Friday, February 10, 2017

The Meaning of Life

Everything we see in matter from the trees, sun, walls, earth, furniture, rivers, buildings, and other people are at the smallest particle only energy. Energy is a wave vibrating at a frequency.

Everything we see is in the light of our consciousness at the level of our consciousness. The world we are experiencing is only energy.  The fabric is Conscious Energy and the universe is consciousness.

We've been given this miracle from God to see energy in form in our own individual light to experience life at the level we can think at. This is the gift of living that God gave us to live consciousness through form. Conscious Energy is God's species living with us giving photosynthesis for us to experience life in form at the level we can think. Everything in form is malleable to the level of consciousness bringing it into being.

Every system, institution, level of education, or space program is only one level of consciousness in a world of higher possibility with greater levels of Heaven to be conscious in. Heaven is the conscious space of God we are living in with stars four light years away giving the nitrogen levels on planet for us to live in form.

A human being is not the body but the conscious energy inside the body and this is how we live more life beyond this part of life. Your spirit in this life is living through the light in your consciousness which is the energy of love in your soul managed in Heaven.

We're trying to consciously evolve through the young consciousness that's creating human suffering, division and fear as life to the level of thinking in Heavens consciousness creating life to live Heaven while here on earth in form. Love is the key to life and the gateway to higher levels of consciousness with greater realms of life in our world. Love