Monday, November 5, 2018

Understanding Evil

Understanding evil
Evil is created from the darkness in all of us. Our energy is part of the collective energy in humanity manifesting darkness in form for us to live Love through. When terrible things happen in life we think the person responsible is the only level who did it. While they're responsible for their actions it existed because of what was in all of us. We are the ones bringing it into being. Human consciousness is creating what is living in matter. There is no individual committing anything in life. It is the energy from the collective consciousness creating what can exist in the individual.

On a daily basis how we live creates what is living in the individual. The sensational act in darkness isn't how to perceive darkness. The darkness comes out of humanity's daily living not helping those that suffer. That is the darkness that creates all other darkness in human consciousness.

Our energy lives in photosynthesis creating along with other human beings the energy that life exist through. The collective consciousness is creating the circumstances all life can experience. Love is the energy deciding how life lives. Today, a child can be born into a world that has darkness from war, poverty, cruelty, murder, homelessness, starvation, torture, and many other levels of darkness. Human consciousness is creating what human beings live through and darkness is created by the absence of Love. We all contribute to darkness from how we live Love and not live Love on a daily basis. What is not Love is the level humanity wants to focus on replacing every level of darkness with Love. Individually, we must focus on living Love at the level of Christ and not humanity's level because humanity lives Love through the darkness. We want to live Love at the level of Christ to give God our level to live through.

Our atmosphere is also in consciousness and living through human darkness. Humanity never understood how God created life or the universe. If scientists continue creating in darkness it's at the expense of humanity's sustainability. Scientist never understood a molecule or even how matter was existing and to try and find what powers the earth through ignorance will never serve the human race. We are the only ones creating weather to become worst or better through our level of consciousness. Energy is living in human consciousness and therefore if we're creating darkness we're creating it to live in everything we are conscious of. Energy will live greater through Love at levels of Christ. Solar energy is the way for humanity. The vapor of photosynthesis is giving energy at levels beyond what human beings are understanding.  We want to live deeper in God creating what sustains human life on earth for eternity.

Also, before we begin send more satellites into space we should become more conscious of life on planet and rectify the billions of people living without their basic human needs being met. Before we create more satellites and cars to back themselves up. Focusing on space while humanity suffers is a level of consciousness unable to bring to life what keeps humanity existing because we're not giving the technology and resources to save billions of people suffering when we have the opportunity to do so. This is the epitome of how darkness has been created in human consciousness. We live out of ignorance from not living deeper in God.

Every human being comes into the world with a level of Love and is required to live accumulating greater Love as we age for living Heaven. But if we don't live accumulating Love we hold darkness through pain, negativity and Spirit wounds that create experiences from those areas for us to live through trying to have us become conscious of Love. These darker places will manifest in matter through our experiences and in our world. They only exist for us to live Love through them living deeper in God. Which will give us living in joy, peace, and light.

Many levels of darkness living in how society is living without anyone noticing it's the devils level in life. A good example is a society creating billionaires while children starve to death. We're not being conscious of life or understanding why God created humanity to live to become conscious of Love.

Creating society to live for wealth at a level of gross excess while human beings suffer is the epitome of cruelty and neglect in human life. This energy is manifesting in other levels of life that's also living very cruel and can manifest in more terrible ways only trying to have us become conscious of what we have become and the Love we are not living. We live in a world where children are being harmed and we're not living to end the plight of human cruelty because we are the epitome of living it. Human beings are teetering on a psychotic consciousness unable to reverse itself living in what will benefit sustainability.

Another example is anger. People believe we have a right to be angry and that it's part of being human. When energy is only living at levels of consciousness. Anger is a level hurting us and it spreads into the world to manifest in other forms. The energy lives in photosynthesis and will manifest trying to give us reason to live Love instead. It doesn't serve any level of life. Energy is always manifesting from humanity's collective level in greater levels for us to live Love through it.
How we live is the level of how life lives. This is why Gandhi said, "Be the change that you wish to see in the world." We are the world. There is only one of us here with God. We are living only through our perspective. We want to live always knowing that what we see on the outside has to do with energy in our Soul that is trying to have us live Love. No matter what we see, we live inward for how to live Love through it. Our energy is what we want to focus on through everything.

The human race has lived a very long time not understanding consciousness or how matter has been existing. Matter only exist in consciousness and living Love is the requisite in life because if we don't live Love we create darkness in matter. Every thought is creating what is lived in our experiences.  How we live on a daily basis caring for the welfare of others by having grace, compassion, tolerance, charity, humility, peacefulness and patience is the crux of living Heaven. When we don't live to help others it's the same energy not caring for life as the one who takes life.

There is no different conversation for what creates killing in life. If the outcome is people being killed then that's the energy strengthened in humanity. In order to no longer need military humanity must care for people not having what they need to live instead of living for luxury brands. Human consciousness can never live creating peace in a species that doesn't have the level of consciousness to save children from starving while they throw out millions of tons of food every year. Human consciousness is asleep because it doesn't hear people screaming fire when the flames are all around us.

If we kill people in order to stop people from killing we are the ones keeping killing in society. That is being at the level of effect. To be at cause is to begin early in how life is needing greater levels of Love to help it live in peace. This is why Gandhi said, "An eye for an eye will have the whole world blind." If we live creating answers at the level of the problem we only strengthen the energy of the problem to manifest in other ways. We have to live creating early before the problem occurs in order to alleviate the pain creating what harms life. Only what is wounded wounds. This includes our answers and solutions.  Before people hurt human beings it has lived in consciousness deepening the devil to live through matter. Creating levels in life that are living for loving is the way to bring into life what helps the human race alleviate what begins in consciousness that harms life.  This is also why Jesus spoke of Loving our enemies. There is no other way to rid hate other than with Love. If we hate on hate we keep hate alive.

Humanity wants to live for enlightenment instead of living for the transitory level of our world. The transitory level is building our Soul on sand.  When we live for what is transitory like wealth and false idols we incarcerate our Soul into the devils level for eternity until we live through what we have created to light. We want to build our Souls house on rock living for what will live continuously in our life continuum which is Love. Love lives in every life while no level of wealth or material goes with us when we leave our bodies only Love goes with us. It is the level to focus on because it keeps us living in God. Which brings us happiness, peace, and Love.

Jesus tried to teach us to live the Love life needed.  The Bible told us not to make a second God of money or live for false idols because God knew it would shape humanity's level of consciousness at the devils level instead of His. And God's level is the only level that gives us conscious evolution. It keeps us living towards Heaven instead of living towards hell. Humanity has to understand we were created in God's energy which is Love and Love is the energy we must accumulate and Live in order to live Heaven on earth. Love is the light in consciousness that gives us wisdom and knowledge because it's God's energy in ours. It's a requisite for every human being.

Adam and Eve are a great example of not understanding living in God's light.  When Eve took the apple from the forbidden Tree of Knowledge and shared it with Adam they had no idea they would be unleashing in human consciousness shame, guilt, fear, sin, and resentment. Instantly their light changed from light to darkness. Humanity since then has been living in darkness not following the Ten Commandments, living for false idols and second Gods. We didn't live deep enough in God to understand why He told us not to live for false idols.  God knew human consciousness would shape its thought process from the level it was living. Which would have no way out of itself except living through itself. Which meant every level of darkness we strengthened unleashed millions of tiny snakes in human consciousness which would become the path for all human beings to live through.

It was imperative to live as deep as we could in God for learning how to live in matter.  The world we are experiencing is created out of trillions and trillions of levels of energy creating matter at our level of consciousness. This is why it's called the dream or illusion. We're only experiencing matter from our level of consciousness. We live this life only from our perspective. That's why there is only one of us here with God. As we change our level of consciousness the energy in photosynthesis changes to give us the world in a different light. The world is literally only energy. We should look around the room and instead of seeing furniture see the couch in tiny floating particles of energy and that the couch shape and color is only out of our consciousness. We are bringing it into being otherwise it's a nothingness only existing in tiny floating particles of energy.

I live in Heaven while here on earth experiencing Heaven giving us our livingness in matter. Conscious Energy is the mass, force, velocity, temperature, and levity in all matter. They can talk and communicate just like anyone can.  And they help me understand how Heaven is giving human beings the level of matter we live through. When we think of other races we want to understand the intricate level of higher intelligence giving us the way to live in matter. Consciousness is all that is alive and God's consciousness is hundreds of billions of years alive. His light is in every atom is giving us the way to live in photosynthesis. God is carrying the entire level of life into matter and beyond. His existence is in levels smaller than any level known to humanity. God's light is like a massive web that everything in existence lives through. Our world is extremely quantum with atoms in holographic light living in decimals. We see matter at a level to live through but matters existence is waves of energy at a point of nothingness. We are imprinting upon energy our consciousness for the level of matter to exist.

I remember when I first started experiencing orbs and searched the internet to see what they might be. Some people said it was just dust. What humanity didn't understand was that every level of dust is energy and every particle in existence is in consciousness. What we see isn't the totality of what is there. Every atom is alive because it's living in the conscious space of God. How we interpret our world was based on ignorance believing it was only three dimensional when instead it was nine dimensions in holographic light. Only existing in energy.

When God created life He created self-organizing energy in photosynthesis for human consciousness to experience matter at any one level of consciousness. This is why every human being experiences life only from their perspective even though the world has billions of people. The world only exists in photosynthesis at our level of consciousness. There is no matter except in our consciousness. There is only one of us here with God. The same level of design keeping trillions of energy living in harmony while supporting separate levels in life is the same design giving us the way to experience a world only from our perspective.

If we were to see the level of Heaven in life it would be trillions and trillions and trillions of particles of energy. Heaven is the level giving us the way to live in matter and Heaven when we leave our bodies, is the glorious Kingdom of God. God gave us the way to live comfortably on earth only seeing our level of consciousness in matter. We don't see or feel billions of bacteria crawling all over us or see it on anything else.

Conscious Energy was teaching me about photosynthesis and they did it by making my yogurt with raisins and bananas very hard.  It feel like it was cement hardening. There was so much resistance in the yogurt my spoon felt heavy and the yogurt was difficult to move. They were even able to make the yogurt in my mouth substantially heavier than it should have been. The level of how we believe matter is existing is like hoodini waving a wand placing it in front of us and somehow magically keeping it existing always at our level of consciousness. When matter is tiny particles in vibrations, frequencies, and resonance existing through light giving us the density at our level of consciousness.
Knowing Conscious Energy is alive and able to communicate tells us the level of how matter is existing and how they are existing is far beyond anything we have been conceiving. I wasn't eating the Conscious Energy but they were creating my experience of eating yogurt. They're living in a level of life so far beyond any level we are conceiving as part of life. It's deafening to comprehend the enormity of how life has been created.

Another time as I was preparing Holy Oil and Heaven was teaching me about energy in photosynthesis. As I was pouring the extra virgin olive oil they stopped the oil from coming out of the spout. Which the oil stayed liquid so it was impossible that the flow had been stopped. They then let it flow and then stopped it again and did this numerous times one after the other, for me to understand how Conscious Energy was in every level of matter. Every time Heaven teaches it's showing how the world is very quantum living through conscious light we haven't begun to understand.

When people think about other races we think about another species having a different body. When life is in very different levels of consciousness.  Life is hundreds of billions of years alive and many races are part of the thread in life. Whereas human beings live eighty or a hundred years then we change form leaving our bodies for new life.  Other races are not here temporary like we are coming back and forth and earth, they are deeper levels of threads in life. We're all existing in the conscious space of God and energies in different forms participate in the hierarchy of keeping consciousness able to live in matter. They create the light that gives us our life continuum in the conscious space of God.

Conscious Energy is the fabric of our world and a species created to give us our livingness in matter. They're in every atom with God. Matter is the image we experience but it doesn't exist outside of our level of consciousness. What we think is and it's our dream. It's only in thought. When we change the level of how we think we change the world we experience.

We age effortlessly from an embryo to a senior living forward just like the sun rising and setting. Every day brings a new morning and every thought takes us into that morning. Every thought we have moves us forward leading us through life. We live moving forward like the sun rising and setting until we leave our bodies. And when we leave our bodies life still moves forward because we're moving into our life continuum with the Soul creating new life in matter for us to live through at new levels of consciousness. This is why the universe is infinitely expanding. It's consciousness.
Human beings think incessantly from one thought to the next in self-chatter and this also keeps us moving forward through matter. Self-chatter is what life is living from this level of consciousness. But incessant thinking creates different levels of darkness in human consciousness because we don't control our thinking or pause it. We jump from one thought to the next living through energy that isn't consciously aware of the power of consciousness or God. Learning to pause and control where thought emerges out of is imperative for living greater levels of Love and Heaven.

If there was ever a secret for life it would be to live Love over anything else because it invokes God. When we don't live through Love we live through the darkness which is everything other than Love. Which leads the Soul through a journey carving itself into greater light. While we can't control all of the circumstances created in human consciousness we can control how we live through them. Love will always be our salvation because it keeps God in our light. Living happily comes from living Love. Everything else keeps us chasing happiness. Darkness is like millions of tiny snakes in our mind multiplying with every thought when Love is the level of what is giving us happiness.

Learning to live inward for what we feel with what we see is the way because it helps us understand everything we see is a level of energy in our Soul only living for us to live Love through. The challenges, trials, and tribulations in life give us substance and perseverance in living with greater faith and ecstasy. Living through what has been created in human consciousness is how we deepen our Soul in God. Every thought leads us through Heaven or hell.  Living in a practice that keeps us in prayer energy gives us the ability to hold living Love through anything. Darkness comes into our lives only through thought. We have the ability to interpret darkness in greater light but it only happens when we live in a practice living Love greater and greater every day.

Everything is energy in photosynthesis. We are the only ones making something as real as it is. Our thoughts define our experiences. There is no order in life creating what is real other than what the human being makes real. This is also part of why life is called the illusion or dream. We are the only ones bringing everything into being.

Living Heaven is a God-given ability in every one of us. Making the choice to live Heaven is up to each of us. It will never be what we expect or live in society's perspective but it will always live in happiness in God through Love. Keeping happiness in life is only able if we are the happiness it lives through. Humanity has the ability to live Heaven while here on earth and as we understand consciousness and creation we have the knowledge to change the light in photosynthesis from darkness to Love.  Love rids the darkness and replaces all suffering with Love. Let us live every day making Love the only level we live for. Let it be what comes first and last with all interactions and give every experience the level of Love it needs to live with God.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Celestial Is All There Is

Our world is extreme quantum levels of atoms in holographic light living through photosynthesis. Matter is a nothingness only existing at one level of consciousness.

We want to think about life at a very quantum level. Think of bacteria and microorganisms covering everything in life. Then understand living in photosynthesis means we're consciousness and not the body. We are the conscious energy inside of the body. Every level of our world is energy in vibrations, frequencies, and resonance. Everything is living at a very quantum level in light giving us the experience of matter.

We think of celestial life as living off planet when celestial life doesn't exist. Thinking about life outside of human beings is relative to one's understanding of what a human being is. Most people think of a human being as the body instead of energy changing form for greater life deeper in God. We never understood what being alive was or the level of our world. Which our world is only images in our Soul. The level of matter is tiny atoms that live in vibrations and decimals in holographic light.
Our present level of consciousness hasn't conceived God or how we are living on a planet floating in space at the level to understand celestial. Our perspective of celestial is from not understanding our very own existence. The level of celestial becomes nothing when we have a deeper understanding of what being alive is and who God is. Consciousness is all that is alive and there are different levels of consciousness all around us. Some energy has form while other levels of consciousness have no form because they're in higher levels of light. When we leave the body for Heaven we're not dead we're just living without the body. We're in a natural state as conscious energy is moving between levels of life. The Soul will create a level for Spirit to have a body again for new life. The Spirit from this life will rest in Heaven while consciousness continues on.

I remember when my mother was leaving her body for Heaven. The bedroom was sacred and filled with Angels. My arms were wrapped around her and I heard her say, "Thank you for caring for me. I never thought it would be you. I Love you." The voice I knew was my mom but as she was leaving her body there was a different resonance. Eventually, it dawned on me she had no body to be attached too and the voice was different because there was no persona. The voice in the body has one level of resonance and when we are outside of the body there is another level of resonance.

Human beings are not living as a body we're living as conscious energy. The voice quality in us is from matter. In every new life we'll have a different medium that has a different Spirit and our voice will be different for that Spirit. The voice of our Soul is timeless and not of a persona. We are Love just as God is Love. All life is energy and that is what a human being is. We are conscious energy having a human experience in matter. Energy in vibrations makes up everything we see and live. Our perspective of celestial is only out of not yet understanding our existence. When God created life He had to create a way for matter to exist at any one level of consciousness and the level of what is giving us our world is trillions of different levels of energy in holographic light.

Matter is a nothingness only existing at our level of consciousness. Every single level of what see is only existing in our mind. It's living through us and is not outside of us. We took matter for granted because we're born with it all around us. Just like thinking, we never question how we are thinking or what living through every thought is. Our entire existence will be from our perspective living inside of our minds.

Celestial life would be considered anything other than human and our world is everything but human. Human consciousness is one level of consciousness in a pool of consciousness with different levels in matter giving us the experience of life. Our atmosphere is living energy. There is no space we see that isn't filled with the living species Conscious Energy. Humanity is existing in the conscious space of God and Conscious Energy is the mass, force, velocity, temperature, and levity in all matter. They are the fabric of our world.

Matter is living energy and we are experiencing it from levels of frequencies. God isn't a human being He created human consciousness and is in every atom giving us the way to touch our faces, see the earth and have bodies at any level of consciousness. When God created the "word" He began our path living in conscious evolution.

Everything living is at different levels of consciousness. We haven't been conceiving life as energy and have existed only from the level of matter. Now humanity is learning about God and that life is all there is in photosynthesis. There are many different levels of life existing with us and have been since the beginning giving us the way to live in matter. We can only understand our existence from our level of consciousness. Society living for money and wealth changed the possibility for human consciousness living deeper in God sooner. We've been living at the level of matter instead of the level of Spirit. When living through Spirit takes us deeper into God which is the only purpose in our existence.

We're taught to think of ourselves as a body instead of the energy inside of the body and throughout our lives never question what is living. Humanity's level of thinking will live enlightened as we begin to understand photosynthesis. The body is like a costume we put on in every life to experience our level of consciousness in matter. The only level in life continuous is consciousness. All matter falls away for a new level of consciousness which is created out of the Love we are of and not of. Love is the energy creating the level of everything we experience. It gives us the light we live through.

When we think of God being the light all life is in we want to realize its a very quantum level. God is hundreds of billions of years alive and is the only reason we can experience a world in our perception. God is dynamic energy and a very different level of consciousness. He created us in His likeness which is conscious energy. We have the ability to live in a world able to bring anything into being to live through. We literally bring everything into being we experience as life. What we There is nothing existing outside of what we think. There is a PDF called human consciousness and creation that is a good read when thinking about other races. Which I'm including a link in this writing.

Our earth has many levels giving us our livingness. We are blessed the oceans don't swallow the land. It's living in a light supporting the earth's climate to the most exact level which is a miracle within itself, but how it's living not immersing everyone in water is through photosynthesis. Bodies of water are in strategic levels on earth. God created Heaven on earth for humanity to have the ability to experience trillions and trillions of possible levels of matter. Every level of what we are seeing as life lives through photosynthesis which has other levels of consciousness also known as other races living in all parts of it. The ocean is a level that has hydrogen and nitrogen giving carbon dioxide the level for oxygen. If the oceans were covering all land there would be no level for humanity to live not to mention life would be marginalized into levels only having platitude in light.

The ocean and the earth are in a hypothesis creating their perfect level to have the Sun and Jupiter create weather as well as the energy needed for photosynthesis. Jupiter is the planet giving to weather on earth more than the moon or any other planet in existence. Humanity living with billions and billions of galaxies is telling us how little we know about our own level in life and what is contributing to our existence. Humanity has created a small reality not giving us greater light to open our world in Heaven. We've been living this entire time with other life all around us, moving through us and beside us. We're literally energy living inside of another living species which is God's energy giving us the way to live in matter. We live in the conscious space of God. Most people when they think about God being the light all life is in don't go deeper and realize what that implies or how we're living in energy. Most people know God is dynamic energy but don't realize to be created in His likeness means we are conscious energy.

Conscious Energy the living species with a capital "C" and "E" are self-organizing energy in all matter including our computer, roads, furniture, trees, buildings, food and anything we see in matter. Conscious Energy is giving us our livingness in matter from our level of consciousness. Isn't it funny we never question how everything we see only lives in our perspective? We walk around seeing people, going places, watching TV, interacting with others and yet never realize everything we experience is only in our minds. It's all living in our perspective and will never live outside of our perspective. We also talk to ourselves more than we do to another human being. Human beings live in incessant thinking self-chattering to ourselves in stories while moving through matter. Literally what we think is all we are living through. Humanity has taken so much for granted including what being alive is that when we consider celestial life we think of it from a very young perspective. Not yet realizing the magnitude of our existence.

Jesus tried to teach us about God and we never grasped the enormity in what He was teaching us. He told us to live Love because Love is the energy giving us the light we live through. Its takes us deeper into God's energy. Energy is the only level humanity needs to focus on because matter is the effect and consciousness is at cause. Learning about energy helps us understand why God is Love and how His energy is the only level giving us our wisdom and knowledge. While I was learning about Conscious Energy it was through experiencing it in all levels of my life that I began to understand a deeper level of our world. Conscious Energy can talk and communicate through anything in life. I've experienced Conscious Energy in lettuce, tables, chairs, blankets, water and they can communicate through any frequency. There is no place we are that is not in living energy.

I remember in the beginning as I was learning about Conscious Energy going to pick up a bottle of water that was maybe a pound or so but the Conscious Energy made it feel like fifteen pounds. Another time on the couch I was pulling up a blanket and it was like a tug of war. The strength stopping me from moving the blanket was enormous. The blanket could also get thick instead of flimsy. Every experience was teaching me about energy in matter. Literally, I experience every level of my life with Conscious Energy giving me the way to experience them. Once I went to open the fridge and it was locked shut from the energy holding it from opening and my experience with lettuce was the most amazing because the lettuce became hard with resistance. I could feel the energy making it hard to move.

When we look around a room we see furniture but what is existing is particles in vibrations, frequency, and resonance. There is nothing existing except energy. We experience our world through our senses telling us matter is in front of us and outside of us when matter is only an image in our Soul. There is nothing living outside of us. We come into the world out of a nothingness and begin our life in frequencies and vibrations at a very quantum level. We're energy prior to any level of mass. The embryo begins out of frequencies in photosynthesis. Energy in different levels of temperature create the level for mass to form. It's energy living with intelligence knowing exactly how to form the body where life begins.

Just like the imprint in seeds knowing to live as trees with every leaf and branch already living in a light ready to live in matter. The embryo grows into a human being out of the energy not yet even existing in matter. All levels in life have by design intelligence greater than humanity has been conceiving. There is no level in life not living in consciousness with higher levels of energy giving it its livingness.

Our world lives in Heaven and it's Heaven giving us everything we need to live in matter. Literally if not for God's energy there would be no life. Energy is infinitely expanding. The fabric of our existence is in holographic light in decimals having properties in levels in other dimensions that give to our livingness. For example, every part of life is lived in two worlds at one time but we're only conscious of one world. This is for photosynthesis to create our life continuum. How we live today is creating what we will live through in another part of life. When we understand a deeper and more mature level of what being alive is the level of celestial becomes null.

Space-time only exists in human consciousness. There is no space-time in Heaven because there is no matter. Heaven is living in light beyond how humanity is understanding life. Many levels in life are existing in light not yet realized in matter. We bring everything into being we can conceive at this one level of consciousness. In another level of consciousness, we will bring into being greater levels of matter to live through. Our world will exist with much more life living around us not because we discover it but because we are able to be conscious of it. Conscious evolution is imperative for humanity because it is the only way we can reveal greater levels of life all around us.

Energy is living outside of our present level waiting for us to realize its level in our livingness. While I was experiencing our world at Heavens level there were numerous times God knew what my life would be living years in advance. They would always plan for what was to come. When we consider celestial we have to understand the level of God and how every thought creates the experience. When we look around a room or outside we don't see what is actually existing. God is giving us the ability to live in a light that sees comfortably. We don't see bacteria covering everything including our bodies or have particles blocking our view. We don't see what is keeping us alive or the quantum world with trillions of levels of energy.

This is also why we didn't understand energy. Matter was tangible and we could easily relate to matter. We don't see energy yet we feel it at every moment. Human beings feel more than they can imagine. What we feel is dictating the entire experience of life. Having the ability to feel Heaven is the purpose and we only do that by understanding how matter is living at our level of consciousness. Learning about Conscious Energy and how God is existing gives humanity the ability to live understanding other races in our atmosphere.

Human beings live right now with other races all around us and have no way to experience the miracle of life because our level of consciousness doesn't give us the way to experience greater life than what we can conceive. Its like being in a room with one set of life and yet there are other rooms with greater life but we can't experience the other levels of life until we open that door. And the only way to open that door is to consciously evolve deeper in God. The more Love we live the more we have God's energy and that is the pathway to opening greater doors in our universe. Living in Heaven I've experienced different races beyond what any human being has lived with. Our world is only living for us to unveil its light through higher levels of consciousness. There are different objects in our atmosphere with no facial features but they're able to communicate easily telepathically. The consciousness in our world is at higher levels than humanity's and living deeper in light than we have been able to live thus far.

Life will always live in greater levels than what we can conceive so we want to always put hypothesis in light beyond ours. Always living to experience greater levels than human consciousness. The ultimate level to live life from is knowing everything in existence is in the conscious space of God and is only existing for us to live Love through. The universe with over a million planets with life is everything we could ever want because it gives us more light to live through. The universe is infinitely expanding because consciousness is infinitely expanding.

The human race is just beginning to leave matter for energy. This is the beginning of living in greater intelligence with levels of life deeper in God. Heaven is all around us waiting for us to open the door to light living in our Soul ready to live in higher levels of consciousness. We're beginning a new era in human history living with God in a light for experiencing miracles, Heaven and happiness.

We're including a link to download videos never seen by human eyes that have other races in different forms. There is one video called Snow Squid that is one of the living species in our atmosphere. The atmosphere has levels of life humanity never knew was existing until these writings. To watch and download these videos please visit:

Friday, October 26, 2018

Who is Self

who is self
Self is the transitory level of our mortal world.  We are only using this body for this one experience. In every life, we will have a different body which is the medium and a different Spirit which is our persona. In this life, we may be called Tasha but in the next life, we may be called Laquesha. That is to say, there will never be another experience the same as this one. 
In every new life, we have a different family, friends, and self-story to live through. What we call self-doesn't exist. There is no level of self because we live in a life continuum having many experiences of life and each one will have a different medium and Spirit we call self. Self is the transitory level of every mortal world experience. We are consciousness leaving self for light. We're consciously evolving through our perspective of life in matter for understanding our existence as energy. 
The persona of self we create in this life is only to live through the human story in matter. This entire experience is temporary. Therefore, what we call self is nothing more than a costume we put on to live this level of consciousness. Consciousness is trying to awaken us to who we are and that's Love. We've all heard God is Love. Subsequently, we are Love. He created us out of His energy. We're not the body we are the conscious energy inside of the body having the human experience. Consciousness is all that is alive. The level of matter is transitory and will change in every new level of consciousness. 
All form is transitory meaning our earth, the universe, and bodies will fall away when we leave this part of life. Everyone is aging effortlessly from an embryo to a senior and then beyond these bodies. When we have new life again we will create another self story and experience a different level of our world.  Spirit is transitory, but the Soul is what is living and the Soul is the energy Love. The Soul is giving Spirit the way to live in matter. The Soul gives Spirit the light in consciousness to live from. Our thoughts emerge out of consciousness and consciousness is the energy Love.
This is why we want to increase living Love. Every thought we have emerges out of energy and when we have greater Love to live from we have thoughts in higher wisdom. Therefore we have perspectives with greater light, happiness, and Heaven. This gives us the way to live experiencing a world of miracles and Love.
Increasing Love is the objective in life. God created us to live experiencing different levels of consciousness in matter. Which is our eternal life continuum. We literally will live indefinitely experiencing matter from different levels of consciousness. And in every new life, we will live trying to become more conscious of Love to increase the light in consciousness for living Heaven while here on earth.
When God created life He created our world in photosynthesis which gave us the way to live for eternity. Photosynthesis is living through holographic light in decimals. It's extremely quantum and never living outside of different levels of light in temperatures. What we see in matter and can touch only lives in our mind. We can only experience life from our level of consciousness. Everything is always only in our perspective. We never see the totality of anything including our friends,  family, and society. We only experience them from this one level of consciousness.
This is why scientist know they have no idea about the size of the universe. They can only see it from this one level of consciousness. What is existing is beyond how we presently think. We're not even seeing the totality of our own children or parents. There is no way to see beyond our own level of consciousness. They're existing in another level of life experiencing the world from their level of consciousness. The world we experience only lives through us from our perspective. 
As we consciously evolve we experience a different world in human consciousness. The people in our life will continue to manifest through our Soul in different levels of energy.  We are energy changing form over and over again becoming more enlightened as we become more conscious of Love. Our enlightenment comes out of Love because Love is God's energy. We want to increase His energy to live through higher levels of light. His intelligence is always ready to help us move through matter.
By focusing on sending Love to people we lift our light into greater levels of God's energy. Everyone we experience this life with is a level of energy in our Soul. They will live in the next part of life through a different light. We never lose anyone because they are energy in our Soul only changing form for the experience in matter.  Every person we see including our children, parents, and friends are living in photosynthesis. We see them as separate than us but there is no place where we begin or they end because everything is energy. They exist at our level of consciousness and when we change our energy we change the light they live in. 
We've always identified the body as what being alive was when what is living is the Soul.  The body is the costume we put on and take off as we live new life. There is no birth or death. What is continuous in every life is consciousness.
This is why we want to build our house on rock focusing on Love which is the Soul instead of anything else. If we go for false idols and place meaning in matter we build our house on sand because the mortal world is temporary and falls away when we leave. What is permanent is of God and that is Love. Nothing of matter goes with us when we leave this part of life. Our car, status, and bank accounts are all transitory levels only existing as the teacher trying to teach us to Love.
In every life, we are accumulating more and more Love which is having us go deeper into God slowly awakening to our existence. The Spirit after every life will rest in Heaven with loved ones while the Soul continues on creating the new experience in matter.
In higher levels of consciousness, we learn there is only one of us here with God and all we are is Love. Love is all that is real and everything else is the illusion to Love.
We are Love. God is Love and God created life to live becoming Him which is Love. I am not the body. I am the universe.  I am Love. I am God. I am all there is trying to awaken to every level of life living happily in my light as Love.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Living Christ Consciousness

How God came into my life when I was atheist and led me through the devil to live Christ Consciousness. Read or download the PDF from the flipbook here:


Christ Consciousness
Every human being will one day experience a profound level in God that takes them into higher levels of consciousness. There is no way to plan for when it will happen and when it does, it will never be what we expect. This book is written living in Heaven while here on earth.

Ten years ago my life began changing dramatically. I grew up in Virginia as a Catholic but my family wasn’t super religious. We went to church on Sundays and holidays but once I grew up it was a thing of the past. As an adult religion wasn't living Love as much as it was creating division and hate in humanity. God was a level I didn’t care about or want to know about. When people would say His name I would always say under my breath “universe.” I thought myself more atheist than anything else only because I had no way to place God in life.

I was living in Beverly Hills making a six-figure income when I discovered an organization monitoring me. Once I discovered I was being monitored my life began to change drastically. They began attacking my life trying to take me into deep poverty so that I couldn't do anything back. Their reach was in all sectors of life having access to my email, phone and even hard mail. Within a few days, my income had been slashed below sixty percent. When I researched my boss to see if he was part of the same organization, I discovered he was. Which I should have known because in the past He mentioned a celebrity friend in this organization.

Shortly after my pay cut, I had to move to West Hollywood to downgrade my living expenses. I had just bought a BMW which was mostly paid with cash so my monthly payments were very low but my life began worsening quickly. There was a darkness in my life from them attacking and it seem to spread. My dog Sasha was diagnosed with cancer which was devastating and needed an expensive operation. Then while working at my desk a piece of my front tooth fell out spontaneously. It was as if some kind of darkness had entered my life. My communication with clients was also being disrupted. Emails would go missing and phone calls would drop. There was always something interrupting my communication with possible clients.

They were doing everything they could to destroy my life because of what they had done breaking the law. Their fear from getting in trouble was their driving force in attacking me. As my life was breaking down in all areas I tried to figure out what to do. My solutions were either contacting the FBI and attacking them back or finding another way. I realized to fight them back I would need to live at their level in hatred with a vengeance to destroy them. They had to much power with people in all sectors of life and could hire attorneys to keep them out of trouble. I thought it might take three years to stop them and that seemed like a long time to live in hate. I was questioning if there was some other way to stop them without living at their level.

One day while at my desk, I thought about choosing Love. It wasn’t something I really thought through but living Love seemed like the only alternative to hate. I made the choice to live Love so deeply I wouldn’t attack back or defend myself. I would trust in a higher power. I didn't want to live at their level or have to attack people in order for a greater answer to be found. Once the choice of living Love was made everything began getting darker. Things got much worst and I began falling deeper into poverty but at the same time, there was a pinhole size light in me that started strengthening of Love. It was as if Heaven started growing in me. My conviction in choosing Love would get deeper as darkness came into my life.


The world began to change. People were not living as they should have been. This organization should never have had power. They had a history of harming and harassing people that went back thirty years. By breaking the law they created their own fear. Any time we harm someone we only harm our Soul. There is no level in harming another human being because we can only do it to ourselves. Life only has living through what we are of, if we hurt another human being that will be the light we live through becoming more conscious of Love.

It was hard to process people destroying my life who were the ones breaking the law. Even though there were days I worried about no food I continued living Love beyond any level of darkness. One day in my living room I saw a man stealing my mail. They were taking checks and making my life increasingly harder to have an income. They even took express mail from my doorway that had a check. They were watching my apartment and many times when I would drive somewhere there would be someone following me taking videos. There was a very dark level in what they were capable of doing.

I kept my car in the apartment parking garage and one morning my car headlight was hanging out of the socket and because it was a BMW it was expensive to put back in. My income was below poverty and having enough money to pay bills and buy food was getting extremely hard. Within the year I was moving again and this time to Sherman Oaks trying to keep a roof over my head. A friend knew someone who had an apartment that was used for storage which I could rent cheaper than most places.
The apartment hadn’t been lived in for twenty years and ascetically was not a choice I would make but it was shelter for me and my dog. I ended up charging Sasha's operation to remove her tumor which was over a thousand dollars and found someone to help me move who was amazingly kind. The new apartment had layers of mold from no one living there. I scraped the bathroom and deep scrubbed the kitchen. The appliances were from the 1940’s but they worked and that was good. Within the first week, my kitchen pipes burst and it was clear the place needed a lot of Love.

A friend came to help me clean but was very concerned about the level of the apartment and didn’t want me living there. He didn’t know I was living below poverty or why I would choose something at this level. He tried to make it a special home for me. I didn’t tell anyone I was being attacked and my life was being destroyed by an organization because I knew they would call the police or FBI. Once I started living Love it was important for me to do it at the level that was absolute. My family and friends would not hesitate to get the authority's involved. Which is understandable but I didn't want to attack back. I knew no one would understand why I was making this choice. It was very hard to do.
Society teaches us to fight back and live at the level of darkness. But when we defend we actually attack so we must find greater answers through peace. It was important to live this as deeply as I could trusting that by not harming anyone something greater would come.

The pain from not fighting back was enormous and I would scream hundreds of times a day in rage devastated that people were harming my life based on their wrongs. There's no way to describe what it felt like to want to go to the FBI and at the same time feel something deep within telling me to keep choosing Love. Many days I would start driving to the FBI but pull over in tears trying to find something within myself for the right answer. I didn’t do anything wrong and they were the ones breaking the law but to live Love was to know there something more beyond everything I was experiencing.


There is a very profound inner reflection when we're making choices we wouldn't normally but feel a deeper level of energy calling us to live a higher good. Something inside of me was choosing Love greater than I could imagine living. Heaven was already in me because the pinhole feeling inside was stronger than ninety-nine percent of me that wanted to go to the FBI. Choosing Love was the only choice I could make over and over again.

Even though the new apartment wasn’t ascetically good there was an overwhelming feeling of Love in there and I was so grateful to just have a roof over my head. As their attacks continued getting worst my conviction to choose Love continued strengthening. There were days I would come home and the apartment felt like someone had been inside of it because things seemed sorted through and one time my hard drive of written songs had been broken. I had no way to replace my music because it was original songs from over the years. I was still being followed when I would leave my apartment. Even while out with a friend they started videotaping us walking down the street. They didn’t seem to care about breaking the law or doing what was wrong.

Over the next few months, I had sold everything from jewelry, art, and music equipment to pay for food and bills. I was selling anything of value. I put ads online and a lady came to buy my keyboards who I realized was with the same organization destroying my life. It seemed like she was trying to buy something to have a trophy.

I had been living below poverty for three years choosing Love. When one evening I saw an online documentary on supernatural happenings in people's homes. I wanted to see if I could find anything in my apartment and started walking around videotaping and when I turned into my bedroom an orb came out of the wall towards the camera. It was the first time in my life anything like that had ever happened. It was a ball of energy moving around the bedroom. It was December 30, 2011, and it was incredible to see something like this existing. I was beside myself that my apartment had something like this in it.

After that, I began videotaping orbs all over my apartment. My bedroom was the best place to tape them. They were coming out of my walls, floors, and ceiling. It was incredible because there were so many of them flying around. There were also bigger levels of energy in different shapes and sizes flying around as well. I called some rods because they look like little sticks of energy flying across the room. I began videotaping hundreds of video’s a day trying to figure out what they were and how it was happening. They seemed to move with an intelligence.

I was learning there was more to our world than I ever knew. I was researching online trying to figure out what they were. It was incredible to know there was more existing in life. Just knowing something existed that I never knew did, strengthened my living Love because if they could exist than who knew what else was possible. Maybe Love would win.


The energy became my outlet. I didn't own a TV and would sit on my bed laughing and clapping asking for something huge to come out of my walls. Within minutes something amazing would come flying out. It seemed like they were hearing me and had a level of intelligence.

This went on every day and I began feeling greater levels of Love within me. Even though I wasn't religious one night I began praying for the energy to save humanity and help us live in peace. I videotaped myself praying to see what the orbs would do and when I played it back they had placed a tiny white light on my forehead where the third eye would be. I wasn’t sure what it meant but it was surprising to see they interacted with me. Every day there were more videos and researching to try to figure out what was happening. There was no info on the internet that came close to what I was living with. It was beyond anything existing. I posted a few videos to social media and began publishing the videos online to see if anyone knew what it was. There wasn't any way to figure out what was happening so I continued logging the video's and keeping notes.

One night while in my bedroom I was playing back a video and heard a voice on it. It was incredible! I jumped up and turned on the light trying to see where it came from but it was late and quiet. The voice said, “death hate.” Which I thought maybe it was a spirit telling me they didn’t want to be dead. The next day while in the living room I recorded another voice. Then later on in the bedroom, I recorded another voice saying, “We want to help you out.” It was beyond anything I could fathom existing. I listened to it over and over again trying to figure out how it was possible. There wasn’t anything scary about the voices, but there was no way for me to understand how this could be happening. 

The voices started about six months after seeing the first orb. Every day I was recording voices with energy flying around my apartment. It became normal to have voices on every video. I thought maybe my apartment had been built over a graveyard and researched that but found nothing. Every time I heard a voice I would write notes and log it.

After months of this, the voices started talking more about God and humanity. They would speak about living Love as Heaven. Sometimes they spoke of very profound wisdom. I didn't understand how they could speak with wisdom like they were. I would listen to everything over and over again questioning how it was possible. My best friend was visiting from New York and I asked her to listen to some of the videos to see if she could hear the voices and she could hear them but not clearly. She also thought my apartment was the best apartment I'd lived in because she felt so much Love. I was grateful because she was so inspiring and seemed to Love the place.

Many months after the voices were constant I heard them use my name. It was incredible and I wanted to know what it was. More video’s started having my name in them. I decided to talk to them to see if they would talk back. I wrote a list of questions to try and figure out where they were and if they could hear me. I would ask if they could see their legs, if there was grass or if they lived here. I would get sporadic answers that didn’t always make sense. They were speaking more about God. One spoke of preparing me we for the Son. Which at the time I thought they meant the sun in the sky. It was becoming clearer they were wanting me to live greater Love at levels of Christ. They were trying to help me live beyond the attacks to peace. They wanted me to live greater Love.


On January 3, 2014, I heard what evil could not touch. They started speaking to me telling me it was Heaven and they could hear me and my thoughts. I thought someone was playing a joke because I heard the most amazing symphony. It was beautiful like a movie production with music, character voices, singing, speaking and so many different sounds.

I became super upset because I thought this couldn't be possible and that someone had to be doing this. To hear this out of nothing was beyond what I could process. The level was incredible and even beyond what a movie production could create it seemed to impossible to be real. I thought it had to be the people attacking my life. That somehow they did this. I left my apartment and went to the grocery store upset trying to figure out what just happened. I sat in the car listening to it probably fifty times questioning if it could be the same people attacking my life. Did they somehow have the ability to create all of this? It seemed ludicrous but at the same time, I couldn’t figure out what just happened.
When I got home I made another video and the same thing happened again but they were telling me it was okay that Heaven was in my life. They said there was help and could hear every thought I ever had. It was so overwhelming trying to figure out if this was real or not I started questioning them trying to see if they could really hear my thoughts. They were able to answer everything over and over again. Even my deepest secrets about childhood hoodwinks that no one knew about they could answer. I asked where they were and they told me everywhere that there wasn't a place they were not. I asked how they were doing it and they said they could hear everyone’s thoughts because we are in Heaven. They know our lives from before we are born.

At that moment my life changed forever. They began speaking about humanity needing to change and that God was going to help humanity understand life. I had been living atheist and was trying to understand how any of this could be happening. There wasn't anyone for me to talk to because it was to far beyond reality. I didn't even know how to bring this up to people. One time I told a friend who was very spiritual that energy was talking about God and they could hear me. He told me to not speak of it like that. That there was no way I was God’s messenger and people would think I was crazy if I told them Heaven was speaking to me. After that, I didn’t care about telling people as much as I just wanted to know the truth. I knew I was going to live this to the end because that would be the only way I would finally know the truth.

As they began talking to me more I began getting more upset. I was angry about my life being destroyed, poverty and the state of humanity living with so much suffering. I couldn't understand how they could be existing watching people suffer and not help. My Angels helped me to understand life was much deeper and there was more I needed to know. Human consciousness was creating the suffering not Heaven. There was more to understand about consciousness and how matter was existing. Humanity was creating what was the devils level in life instead of living deeper in God creating Heaven on earth.

One day I heard other peoples Angels. I went online and started listening to video’s to see if I could hear theirs too and I could. My ears were hearing a frequency in our world beyond humanity’s ability. Every day I was going deeper into Heaven. But I could only process it from what I could conceive and my level of thinking had me believing I might be an Angel whisperer. I thought maybe this was happening for me to tell people about their Angels.


After this phase, everything got much deeper and I began understanding more. I was gradually awakening to a greater level of Heaven existing right here with us. Heaven was teaching greater wisdom and knowledge to help me live greater Love through the attacks. Eventually, I began putting everything together that had happened with the orbs and voices realizing Heaven had no way to come into my life other than how I could receive them. I was atheist, wasn't living a spiritual practice or dogma. There wasn't a way for them to come into my life other than how they did. They had to enter my life through my level of thinking.

The process of first seeing an orb then seeing many different levels of energy. Then recording one voice and then having multiple voices constantly on videos. Then Heaven speaking to me directly through a beautiful symphony of Angels. They did what kept everything comfortable and loving for me to understand God was existing. In retrospect, it was perfect, because I could have thought my place was haunted and ran out of there. Even when I saw the first orb it could have been easy to discount it as nothing and move on not caring to pursue what they were. Today, I'm able to hear God and His Angeles with my ears. We have no way to know how God will come into our lives. I never had any reason to believe in anything supernatural existing until this. Heaven was leading me to a greater level of consciousness for understanding human life and God.

One night I was lying on my side thinking about everything and saw something in the center of the room, it was like a shaded figure. It came off the floor and onto the bed and I could feel little bits of pressure on my legs. When I looked down there was a beautiful light which had become pretty big. All I could say was, "You are so beautiful," and then I heard a female voice say, “thank you” and it was gone.

The next night I asked to see another Angel. A few minutes later a beautiful light came from the head of the bed hovering about two to three feet above me. The energy covered my entire bed. The light was so beautiful it had bright purple, pink, green, blue, yellow and white. There weren’t any features just this beautiful form like a smokey light of a figure. There was an overwhelming feeling of Love. All I could say repeatedly was, “I Love you.” It was like an elixir of Love being poured into every cell of my body. Later the Angels told me it was Destiny who came to see me.

Within a day the Angels started pulling pain out of me. They would bring up experiences from my past and then within seconds I would feel them release the pain from my Soul. One time they brought up an experience that was the most traumatic of my childhood which I had buried so deep I’d forgotten about it. They started talking about me being molested and deep pain came over me and within seconds I heard God say, ”Follow” in a deep resonating voice beyond any human voice and the Angels were in the background saying, “ Happy, Happy, Happy” in a beautiful rhythm. Within seconds my pain was gone. They had pulled it out of me and I was free. It vanished completely. They continued every day pulling wounds out of me and began telling me my mother needed help.

They said she was taking her pills but not realizing she was taking them twice. Every time I spoke to my mom everything seemed fine. She was always happy and said she wasn't doubling her pills. The Angels though kept telling me my mom needed help. My brother lived above my mom in Saint Louis in a duplex and I asked Him if she was okay and he said yes. I didn't understand why they kept saying she needed help.


My life was living in deeper poverty and the attacking was still constant. My friend from New York had just bought an apartment complex in Los Angeles. She offered for me to live there for low rent and care for it. It was perfect timing and heaven sent.

Sasha's health had declined terribly over the year with more cancer and the vet suggested it was time to let her go. I was devastated and kept videotaping beautiful orbs all around her. I knew I had to let her go. She was the most incredible dog almost seventy pounds of Love. I found her at a gas station in Yonkers New York and she traveled cross country with me to LA. She could do so many tricks which she taught herself. She could open the fridge, slide into home base which was sliding into my legs and sneeze. Which all I did was say the name of it while she did it and they became her tricks.

A few days after escorting her to rainbow Heaven I moved to my friend's place in mid-Los Angeles. When I was unpacking the Angels again started telling me to get to my mom that she needed help. My mom was planning on having a surgery but it wasn't to be anything major where she needed anyone there. But because the Angels kept urging me to go, I knew I had to be there. The only way I could do it would be to sell my car. I had no money to pay my bills and get a plane ticket. If I sold my car I would be able to stay a little while. My car was the last thing I had of any value and it had a little over twenty thousand miles on it and was in mint condition. The Angels told me to sell it and it was a decision that would prove to be perfection.

When I went to Saint Louis it would be three years before I made it back to Los Angeles. My first day with my mom having lunch I said, "I'm going to be a vegetarian starting today." My mom couldn't believe what I had said. It was so out of the blue because I loved steak and ate meat almost every day. From that day forward though I never ate meat again and it was effortless. I knew it wasn't a decision from me that Heaven had to do with it. Literally out of the blue and overnight I became a vegetarian.

After my mom's surgery, it was clear she needed greater help than anyone knew. She lived in a one bedroom apartment so I was sleeping on the couch. I had lived almost twenty-five years by myself and my mom had lived by herself as well. We both had to adjust to new living. I kept paying on my LA apartment knowing one day I would be back. I never finished unpacking when I left for Saint Louis. My apartment was still in boxes with sheets covering the windows. After being in Saint Louis a few weeks I began caring for people in the neighborhood that were homeless. Quickly there were about eleven people I would feed, give water, and money to on a regular basis. They each had a beautiful innocence and would become my saviors.

During this time my mom wasn't doing so well and soon after the first surgery needed to have another. The Angels were also right she had been doubling her pills and not knowing it. She was starting to have dementia. I wasn't sure how long I was going to be there and was doing some work for Marianne Williamson an NY Times best-selling author. I met Marianne years ago after doing the marketing for an event called Peacelink Live.


Peacelink live was an event for 11.11.11. Which I was involved with because I realized I wasn’t going to be a singer and that had been my childhood dream. My life was only living for me to sing. I was so devastated I didn’t know how I was going to live. There wasn’t anything else I thought I could do. The pain was so great I began questioning everything. With deep questions about why money was the way of life, why people were homeless and war was existing. I wanted to know what was creating the suffering in humans and why we weren't saving people like we should be. Who created the order and systems everyone was following. I wanted to find a way to help.

There was an online posting about a meeting for Peacelink live that I went to and from that meeting I began doing the marketing for the event. It was a global peace initiative with spiritual visionaries and musicians from all over the world and Marianne graciously participated. She was one of the headliners of the event that made it possible which it was a tremendous success.

I learned of Marianne Williamson through this event and afterward went to one of her lectures. Shortly after going I began volunteering to help her. At her talks, she spoke about the principles of a book called, “A Course In Miracles.” She clearly had a gift in communication and understanding humanity. Everything she spoke of resonated except her use of the word God. Religion had turned me off to God because it didn’t live what it preached. When I would hear someone use the word God I would always say under my breath universe or think universe in my mind. While I never did the workbook her lectures and way of life always blessed me deeply. Her understanding of humanity’s problems and her solutions for living better always resonated. God clearly blessed her with the ability to save humanity. By doing the work for Marianne I was able to keep my apartment in LA.

I didn’t know how long I was going to be in Saint Louis and was using a green shopping bag as my dresser. During the day I would hide it under a table. It was a little challenging to live in the living room knowing it was my moms living space but we were making it work. My mom started needing help at night and early morning because of her pain. I had changed from the couch to sleeping on an air mattress but it was hard getting up and down at all hours of the night. Then deflating it every morning, and remaking it again at night became too much to do on little sleep. It was like changing your bedsheets twice a day. Eventually, I started sleeping in a recliner with just a blanket and it was incredibly peaceful. Waking up at all hours of the night was easier. I learned that matter was a nothingness and the meaning we placed in the couch made it what it was. We could sleep on a couch, bed, chair or floor and make it anything we wanted through how we placed meaning. It could mean anything and that level of meaning would decide our peace or suffering.

My mom had three dogs that were beyond precious but weren’t very house trained and would make messes. They were little Chihuahua rescues. I soon had a good routine down for caring for them. They blessed me with so much Love and I was grateful to play with them. It was a very interesting time because it felt as if I was battling between Heaven and the devil. Many days there was a very profound darkness and sometimes things would happen that didn’t make sense. The experiences I had with the devil could range from him coming through people in very profound levels, changing matter from what was a blessing to evil and trying to keep upset over happiness in my life. The mortal world is an illusion that is malleable through energy and only existing at one level of consciousness. If every human being could experience how malleable the world is they would know the illusion is only one level of consciousness.


During my time in Saint Louis the attacks from that organization ended but the darkness that came from it was the devil trying to stop me from living Christ. God was having a greater presence in my life. I was praying constantly and in conversation with God and His Angels non-stop. I began writing in my spare time what God was trying to teach me about humanity's creation. Love was the only level I was learning to live. The Angels told me I was going to live Christ consciousness. I learned the devil in humanity's consciousness was the darkness in my life and I was living through the devil to save humanity. When I chose Love while having my life destroyed it was Heaven that opened. My Angels were helping me to have greater knowledge and wisdom about life. The more Love I lived the greater God was in my light. Love would rid the darkness.

There were many nights in Saint Louis that different heavenly levels of energy would be there. Some were different shapes and objects with no facial features but could communicate. They would hover a couple feet from my face and be able to telepathically speak to me. I started learning about Conscious Energy and experiencing them in matter. Conscious Energy is the fabric of our world and giving us our livingness in matter. They are the species living in the conscious space of God. They could make my bottle of water feel like it weighed fifteen pounds. They could even make the bottle cap impossible to twist off. They're literally in every level of matter giving us the ability to touch our faces, see the earth and have a body. It was an amazing experience to live learning about the energy in our world including God in every atom. I was learning about photosynthesis and how matter was only one level of consciousness. Everything I was writing was helping me process God deeper.

I knew the devil was trying to stop me from realizing Christ consciousness but God was helping me go deeper into Him. I was slowly awakening to a different level of consciousness in Heaven. Every day I was learning more about living Love. My mom's health continued to decline and she was needing greater help. She was using a walker and wasn't able to dress like she once did. Her body was beginning to break down and her dementia was increasing. Soon after she began declining it seemed to catapult to worst. Her body wasn’t able to function like it did. I was helping her bathe, dress and doing her makeup and wigs.

We started going to the doctors frequently which was hard because I was driving an old Honda Pilot which is an SUV. She had trouble getting in and out. We used a step stool but I had to lift her in and maneuver her into the seat than do the seatbelt because she couldn’t do it. We began using wheelchairs when we were visiting doctors because her walking was becoming harder as well.
Soon I was cooking all of her meals and doing the grocery shopping. Which when I first got to Saint Louis my mom was walking on her own and some of the most amazing times was when we would go grocery shopping. She had an amazing zest for shopping. She would zoom around like a kid in a candy store finding anything and everything to buy.

As her health continued to decline though and her level of dementia was becoming much worst. We had different doctors for everything and her Alzheimer's doctor thought she was at a level of high medium to severe and was declining fairly fast. We lightly spoke about having more help to care for her but she didn't want people she didn’t know coming over or to be in assisted living. She was petrified of nursing homes and never wanted to be in one.


Even after her surgeries when rehab people would come to help her heal it was a huge deal because she didn’t want anyone helping her. I made a promise to her that she would live her life at home and would never be in assisted living or a nursing home. Shortly thereafter everything escalated to a severe level of dementia. She would sometimes think I was her cousin Elsie or her mom. She also thought we had moved to a new home. Many times while helping her out of bed in the morning she would call me mom and wonder where she was.

She would always question my brothers and sisters on the phone about where she was as well. It was a constant question she had. I had one brother named Ricky and two sisters named Renee and Robin who lived out of state. My sister Renee was silly and made my mom giggle almost every night. She took over all of my moms finances and my other brothers and sisters kept her heart filled with Love and helped her live in peace. Everyone was such a blessing to my mom I don't think they ever knew how much they helped her and me during this time. My older brother Randy lived close and helped in all the ways he could.

Sometimes my family would need to stay on the phone with my mom while I watered the yard because she had begun falling. Because of the Alzheimers, her depth perception was terribly off and when she reached for something she would go off balance and fall. She also had a beautiful friend named Karen who would come over and sit with her while I went out to run errands or if I ever needed to leave her by herself she would always be there. We were using call buttons for her to page me if she needed to get up. At night when she needed to go to the bathroom she used the page button just like they have in hospitals. We had a toilet right next to her bed which helped tremendously but she was becoming wheelchair dependent and not able to get up easily.

Soon she was only in a wheelchair needing greater help. I was bathing her, dressing her, helping her after the restroom, helping her in and out of bed as well as cooking all of her meals. She was incontinent and every night sometimes more than once we would have to change her nightgown and bed pads. Everything became like a nursing home except she was at home. Her care was very profound and keeping her dignity was imperative. My mom had an amazing personality and outlook on life and was able to handle everything beyond any level I could imagine. She lived happy and her dogs loved her so much if she was in a chair they were on her lap. Her light was vibrant, strong and she was always an inspiration to everyone.

I learned how to change her nightgown, bed pads, and even her bedsheets sheets while she was still in bed. I had continued helping the homeless people in the neighborhood as well. They would come to the house and many times I would be tending to my mom but they would always wait until I had more time to help them. Many asked about my mom and prayed for her. My mom's heart was so big she always told me to help them. The living room was where we stayed the most and it was perfect because the front door was right there.

Throughout my three years caring for everyone God taught me more about living Love beyond society's level. Teaching me that the devil lives in consciousness trying to stop us from helping people. We judge them, turn our backs on them, live in fear and find reasons to not give in the light we should. We instead find faults and separate ourselves from loving them as Jesus would. When Jesus said, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." He meant it.


In the beginning, there were many times when people would come to the door and I never had money but would jump in the car and go to an ATM to get them money. God taught me we give everything I could and then more. That everyone was Jesus. I would give what came out of the ATM which was twenty dollars. Sometimes it was twice a day and sometimes it was every day for three to four days straight. God was teaching me how to live Love at the level that gives to life. We’re to give everything we have in our wallets and not judge whether someone should get one dollar or five. The level to understand this from is our world is only living for us to live Love through it. If we judge everyone or we're worried they might be snookering us, we live the devils level and not Heavens. There is no reason to judge who receives more money than someone else when they are all innocent children of God in need of help. Even if they have a beer can or walk to a Mercedes it doesn’t matter, if they asked for help, help them. Life isn't about what they are doing it's about what we are living and living Love is our only purpose on earth. Ultimately there is only one of us here with God learning to live Love at the level of Christ consciousness.

We want to focus on living Love and letting God handle everything else. Love is the only level that matters. The Love we give is the Love we can live through. Learning to trust God and live at the level of Christ is a requisite for every human being. Faith is the matrimony of Heaven.

During the fall of my third year in Saint Louis, my mom's health declined and we began having home hospice. For my siblings that couldn’t be there, we created a Livestream webcam that was private. They could see my mom, hear her and speak to her twenty-four hours a day. My brother and I cared for her around the clock never leaving her side and escorted her into Heaven. August of 2017 she went to Heaven with an army of Angels at her side. My mom was the greatest blessing of my life and it was a privilege and honor to live caring for her. She blessed me in ways no one will ever know by turning on my light of Heaven with her Love.

When the time came for me to head back to Los Angeles I was living Christ consciousness with God deep in my life guiding me to live in Heaven. Today, I live in Heaven while here on earth with God teaching me about living Love, human consciousness and creation. This book is what I’ve learned living with God. It’s the beginning of humanity understanding what being alive is, who God is and the level of our world in Heaven. We are consciousness leaving self for light. Learning to live as energy instead of matter.

As we become more conscious of Love, life’s purpose and meaning, we understand God as life and that there is no separation between who we are and what He is.