Thursday, April 20, 2017

Living Love, Living Heaven

There is no matter, no me, and no body in life. What is living is energy and Spirit. The level of the mortal world is the illusion we bring into being through our level of consciousness. Life is in consciousness. We live in consciousness through matter at the level of the mortal world awakening to Heaven.
We think of life as many other people, many places to experience and there being many objects of desire, but the level of Heaven isn't in one place, one person or anything of matter, it is in the light. Everything we are living is in the light. What is being experienced in consciousness never leaves its Source. Everyone we Love is a level of light within our Soul. The level of living is not in what is seen outside of us, it is within the light of Love we are of. What we see is only in the light of our consciousness and the light of our consciousness is the level of the energy Love in our Soul.
For humanity as energy to live in matter God created the living species Conscious Energy to give the livingness in all matter through photosynthesis. Conscious Energy is the mass, force, velocity, levitation and temperature in all matter.
Everything we see in form is transitory. The light we see it in, is what has livingness. The level of matter is constantly changing to be of the conscious level we are living. Love is the energy life is in and Love is the only reason humanity is existing. We're living to become conscious of Love and then eventually the very level of light that helps sustain all life. What we experience in life is giving us the choice to live Love through, and when we choose Love the energy accumulates in our Soul for the light in our consciousness to see higher levels of life and greater levels of Heaven here on earth.
When we read there is "no me" it is because the Soul is Love and Love is the light all life is in. We will live many levels of life in different mediums that will all have a Spirit we call "self." Self is non existent the level of what is living is the Love in the Soul. Self is a transitory level of the world we are experiencing at the present level of consciousness.
Love is all that is real. Living Love through everything we are conscious of is how we invoke Heaven. Everything other than Love is the way to Love. Choosing Love is choosing Heaven to be our Soul.  Living for Heaven is why God created life.  Live to Love in the level of Jesus Christ our Savior and experience the Heavenly light in life. Give without judgment, Love without any level coming back, and forgive relentlessly to live in the joy of the sinless world of Heaven.
Live in the Spirit of Jesus Christ our Savior and not through the level of the flesh. What is alive is the light in one's level of consciousness. The light in one's consciousness is the level of the energy Love in the Soul. All life is in the light of our Soul and only existing for us to live becoming conscious of Love through.