Monday, January 29, 2018

Matter is Energy in Consciousness

matter is consciousness
The level of life is in consciousness which means everything we see is a level within our own light. How we have been living is only based on humanity's present level of consciousness which hasn't had the understanding for why we are living on a planet floating in space or how we exist in matter. Humanity took matter for granted and believed life was existing in a three dimensional level. When it is only existing in decimals, frequencies and resonance.
Humanity's beginning level of consciousness gave the way to build a world for human beings to always live through. The level of what was created used money and material and this created the era of consciousness in matter, which created the path for conscious evolution towards energy. The level of matter became associated as living. We lived through five senses not living beyond them. The level of what could not be seen didn't have a way to give humanity the level needed to understand life deeper. What was not being seen or understood was consciousness.
What is at cause is consciousness. What is the level of effect is matter. Human beings are bringing everything into being out of thought. Levels of life are beginning to understand the level of what is in matter is only one level of consciousness and not the level of what is omnipotent in life. What has the greatest power in life is energy because energy is having levels in God.  What we think is all that is alive.
If we are to understand what we are doing on a planet in space with a sun ninety three million miles away keeping us alive it is through understanding what being alive is and the level of the mortal world in Heaven. All levels of life only live in levels of energy. Matter is a nothingness existing at our level of consciousness. All levels of life only exist in the light of the one who is observing the levels in matter. We are living observing our consciousness in everything we see. There is nothing outside of our own consciousness. Matter is energy in our light. This means every human being, event or world issue is only existing at our level of consciousness. The world is not outside of us it is only existing through us. Everything we see as matter is only energy at a level within our Soul.
What we see in matter is through our light. Light is the energy in the Soul that is Love.  Love is all that is real. The body is in consciousness. The Soul is giving the light for Spirit to experience matter at our level of consciousness.  Human beings are not the body we are the conscious energy inside of the body living in a temporary experience in consciousness. How we are able to experience matter at our level of consciousness is in photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the level in life through Conscious Energy giving human beings the ability to experience matter. Without photosynthesis a human being could not feel their body, touch a rock or see a table. There would be nothing in matter to live through. No people, buildings, birds, or universe. God created humanity's consciousness, universe and Heaven to live through levels of consciousness with the way to experience matter at our level of consciousness.
The gift in living is having the level to live in matter at our level of consciousness. Humanity has taken matter for granted having no idea it is energy in photosynthesis. Without photosynthesis humanity wouldn't be living in matter. Levels of light are in every atom in Gods level giving humanity the way to have consciousness in matter.
Matter is the level humanity began life in and didn't have a way to understand it's existence until these writings. The level of matter is energy. There is no light in matter other than the one observing it. Matter is a nothingness at our level of consciousness. Every level of what is being seen as matter is only energy in levels of light through photosynthesis at the level of our consciousness. We live through images from the level of light in our Soul. Images are in levels of energy existing through levels in photosynthesis.
The fabric of our world is the living species Conscious Energy. Conscious Energy is giving human beings the way to have a body and experience matter. They are the mass, force, velocity, temperature and levity in all matter. Everything is in consciousness including every level of space we see no objects in.
We are living in energy experiencing matter at our level of consciousness trying to become conscious of Love so we can increase the light in consciousness which gives us the way to experience greater levels of light in matter and this gives us the way to create Heaven on earth.
Is temporary and an illusion. Humanity's collective consciousness is creating the light every human being experience's as the level of the mortal world. It is our level of consciousness that then live's through this in our light trying to become conscious of Love so we can go beyond the mortal world into Heaven. The mortal world is existing in Heaven already but human consciousness is at the level of matter and not having the light to experience Heaven at the level we can. Human consciousness creates the level of the world we live through while Heaven is the level giving us the way to experience our consciousness in matter.  In essence humanity is one level of energy, the world is one level of energy and Heaven is the level giving us the way to experience everything in matter at our level of consciousness.
God is hundreds of billions of years alive and is the light in every atom giving everything in existence the light to exist in. We were created as energy(consciousness) and God created the level of matter to exist in consciousness at unique levels while having the way to consciously evolve through what is created. We live in freewill and what we think is what is alive.
We have to understand everyone we see is in our light.
What we are seeing as everyone is only energy at our level of consciousness. They are living in another level of life in levels of energy through their level of consciousness. We do not see the totality of any human being. We only experience them in our light.
Every level of what is being experienced is through levels of energy in the light of our Soul. Human beings can only exist in our light.  This means every person in your life is only at a level of energy within your Soul trying to have you live Love through the experience of them in matter.
Levels of energy in matter are what we experience as life. The premise is to live greater Love because Love is the light in consciousness that changes the light in matter. The more Love we live the greater level of light we live through. Love is the light that is giving each of us the ability to be alive today. It is the only energy in existence that is giving life its ability to be alive. When we expand the energy Love it is the life force in our being and the level in photosynthesis that expands. Humanity wants to always be increasing levels of Love to live eternally in levels of matter.
Energy is always changing form and trying to give us the level to live Love through. If we are to understand how to live beyond the present level of consciousness it is understanding energy is the level we experience in matter for us to observe our consciousness so we can change our energy and therefore change our level of light we experience in matter. We change the light by increasing the level of Love we live. Love is the only energy in existence that expands the light in consciousness that can give us greater levels of Love to live through.  Every experience in the human story is only existing to live Love through. There is no other level in humanity's living other than becoming Love.
God created life having Love as the level of the world for a reason, God is Love. Only through energy can we move beyond our present level of consciousness. The energy Love is the most powerful energy in existence and the only energy that expands the light in consciousness. God created all things in Love.  When we Love, we access God.
There is only one of us here with God. Every level of the mortal world is an illusion that is temporarily giving us the way to become conscious of Love and live through to God. There is no level of self or a level of existing other than as the Love all life lives through. The level of everything is endlessly temporary until Heaven is realized. We live to Heaven by having Love be our only level in life.
Humanity is living in a mortal world with levels of Love and everything other than Love. We live becoming conscious of Love through everything other than Love. How one goes beyond the mortal world to Heaven is living levels of Love beyond the present level of human consciousness. The human story fades for what is in a greater light of our creation. We understand the illusion of the temporary mortal world and that God is reality. One begins to live in Heavens level of consciousness experiencing the light of Heaven with God teaching and guiding us through greater levels of light.
If we are to live in a level able to have consciousness in greater levels than our present one it is only when we are no longer incessantly thinking through the mortal worlds human story. Humanity lives thinking incessantly from one thought to the next building a narrative they exist through in matter. Quieting incessant thinking and understanding the mortal world and human story is only one level of consciousness to live through is important. Reality is relative and reality is only one level of consciousness out of an infinite and unlimited level.
How we have been thinking is only based on our five senses and what we have been taught is the world has been at the level of matter and not the totality of our existence. Humanity could only know the world at humanity's level of consciousness and not beyond it. It took a level to go beyond humanity's level to have creation understood and how the mortal world is existing.
We go beyond the mortal world when we live Love because Love is the conscious space of God. What is around us is alive. Humanity sees space between furniture and objects but what is existing is a field of energy giving every level of matter its livingness at our level of consciousness.
When we live in levels beyond incessant thinking and beyond the human story we are invoking greater levels of energy into our light. In between every thought is a space and as we quiet our incessant thinking it is the space between our thoughts that expands. The space is the conscious space of God. As we live Love through the mortal world level it is our consciousness having greater levels of Heaven beginning to enter our light.
We live in levels of consciousness with great discipline and conviction to only live Love in levels of Heaven. Through consciousness it is God that becomes reality and living becomes only living to experience the Son of God. The mortal world levels change light. We realize we are only here with God and that everyone is in our light living only for us to Love. When we live Love it changes the light in all matter. We begin to live in a level experiencing God in everything and how malleable the world in photosynthesis is. The world becomes Heaven for us to live free in. Living I am God, I am the Love all life lives through and I am the light all life lives in is heavenly to live.
God gave everyone the key to life at birth by creating every human being to live Love. Every level of consciousness has greater levels of life to experience. Heaven is the path to experiencing greater life forms and higher levels of life. There are many different levels of species on earth that have greater levels of intelligence like plasma in the atmosphere that is a level of intelligence giving us our ability to breath. Heaven is in all levels of life giving humanity the ability to experience matter. Energy is all there is. The world is alive and every bit of matter is in consciousness.
The omnipotent level for a human being is living with God in Heaven while here on earth.
The human being is not the body but is the conscious energy inside of the body. We are living in a temporary level of matter in a temporary level of consciousness creating a self to live through the world in matter. Self doesn't exist. Self is only living at humanity's level of consciousness at the level of the mortal world. We are the energy Love that is the Soul. The Soul is giving Spirit the light in consciousness to experience this level of consciousness in matter.
When we leave the body we are living and going to new life. The Spirit from this life rests in Heaven with our loved ones while the Soul continue's becoming Love. We live eternally in consciousness having experiences in matter creating the level we live through to Love. We have many different bodies to live consciousness in and each one we will have a different Spirit we call self. The only level that is constant in our existence is Love and that is the Soul. Everything else is the illusion to Love. God is hundreds of billions of years alive and his consciousness is what we live through just like the world we experience is only existing in our consciousness. God has us in his consciousness and we have our world in ours. We are literally creating everything we live through one thought at a time.
The more conscious we become of what being alive is and the world in energy the greater power we have choosing what we think to live Heaven. Love is the way of the world and Love is giving us the opportunity to realize our potential in any one level of consciousness we can realize.
Every person or animal we have had in our lives that's left their body, never actually left, they only changed form. Their energy is in our Soul. The level of energy that is of Love never leaves its source. The form is changing into greater levels of light. The level of what is changing form is energy. The Love through the experience will be lived in other levels of Life through higher levels of consciousness. We never live the totality of any one person or animal because they are in their own level of life living through their level in consciousness. We are experiencing them only at our level of consciousness. Nothing is ever lost or taken, the existence is within consciousness and never leaves its source. There can be greater happiness in living knowing that life is eternal through Love. What is in form is not what is alive, conscious energy in the body is what is living in a human being and it is only living to change form for higher levels of consciousness to experience living God as reality. 
We are living to become Love and then eventually the level of light that helps sustain all life in existence.