Human Consciousness is the energy Love. Consciousness is an energy creating in matter its livingness. God is Love and God created all life to live in his light which is the energy Love. Consciousness was created by God. God gave humanity its first level of consciousness to evolve through. Genesis 5: And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. The word builds the world. Human consciousness and the level of words used in matter originated with God giving human beings the beginning levels of consciousness to evolve through. Matter is a nothingness. Energy is all there is with matter living only in the level of ones consciousness for conscious evolution.
Everything needed from the beginning of life to eternity is already programmed in life to give life what it needs as it evolves. Love is the energy that the light in consciousness giving humanity the ability to see beyond their present level. The world has been created for humanity to live awakening to higher levels of consciousness with the ability to expand life infinitely.
Humanity is an idea in the mind of God and for every human being the world they experience is only an idea in their consciousness. God is the intelligence hundreds of billions of years alive giving life its own light to evolve through while providing the way for life to always advance and exist. A seed is programmed to become a tree. An embryo has the imprint of a senior. Everything has its own level of light designed to give the experience its level of potential within any one level of consciousness. The human body is consciousness already designed to age and move forward into new life. Consciousness is the level of energy that is continuously creating what it lives through. All energy changes form and all energy has the ability to repurpose its own levels for what it needs in any level.
When God created life he created humanity in his likeness which is conscious energy. Energy is the level of a human being. Every human being is coming into the world being taught to exist at the level of humanities present level of consciousness. We live giving meaning to matter through our level of consciousness and this is creating the world we experience in matter. Meaning is only having its level through the level of the energy Love.
The Soul is what is alive and the Soul is the energy Love. Love is the energy giving humanity the light in consciousness to experience a life continuum with different mediums and Spirits for every new level of consciousness. The level of self is a transitory level of the mortal world. Self is only created to live in the mortal world at our present level of consciousness. Self doesn't exist. In every life we will create a new self to live through our present level in consciousness. All that is living is the energy Love in the Soul. Every experience in matter is through the light in our Soul Matter is only an image in a level of energy within our Soul. Love is the light in consciousness Spirit is living through.
Spirit is the level of light we are of that is the energy Love from the Soul. Every experience we have on earth is only for living in our present level of consciousness in matter. The world in matter we are experiencing is only levels of energy within our Soul.
The Spirit will live through matter creating a story at the level of the base collective consciousness. We are not our thoughts they are the story we will live through becoming conscious of Love. Thoughts are only energy at the level of the mortal world. They process the mortal world. We are not the body and we are not self. We are the energy Love in the Soul. We are living to experience consciousness in matter becoming conscious of Love. As we live Love we increase the energy in the Soul for the light in consciousness to expand. The more light in conscious we have the greater level we have in living to live Heaven while here on earth.
Thinking is the processor, it is processing the mortal world level in matter. Consciousness is the level of Heaven. It is the level in life that doesn't change like thoughts do. The brain is an organ created to have thinking through consciousness in the level of light that the Soul is of. Consciousness is the level that thinking is created out of. Thinking is a level giving a human being what to live through. Every thought is all that is alive. Humanity thinks incessantly from one thought to the next weaving a level of reality through every thought. We constantly think of the past and future creating a narrative to live through in our minds. Our incessant thinking from one thought to the next is creating our reality. The level of ones thinking is only based on their level of consciousness. Consciousness can only increase if the energy Love is being lived. Love is the only energy that expands consciousness to give a greater light for Spirt to live through.
Every thought keeps a human being moving forward. Just as we come out of nothing into something living in a process becoming a senior, life is moving in a forward motion to keep life existing. Every experience while on earth gives the opportunity to live Love through. The more we live Love the greater levels of consciousness we begin to experience. As consciousness increases the level of thinking decreases. Thinking is only being used for the mortal world experience and is a level that isn't living except for the mortal world experience. Consciousness is all that is alive. Consciousness is coming into us from Heaven. Consciousness is not transitory like thought is and is the deeper knowing of all. The level of the mortal world is only a level of thinking out of consciousness. It isn't a level that is existing outside of the experience in this life. The next life will have a different level of consciousness and new level of a world to experience.
Consciousness is in the conscious space of God. The mortal world is existing in Heaven. Without Heaven there would be no way for photosynthesis to exist giving human beings as energy the ability to experience matter. It is only Gods light in every atom giving humanity the ability to live in matter at ones level of consciousness. God is Love. Beneath every thought, and between every thought is the peace in the conscious space of God. We want go beyond the mortal world level of thinking to Heavens level of consciousness. God is reality. The mortal world is the illusion we create to live through at our level of thinking to become conscious of Love in.
WHAT IS CONSCIOUSNESS? Consciousness is the energy Love giving Spirit the ability to experience matter through photosynthesis. Consciousness is coming into us from outside of us through Heaven. Energy is giving light in levels that are having holographic levels in levels in every atom in photosynthesis giving human beings the ability to live in matter at ones level of consciousness.
The energy is the level of Love in the Soul one has accumulated and is the level of the light being lived in matter. The light is a level in energy that is only having its existence through images in ones Soul.
To understand there is only you and God here is to know if we are experiencing a world with seven billion people what is alive is only the one who is observing the seven billion people. No matter who it is. Whoever is conscious of the others is living through the light.
HOW DOES CONSCIOUSNESS GIVE LIVINGNESS IN MATTER? Through photosynthesis. Consciousness is a level of energy at a level of light living through Conscious Energy which is giving the livingness in matter. Conscious Energy is the mass, force, velocity, levity and temperature in all matter. Conscious Energy is the fabric of the world. Conscious Energy is the living species of Heaven in the conscious space of God.
The mortal world is energy existing in photosynthesis. Humanity's level of Love is creating the level of the world. Conscious Energy is the level in photosynthesis giving the levels in matter their livingness. God is the level of light in every atom giving humanity the ability to live in matter.
HOW DOES MATTER EXIST? Photosynthesis. Humanity is living in the conscious space of God. Every thought a human being has is energy giving Conscious Energy the level to give photosynthesis its level in matter. Human beings are living through the light in their Soul and everything being witnessed is an image within that light. Humanity lives in two worlds at one time for photosynthesis but we are only conscious of one world. We live in two worlds at one time for photosynthesis to create our life continuum and give us the level of light in our Soul.
HOW DOES MATTER EXIST AT THE LEVEL IT DOES? Consciousness is having levels of energy in light give the level of matter its existence in the level of our consciousness. The level of meaning is from the level of Love in ones Soul. We are giving meaning to everything in matter and creating its livingness through the level we assign. Meaning isn't living in any other level except in ones level of consciousness. The level of the Word is building the level of the World. Love is the energy that changes our light and therefore changes the level of meaning in matter. We are learning that how we think is all that is alive and the meaning is only from the level of Love we are of. When we change the way we think we change the world we experience. It is the light in consciousness that gives our level of thinking the level to be of.
WHAT IS BEING CONSCIOUS? To be conscious is to observe in a level of knowing. Every level of what one is conscious of is coming from outside of them into the brain. The brain is having energy through frequencies that are in the universe that have levels aligned with ones light. Every human being is storing images from this experience in the level of their consciousness. What is being stored is in light. The level of the brain is only a level processing energy for the human being to experience consciousness in matter.
WHAT IS THE SUBCONSCIOUS? The level of what is being called subconscious is only in humanities present level of consciousness. No subconscious exist. The activity of the brain is constantly giving levels of energy and images in ones light that have been existing in their level. The activity is only energy always moving and giving what is levels of lights existence. The level of what is being called the subconscious is only energy moving in ones light. There is no second level of consciousness in a human being. There is only one level of consciousness having different levels from within in a level of light.
WHAT IS BEING ALIVE IN CONSCIOUSNESS? The level of being conscious is only a level of observing and knowing one is observing. The level of being alive is when a human being is living through experiences in matter having energy process energy in the Soul. If one is in a level of what is called a coma, unconscious or asleep it is not a level of being alive at the level of the Soul processing. Being alive is only when consciousness is processing matter through energy in the Soul. A state of unconscious or asleep does not mean one is not living in the mortal world it only means they are not having energy in matter processing energy in the Soul. The level of what being alive is, is only when the Soul is having energy in a process giving it greater levels of light through experiences in matter.
Unconscious is a state that is neither living or alive it is only a level momentarily in levity.There is no level in living that is not consciousness on some level having light process the level of the being. Whether they are conscious of it of not is not defining the level of what being alive is. What is defining what being alive is, is only when energy is processing at a level of moving energy in the Soul.
WHAT IS A HUMAN BEING? The energy Love. The Soul is what is alive and is the energy Love giving the light in consciousness for Spirit to live through.
WHAT IS A DREAM? A level of energy is always active in every human being. When one is sleeping it is the level of consciousness not experiencing matter. When one is having a dream it is only levels of energy processing and moving in light. No level of sleeping is giving energy to the Soul except for when one is waking and keeping what they dreamt in thought to live through in matter. Sleeping is a level in life that is giving to the level of the body in consciousness its levels needed to exist.
WHAT IS DORMANT CONSCIOUSNESS? A level of energy not living through matter processing energy in the Soul.
WHAT IS DEATH? There is no death. Conscious energy is always changing form to experience new levels of consciousness. The Spirit is living this life through our level of consciousness. Consciousness is the level of the energy Love in our Soul. The Spirit gives the medium/body the way for consciousness to live in matter. The body is only a level of matter in consciousness for the Soul to experience. When levels of life have given the light in the Soul for the next life, the Soul breaks from the body for Heavens light and for the next part of life. The light in consciousness no longer gives to the bodies functions. The body can continue without the Soul until it's no longer able to exist. The brain can still have activity but it is not living at a level of knowing and not able to process life at any level. There is only energy actively existing until the body no longer functions. The body becomes a shell that was only existing for the Souls experience in matter. The Spirit will rest in Heaven with everyone from this level of consciousness while the Soul continues having new life through a new Spirit and medium to experience a new level of consciousness in matter.
WHAT IS BIRTH? The birth of every human being is a level of consciousness awakening to its new experience in matter. The embryo is already programmed to evolve through this life. Photosynthesis is giving the light for consciousness to exist in matter. Every human being is living within a light of energy that is keeping the level of energy they are of living in matter. The level of energy they are of is the energy Love. Love is the level of the Soul and the Soul is all that is living. There is no level of body that is existing outside of ones level of consciousness in this experience in matter. The Soul is what is living and in every life it is the Soul that is storing the light in Love to live through more experiences in matter. Every human being is living through the level of Love they are of and living through a level that is trying to teach them to become conscious of Love. Ones previous life has created the present life through the levels of Love it has lived. Love is the energy accumulating in the Soul giving Spirit the level of light to live through in matter. Our present life is creating the next life through the levels of Love we live in this one. When new life is coming into living that has never lived before the light in consciousness is from God.
HOW IS INFORMATION LIVING IN PHOTOSYNTHESIS FOR US TO HAVE CONSCIOUSNESS AND MEMORY? WHAT CAN STORE DATA AT THE LEVEL OF MATTER IN LEVELS OF LIGHT FOR ONE TO RECALL AT ANYTIME? The level of energy is in holographic light smaller than the smallest known atom in humanities level of consciousness. It is beyond any known particle size. Within this light are levels of energy in different frequency's, decimals and resonance giving to levels of energy their light in matter. Conscious Energy is the level of energy in all matter in life.
Memory is nothing more than energy in the light of photosynthesis within ones level of consciousness. It is an image living within the level of thinking giving a level in matter its existence.
WHAT IS THE BRAIN? The brain is an organ being used for photosynthesis. The purpose of the brain is to give the levels needed for regulating the body in matter and the experience in consciousness. Every level of the body is in consciousness. The brain is a level in energy giving the level of photosynthesis to the body. The brain was created for photosynthesis having the ability to advance in light the levels needed for the body to continue evolving in its existence. The level of the brain is only existing for photosynthesis to give it the light for the energy to produce the level of neurons and hypothesis for levels of energy in purpose of levels in hydrogen for the level of activity to give the light to the neurons in the brains hemisphere photosynthesis. Its preparing itself for future thoughts that are constantly being created for one to live through. Consciousness is coming into us from outside of us. The brain is having its levels through the universe. There is a level of energy always having the human beings light in the universe. This is giving a frequency for experiencing matter in photosynthesis. Every human being has their own level to live this life through from the light in their Soul.
Every level of the brain is living through levels of carbon dioxide having levels in energy that produce the hydrogen for the level of neurons to live giving the oxygen to the light for molecules to create the electric energy in levels that produce a level of energy in the light of photosynthesis. The reason the level of energy is able to have living in matter is only because of the level in photosynthesis. There is no level in matter that is not in consciousness including the level of the brain. Levels of photosynthesis are only living through the light in hydrogen for photosynthesis to give the brain its level to process. Every level of the brain is only living to receive photosynthesis. All levels of the brain are not active in humanities level of consciousness. There are levels living for what photosynthesis will need as consciousness evolves.
The brain is an organ that has the ability to reproduce every cell in the human body. It is a level of Heaven in the light of human beings. There is no level in the brain that is not living within the light of all cells creating the human body. The level of the brain is in energy living in the Souls light.
WHAT ARE THE LEVELS OF THE BRAIN? The level of every molecule is living for photosynthesis. There is no limit in how the level of the brain can function in consciousness. The reason the level of the brain is limitless is humanity's level of consciousness is infinite. Every human being is having consciousness in two worlds at one time but is only conscious of one for the level of photosynthesis. The level of having the ability to exist in more than one level of consciousness is possible and only through Heaven does the possibility exist. The ability in consciousness is in Heavens level beyond humanities present level. Beyond humanities level of thinking within the brain are greater levels of light that are living for photosynthesis in levels already existing in different levels of life. The level of the brain is only existing in the level of humanities consciousness. If humanity is evolving in greater levels of light the level of the brain will also evolve into greater levels of light. The level of what is being seen is not the level of what exist. There is no real process to what is in existence beyond the level of humanities consciousness. The level of what is existing is in Heaven and Heaven is a level of intelligence hundreds of billions of years alive. Consciousness is already in levels beyond humanity's level of living waiting for humanity to realize the light within. The same way a seed is already having the light of the tree is the same way a human being is already having the light in higher levels of consciousness.
ALZHEIMER is the level of what humanity is creating. The level of photosynthesis is having levels of carbon dioxide in levels through the neurons that are slowing the level of charge in neurons. Reasons for this are anesthesia, medications that dulls neurons and neuropathy. Alzheimers is a level having an deeper effect on humanity's existence because the level is changing the light in human beings. The level of what is causing the light to change is in the care of humans and humanity's level of consciousness. Humanity is treating humanity with levels of energy for matter and not life. The level is in the medical care that has not been treating humans in trying to preserve the laxity in the brain. The brain is an instrument that must have little interference to have photosynthesis at the level highest for this experience. Every level of the human body is in photosynthesis and only living in the level of humanities consciousness. Every level of the human body should only have the greatest level of care preserving its natural level within this existence.
Life is living for humanity to create in matter what is of Heaven. This can only be if humanity has the way to always consciously evolve giving levels of light in matter the way to exist in higher levels. The level of the energy Love is the level giving to humanity the light in consciousness to expand how we think in life. Love is the key to the universe.
The level today needed for humanity to become more conscious of Love is learning about creation and the level of what being alive is and the level of the mortal world. Life is only existing for consciousness to realize its highest potential within any one level of consciousness. Life is always expanding and living through previous levels of light in order to experience what gives consciousness the next level to live through. Consciousness is a constant level in energy moving forward giving consciousness the next level to live.
God is the greatest level in life that can be experienced. God is the level of everything in existence and is the only level of energy having the ability to give ones life everything it needs to realize its highest level of potential in any one level of consciousness. God is reality. The willingness and ability to live aligned with God is the level one must have. There is no level in life beyond living with God that can bring to ones experience the level beyond humanities present level of consciousness. Only through God does one open the universe at Heavens level to experience life through.
Humanity is living in freewill which means the level of what we think is what we will live through. We are creating our own version of life through our own level of thinking. Freewill is one of the greatest living principles in life's existence. It is the only principle that has allowed the human race to create itself what it lives through in matter. There is no other level in life able to create what has a species exist creating itself what it lives through and evolves through in order to exist. This a level of living that is a miracle from God for energy to experience matter in its own light while contributing to the whole of life's existence.
The human race wants to live towards Heaven in order to always bring into life what gives it the ability to exist and that is the energy Love.