Monday, February 6, 2017

Creation In Heaven

God created life in consciousness to give mankind the freewill to create life at the level one could think through. Life's beginning was through light in energy. God is the energy that had the osmosis to bring energy into form, creating all in existence. There is nothing in existence outside of Gods energy which is the conscious space all life is living in, including the billions of galaxies in our universe. Every particle in our world is living in Gods light. Humanity is seeing energy as matter only through the light in one’s consciousness which is the energy known as love. Love is the energy all life is in and God is love.
Conscious Energy is the fabric of the world we live in. Which means all space around us including an empty room, the space around furniture and outside is Conscious Energy. Matter at the smallest particle is a wave of energy in a frequency making our experience malleable to our level of consciousness. Conscious Energy is the level of Heaven and alive to give us our livingness through the light in consciousness. They are giving photosynthesis for us to live in form at the level we think. Life in photosynthesis has humanity living in two worlds at one time but only conscious of one world. Photosynthesis create's our life continuum as we carve our souls to love. We live through many different spirits experiencing different levels of life that live through the light in our consciousness. The light in consciousness is the energy of love we’ve accumulated in our souls managed in Heaven.
When God created life in his likeliness it was as conscious energy living the miracle to live through form. The miracle of life is living through form able to create any kind of life at the level we can think. Living any kind of experience we can bring into being. The energy of love is the light in consciousness that continues to open the world the more love we live. We evolve through levels of consciousness and each level gives higher living experiences and levels of life while we evolve towards awakening in Heaven. We’re living through the mortal world to consciously awaken to God as our world.
We can understand the all seeing eye in the pyramid when we understand life is living in consciousness. There is no thought unheard or any action unseen in a world living in Gods mind. Humanity is only seeing form at the level of one’s consciousness, but all that's here, is energy. The world is malleable to the level of consciousness. This experience is considered an illusion because it’s only existing at the level one thinks as we consciously evolve to only one living in Heaven. Levels of love are what changes the world and love is the energy in photosynthesis keeping humanity alive on this planet floating in space. God created life to be an experience that would give life the ability to live Heaven. Living love creates Heaven here on earth. Love.