Saturday, November 16, 2019

Angels in Our Mist

Ten years ago the Angels in my light gave me the way to live Christ consciousness and experience God in the light no human being had experienced since Jesus walked the earth. Through Love, it began.
When they entered my life, I had no level of knowing Angels or living with God. I was more atheist, but they still came when my life was being destroyed by people who wronged. I had chosen Love and wasn't defending myself or attacking back. I was living Love because I didn't want to live at their level of energy. I believed there had to be an answer that didn't involve hating, or having to live dark energy fighting back.
Many days I drove to the FBI but pulled over because something inside kept telling me to live Love and not do anything. I went from Beverly Hills to below poverty and it went on for four years. Then I began having energy flying around my apartment. Some times I recorded fifty or more videos in one day of orbs and different energy flying around. That eventually led to hearing voices on the videos. Which then became hearing them talking to me directly. 
Angels became a normal part of my life. Living in Heaven while here on earth is the only reason everything in my life changed so profoundly. It was for living with God in Christ consciousness for teaching about creation and life not living deeply in Him.
Learn about living with Angels through here