Monday, August 15, 2016

The Underlying Reality In Life Is Consciousness

Consciousness is all that is alive. Form is only the medium for consciousness to experience life at the level of thinking that can keep conscious energy evolving.
There has never been anything else evolving except consciousness. The underlying reality in life is consciousness and that is Gods love.
  • We live in the conscious space of Gods energy
  • The universe is a pool of consciousness
  • Consciousness unites all life in existence including plants, animals and all living organisms
  • We live with conscious energy that is giving the photosynthesis for us to live in form
  • The light in consciousness is at the level of love in our souls
  • Consciousness is coming outside of us into us from heaven. Every life we've lived has accumulated levels of love in our soul and that light is managed in heaven.
  • Life began from conscious energy, exist as conscious energy and is evolving in consciousness
  • Life is living in consciousness
  • On a molecular level there is consciousness in every cell that is giving photosynthesis through a double helix structure
  • All that is alive is consciousness
  • All form is in consciousness including everything we see. At the smallest level of an atom all that is existing is the vibration of energy in consciousness
  • The earth and all living organisms exist in a conscious ecosystem communicating at higher levels of consciousness than human beings
Consciousness is all that is alive. Every thought is dynamic energy extending beyond our bodies into the light of conscious energy. Conscious energy in our world is giving the photosynthesis for us to experience what we think in form. The level of each thought builds and creates the experience we live through.
The incessant thinking from one thought to the next keeps us in our reality. What we are thinking is the light in our reality. What we think, we live. The power of consciousness give's us the ability to live in freewill creating the world at the level we can think it into being. All seven billion people in our world are existing in their own light of consciousness in a personal curriculum for this part of life. The collective consciousness is what creates the world that each person contributes to and lives through.
Consciousness is coming from outside of us into us from heaven. It is from the love in our souls that we become conscious and have the light of our consciousness to live through. Heaven is managing  the light at the level of love for us to live this life through.