and humanity.
We never see the totality of any human being not even our child.
We can only live them from our level of consciousness.  They are existing in another level of life experiencing the world from their level of consciousness. Every human being is living through a world only existing in their light. No two people are experiencing life in the same light.
God created life for human beings to live in free will. This means we live through the world at our level of consciousness creating what we live through. Our existence is living through consciousness that is living in our Soul. Every level of life we experience can only live through our level of consciousness. We cannot experience living through any other way. Our consciousness is the only level experiencing life and our world is being created through humanity's collective consciousness in photosynthesis.


Human beings are energy. We are not the body we are the conscious energy inside of the body. Mankind  is  a species that changes form to experience different levels of consciousness in matter. We live in a body to observe our consciousness in matter. Human beings live in a life continuum. There is no birth or death there is consciousness continuously changing form. 


The life continuum is being created through the Love we are of in every life. Humanity is living in two worlds at one time for photosynthesis to create our levels of life. We are only conscious of one world. The light in consciousness is giving Spirit the way to live in matter. 
After every life, Spirit will rest in Heaven with loved ones. The Soul continues in light creating the next level of life we will live through. In every life, we have a different medium and Spirit. The Soul is what is alive and the Soul is Love.


We exist in photosynthesis. Photosynthesis at humanity's level of consciousness has been a level of converting energy and light for metamorphosis. At Heaven's level photosynthesis is creating light through holographic levels in atoms with decimals. This is creating images through levels of light that only exist in human consciousness. This means vibrations and frequencies have different levels of resonance in levels beyond human consciousness to create the human experience in matter. In the light, there are levels of energy in greater frequencies beyond human consciousness at God's level for photosynthesis to exist.
How life was created was out of energy with light in consciousness from God. Every level of energy creating the fabric of all in existence is the Conscious Energy in the conscious space of God. Conscious Energy was created through levels of energy hundreds of billions of years alive in a light through levels of decimals with the purpose for human life to exist. 
Light can only live within each level of consciousness. Human consciousness can only conceive and live in human consciousness. No other race in existence will ever have being at the same level of human consciousness. Humanity is the youngest level of consciousness in existence. 
Photosynthesis has been living for hundreds of billions of years for everything human consciousness could possibly conceive. When God created human consciousness, the Heavens and the earth He created life to live eternally in the light of His living.
Conscious Energy is the fabric of the world giving every human being the mass, force, velocity, temperature, and levity in all matter for the experience of life. We would not be able to have bodies or the ability to touch our faces if there was not Conscious Energy giving us our livingness in matter.
Consciously evolving gives us the level of light to create greater Heaven in matter.


God created human beings to have the ability to create Heaven while here on earth. His premise was to create a species that could live in their own light while creating what they live through. We are living in a process becoming conscious of Love for greater light in photosynthesis.
God knew life's path was consciousness because of His own osmosis having the ability to live in consciousness. Through His light, He lived having energy at different levels eventually creating the level of how life would live for eternity. God gave light the level to have energy that could create its own levels and be self-existing within a light that would always have the ability to adapt to any level of consciousness that could be realized.
Heaven is only living for human beings to realize God. As humanity realizes God the light in consciousness expands giving all levels of life greater light to live through. The more we live in God's light the greater level of consciousness we have for life in matter. We are living to realize God as reality.
Thought emerges out of energy and how we feel is creating the world we experience. Our level of Love is deciding the level of Heaven we live. Every thought we have is seeing a level of light in matter only based on the level of Love in our Soul.


Love is the way of the world. We have been living for matter instead of living for Spirit. Living for matter was able to create the level of the world for living but it took away the level to live beyond it. As humanity lived in matter the level of consciousness created the money realm, material and life's purpose at a level that has continued to this day but is now changing. Humanity and the existence of life are having a greater level of Heaven in its light just like the beginning of life. God is giving humanity a light to understand its existence greater than any other time in human history. 
Humanity didn't realize life was in consciousness. We created a thoughts system at the level of matter instead of in conscious evolution through Spirit. We didn’t know everything we were creating as life was going to be the level we have to live through to evolve. This created living through everything other than Love to Love. We are living replacing fear with Love.
If humanity would have been able to evolve through matter sooner the mortal world in fear would not be cultivating consciousness to live violence. Violence has continued in human consciousness because living at the level of matter cannot increase light. Only by living Love do we increase the light in consciousness. 
However, we have been living is the only level of cause creating the world to exist at the level it does. Matter is the effect Including every level of suffering in humanity.  The level of violence is in the thought system created by the level of matter in light. The level of the world will always only reflect our level of consciousness. If we are living at a level that has hate, conflict, opponents, and division. We are living at a level seeing the world outside of us instead of only living through us. No level in life can exist outside of our consciousness. How we perceive people is only living in the energy of our Soul. There is no opinion or perspective of anyone or anything existing outside of our light.
The level of what we are experiencing is the level of photosynthesis creating the world from the base collective consciousness. However, the level we are living through the world is only one of us here with God. Everything is existing from our level of consciousness and in our light. How we live Love is determining the level of experience and is creating the light in matter. The level of light in matter is creating the versions we can live through. It gives us our perspective.
If we live light in God we have the level to live greater versions in matter. Humanity has the ability to live through matter with great light. We have to live the Love that changes energy into levels of light greater than how we are presently living. God has always been living for humanity to live in His level for life to have Heaven. If we are to realize our potential in any one level of consciousness it will be through living Love.
Human perspective has never existed at the level of the world. Consciousness gives us energy as what human beings are living through. How we live with levels of people in our light is living in energy in our Soul. There is no level in life that gives anyone the way to harm another's Soul because levels of energy are only living in our Soul. We can only harm our own Soul. The body isn't alive. Consciousness is. How we treat other people is only living in our Soul. How we are living is in a light that is giving us everything we need to observe our consciousness and change our ways.
Humanity is living in a life continuum that is only being created through the level of Love we live. As life changes form our level of experiences change as well. What we had in one life never goes with us. No matter ever goes into another life. We leave behind the level of matter we were living through to become conscious of Love in. How we are creating our life continuum is through the light in consciousness. The Love we live will create the next level of life we live.
Every Soul is trying to become conscious of Love. Heaven is in everything always giving to what can bring greater light to consciousness. Life is merciful and always giving the way for living the level of atonement for Heaven in our light. All suffering is the absence of Love.  Having conflict and opponents is emerging from the absence of Love.
Love being the light in consciousness means how we perceive any situation or person will always live out of the Love we are of.  What is living in matter will always reflect our consciousness. If our world is increasing in weapons we know we are not consciously evolving because life would be decreasing in weapons as we were living greater Love. Every level of violence only keeps violence existing. Living consciously means we are living in a greater level of light able to see in matter different versions. Human beings keep using weapons because they keep living in the same energy with the same perspective. Perspective cannot change unless the energy in human beings change.
We want to have the ability to process our emotions and levels of energy in the light of God because it gives us a greater light in matter. When we have greater light in matter we have a level of perspective seeing in God's light. Having the level of answers with God is greater than any human beings level. The foresight to give humanity what it needs to live in greater peace rather than suffering in fear comes from living in God’s light greater than any other.
Violence is only existing when we are unable to process energy in higher levels of light. 
The level sustaining violence in human consciousness is the devil in consciousness which means it is the absence of Love. The brain is a processor only processing energy in different levels of light for the experience in matter. How we associate the "word" is creating the level of the world. Human language is the level of the world. If we are living with justified anger, upset, and aggression in any level of life, including in sports or in hobbies, we are living the very same level of energy in consciousness that is keeping violence existing. Only in human consciousness can we end violence in matter. The level of energy is where humanity needs to focus. In thought, we rationalize killing other people and do not realize we are no different than the one who murders viciously. If we take away thinking and look at the energy from any level of killing its the same. The level of human aggression is existing because of the level, not processing greater light.
As we live in higher levels of light our level of aggression and upset for what other people are doing changes. When we understand we are living in consciousness and no one is existing outside of our light. We understand what we are perceiving is energy existing within our Soul. What the devil has tried to have humanity live is blaming everything on someone else. Or that the problem exists over there instead of having the knowledge to know that life is only existing at our level of consciousness. They are only living through us. No one is ever outside of us. 
Everyone is only living in our light trying to have us choose Love. The level of understanding creation helps humanity replace fear with Love and evolve beyond violence. The version we live through is only based on one level of consciousness. Learning to process emotions and experiences in higher light is living greater in Gods light. If we can live understanding everything is an image of energy giving us the experience in matter. Only existing to observe our consciousness in we can change the level in how we think to live a greater level of light.
We can never fraction energy because it is a continuous level always moving forward in all parts of life.  When it exists in one level of life it existing in all. A great example is if the states judiciary system has a death penalty than we are keeping the same level of energy in the individual. One level believing we can kill and it not exist in another is not understanding consciousness or energy. There is no place where one person begins or another ends. In energy, our level is manifesting in matter what we live through. We want to take every level of what is harming life in society and replace it with what is giving to life in order to have life evolve beyond violence and suffering.
We never want to be the same level of energy we are trying to change. 
Creating society to live for money having success as who has the most money or who is famous is a different level than living for our divinity. The money will never give a human being light, it can only give at the level of matter which is transitory and not giving to our Souls life continuum. With life in consciousness, we want to realize, if life is living for material and money there is no level of substance deep enough to give life what it needs to exist. Carving the Soul is what creates greater levels of light because it’s a process that brings substance into one’s Soul. We want to live to unlock our divine light and experience the truth of our existence with God.
We are only moving through matter to live Love through it, not to live becoming the level of matter. Right now we identify self with our title, the brand of clothes we wear and kind of car we drive. It is a level that is having consciousness only living at the same level of matter. If we are creating life to live accumulating in excess with billionaires while children starve to death we are not being conscious of life. There is no level in living that is giving to life other than our caring for life at the level of living greater compassion, empathy, responsibility, and charity for life. 
Humanity living more maturely and deeper is a requisite for human life to have sustainability on a planet floating in space. This level is deafening because human life is only able to exist at the level of consciousness we can conceive. If we are living at a level not seeing why having people living as millionaires striving to become billionaires as thousands of children starve to death every day is a level unconscious. We cannot comprehend how to give life what keeps its existing. There is no way the level of the money realm has given humanity the light to give life what keeps it existing. We are creating the opposite in human consciousness by not giving to life the very most basic and simplest levels for human beings to not suffer and die needlessly.  A society that accumulates in excess while others need only the basic levels to live and continue to do so is a level of consciousness not understand what God created as life.
We can't give to life what can keep it existing if we cant even understand why saving a child from starving to death is a requisite in consciousness and morals for life to exist.
The same level of consciousness that isn't acting to save the child from starving to death will not know why using weapons create’s greater violence in human consciousness. Both are levels existing at the level of matter. We want our Souls to acquire substance through living in greater levels of intelligence that bring us greater light in consciousness. Living through greater levels of Love gives us the light to see greater light in matter. This gives us the perspectives that can change the way we are creating life.
The answers in life will always require human beings to live through at a level that carves the Soul into greater light. What that means is we will only have greater light when we strive to think in the ways that live through Heaven. Human relationships, adversity, and challenges are the God faculties giving us the way to acquire substance that carves our Souls into greater light.
We want to understand creation because it's giving us everything to help us live aligned with God so He can give us the light that helps us live Heaven while here on earth.
If humanity is not living at a level that is carving the Soul of humanity we are provoking the devils level in consciousness. Meaning we will create everything other than Love to live through to Love. When we are able to be more conscious of life we live in a level with greater ability for humanity's existence. Suffering is the absence of Love and is the absence of light in humanity's collective consciousness.
If we think at the level that separates us from others and has us place value, meaning and our identity in what is transitory we are never understanding how to master our existence.  God can only live in our light at the level we can give to Him. Living at the level of matter is the devils level. When we live at the level of Spirit we are living for our divine light to live in God.
If our focus is on the transitory level we are missing the greater process in life.  We want to move through matter and not become it.  Remember no one is their title, square footage, or bank account, it doesn't reflect our Soul. Everything in matter is temporary and we leave it all behind when we leave our bodies for new life. It only existed for us to live Love through. The entire experience in matter is always going to be temporary and only existing for us to carve our Soul. Consciousness is continuous. The Love we are of goes with us into our next part of life, everything else stays.
Having Love as the way of the world gives humanity the way to create Heaven in matter.  The human race leaving the level of matter for Spirit is a level that is heavenly. If we are to live realizing our potential in any one level of consciousness it will be through living the light in God.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

The Universe is Consciousness

There was a time when flying had very little turbulence. Turbulence was an anomaly rather than a regular part of flying. Today, through human consciousness turbulence and our earth is matching how we are living. The universe is a level of consciousness.

Humanity living in fear, threat, and with problems that do not evolve is beginning to create humanity’s universe to live at the same level of energy. When we think of meteors hitting a planet we think of them as being outside of us.  As something that originated in the universe. When the universe is only living through our level of consciousness.
The universe isn't deciding an atoms purpose or the livingness of any particles, human consciousness is.
We can understand this through this example. As an individual, if we live as if we are a victim and see everyone doing something wrong to us. We are creating a reality that will give us a world to continue living this through. We will see people not helping us or making our lives harder. This will expand and become a level that lives in all areas of our life. Our reality is only living at our level of thinking. What we think is all we can live through but when we change our level of thinking we change the world we experience.

Consciousness is like a veil. If we are living in a level of thinking that create's problems this energy will manifest in other levels of our world. It is a level of energy manifesting because the Love it needs is not being lived. Everything in matter is only existing for us to observe our consciousness and live Love through.

As a collective consciousness, we are creating the universe from our level of thinking. If humanity is having opponents, living in attack and defend we are creating an energy that will manifest in all levels of life. The universe is needing for humanity to evolve to give life the Love it needs to exist. If we do not evolve we change the level of light the world is in.
The universe is only one level of human consciousness.
We are giving matter its energy in how it is existing to us. If humanity continues to create threat instead of harmony that veil becomes the level in all levels of life we experience. This happens because our conscious energy will grow until it is alchemized.
Consciousness is a level always moving forward. We live from one thought to the next creating what we live through.
What we are creating in thought is the energy we live through in matter.
Human consciousness is creating the earth's atmosphere and creating the level of the universe we experience to exist. Nothing else is. This is the gift God gave humanity to live as energy in matter. We create in matter from our level of consciousness what we then live through. The universe is only reflecting our present level of consciousness. We have all heard the saying. " You can only receive what you can conceive." What we live through in matter is the level we are able to conceive. This is our creation and only living at our level of consciousness for this experience.

We never see the totality of anything in matter including the universe because we can only see the universe from our level of consciousness. There is no way to see the totality of any human being including our mom, dad, child, or co-workers. We live them only from our level of consciousness. They are living in another level of life experiencing the world from their level of consciousness.

Humanity has never understood how matter is existing because we are born with it all around us. We took matter for granted and missed a very important level in our existence by doing so. Even though most scientists know matter is energy, no one knew life was living in consciousness through photosynthesis or living in decimals.

The weather, planets, and people only live through our level of consciousness. There is no level of their existence for us beyond what we make real. Everything in life is living through us. Our level of thinking will live the experience.
If we are not creating answers and solutions that lessen lifes suffering. Then, we are living from a level still creating it.
We want to recognize all areas in our world that are problems as where our level of consciousness needs to evolve. There isn't a them, group of people or a problem existing outside of us. Everything is only existing in our light for us to live Love through.

Conscious energy is always manifesting in matter trying to have us live in greater levels of light. All of the places in life that are problems, challenges, adversity, and issues are the God faculties existing for us to evolve through.

Consciousness is the only level living in matter. This means the universe, fish, and wind are temporary experiences through our present level of consciousness. Their existence can be in any light. We will create their existence only at our level of consciousness. Our opinion of the universe is relative to our level of consciousness. Human consciousness will never see the totality of the universe because it is expanding infinitely at God's level of consciousness which is hundreds of billions of years alive. We will always only see the stars, moon, and planets from our present level of consciousness.
We can see greater light in matter by living greater levels of Love because Love is the light in consciousness.
The world is only living through the level of Love we are of. Love is the energy in photosynthesis giving us the level of circumstances we experience. Love is the light in consciousness that gives us the greater light in matter to see. When we see greater light we have a different perspective because we are living in a level beyond any level we once lived.

Humanity wants to replace living through fear with Love because the energy Love in consciousness will give greater light in matter. Fear is an energy that closes light. When we are in fear we are the level of a clenched fist. We are tight and not expansive. Fear is an energy that collapses other energy. In consciousness, fear creates a veil living through the devil. It will keep a human being consciously living with problems through defense,  attack and opponents on some level in their lives. It is everything other than Love we are living. When we live Love we are living through God's light and live with open palms instead of clenched fists. We are living to have greater light in matter to live what takes us beyond the present level of human consciousness.

Problems are relative to consciousness. Humanity believes what everyone is thinking is the level of the experience. When there are different versions based on the level of light we see matter through. We want to live a greater level of Love in our lives to experience the light in life that is Heaven. Jesus tried to teach us to live Love because He knew I am the light all life lives in.

God created matter for us to observe our consciousness to have a way to consciously evolve. When we don't live greater Love we create life to live through what would be called hell. Eventually, humanity chooses the Love that leads us towards Heaven. This is why when someone hits rock bottom they finally change their lives and go in a different direction. Love is the alchemy in life giving us the way to live Heaven while here on earth.

Consciousness is all that is alive. We can only create what we live through from thought. Turbulence has nothing to do with anything other than humanity’s present level of consciousness and what is being created in all levels of life. We can gage our level of consciousness by the level of what is happening in life.  Humanity’s level of consciousness will believe the world is changing. The world isn’t existing outside of us, it is only living through us.
The world isn’t changing, the level of our consciousness is changing the world.
When consciousness is not moving forward it decreases because energy is collapsing. This creates the world we experience to continue having the same problems that exasperate into other levels of matter. We can see this through life's examples of suffering. If we increase using weapons every year it's a sign we do not have the level of answers to decrease hostility in our world.  This is a level we have to see as a red flag leading us deeper in humanity's consciousness to question how humanity is living, life's purpose and the level of Love human consciousness is living.

The level of harming life can only be healed by Living Love in greater levels throughout the world. Peace doesn't come from a weapon because the level that needed the weapon is in consciousness. Peace lives through consciousness.

We have been at the level of thinking that chooses weapons to combat hostility. If we killed everyone we see as an enemy, hostility would only continue to manifest in matter because we didn't heal the energy creating in consciousness what is living in us. We instead became the same level of energy we wanted to stop. Life in energy is telling us what we are thinking is creating what we are experiencing. It is our reflection to observe. We live a level of every thought and quietly think a world into its existence to live through.
What we perceive to be outside of us is only living through us.
We end hostility in our world by not living hostile. The level of the death penalty is another good example. If the state is killing people the individual will always have levels to kill. There isn't a level in energy that is any different than the state killing or the individual. Our thoughts only create what we think is different but the energy is the same. Humanity needs to focus on energy instead of what we think because thinking is the illusion that is relative and transient. Energy is a deeper level with a greater ability to create in matter what is in a higher light.

Every level of life decreases when human consciousness doesn’t evolve to greater Love. When we withhold Love it is the light in our consciousness that begins to lessen. Our perspective in life becomes the same level. How we see the world, universe, life and other people begins to have that same veil. Our conscious energy will create the universe to live at the same level.

Humanity has the power to change how we think and therefore we can change the world we experience. The power of consciousness is living in deeper levels of energy that bring higher levels of light into matter.  It requires living enormous levels of Love in all levels of life and becoming conscious of what we have created. Where life needs to change and where our moral compass has been off. It is a call to reconnect with God deeper than we have been living. Our level of consciousness is preventing us from experiencing Heaven. The more Love we live the more light we have to live greater levels in matter.

Understanding consciousness and the world is energy gives us the knowledge to live in the energy that creates a better world. Humanity is living in free will which means we can create what we live through at any level of consciousness. If we don't consciously evolve energy will collapse and we will create in matter what lives towards hell rather than Heaven.

We will never live anything other than our own level of consciousness trying to become conscious of Love. Life is already leaning towards Heaven because our world is in Heaven and God is Love.
As we become more conscious of creation and our universe we will live for conscious evolution becoming conscious of Love to experience higher levels of life. There is no reason for humanity to experience suffering when every solution to every problem is already existing. The world is programmed with answers at the level of cause to help us live greater and more heavenly. Every level of life is programmed for higher levels of light. Becoming conscious of Love is the only level that unlocks what is already programmed in us to evolve.

We have everything within us to create a world to exist in levels of Heaven. Consciousness is the only level in life creating the level of matter we live through. The universe can be an experience beyond any level we have ever imagined it could be.

As we understand consciousness we understand how we are shaping the universe we experience and the level of our earth. Love is the key to the universe. When we live in levels of Love we invoke God's light to live in ours giving us the guidance to live through matter at the highest possible potential we can realize at this level of consciousness.