Friday, July 14, 2017

Forgiveness, Pain and Suffering

(The practices to heal are towards the bottom of this writing. Please read to understand them.) Life is in energy. Everything we are conscious of is in our light and every level of life is giving us a path to become Love. When something happens in life with other people it sends us into attack and defend. We blame and crucify them to the cross but because life is in energy it is only holding ourselves to the cross. The level of attack and defend is a level in life that is needing to learn the world is energy and what we do to others is only being done to ourselves. We create what we live through by how we think and treat other people.
In higher levels of consciousness we learn there is only one here. We are living to awaken to the Son of God living Love. Life in energy is living in consciousness through matter for us to become Love. The experience in matter helps us see how we think. We're observing our consciousness in matter. What we think is all that is alive. When we can live with greater Love in our thoughts it is Heaven we are bringing into our experience of life.
Everything in life in matter is being brought into being. There is no table, car or chair that was not first an idea in the mind of humanity before being brought into being in matter. The level of matter at the smallest particle is energy, it is a wave. There is no place you begin or another ends. Conscious Energy is the fabric of the mortal world. No one is outside of us, they are in our light reflecting a level within our Soul. What we live through are images in photosynthesis at the level of our consciousness. Life is in light.
Forgiveness is the highest level of Love there is. It is an energy that is able to heal perception and restore all levels of life to their natural divine right order. What we experience with other people stays within our light. Every thought of every person, incident or event other than Love is a level of pain in our light. We want to see everyone in our lives as Heaven in our light and only existing for us to live Love.  God created life for human beings to understanding how all levels of life are in unity within the light of our savior and the savior is every human being alive.
The level of the mortal world is humanities collective consciousness and is the level of everything other than Love we are living through to Heaven.  While the level of the world can be very real to live through the level is an illusion. It is a level of consciousness. Love is all that is real. Love is the energy that gives humanity the ability to consciously live in peace, happiness and Love.
What we experience with people and what we are conscious of stays in our light. It doesn't leaves its source. The pain and suffering are always the loudest and are always seeking to renew themselves. We end suffering by changing the way we think. Humanity thinks incessantly in self stories from one thought to the next attaching themselves to everything at the level of matter. The incessant thinking is creating reality. It weaves a story through matter and when we feel harmed we live it in our minds over and over again. Never healing the level of energy in our light. What we think, is all that is alive. We keep the energy existing by focusing on the level in matter.
To heal the experience's in matter we have to heal how we think about them. We have to heal the energy in our light. We have to see beyond what we initially saw. Perspective is only living in our level of consciousness. Humanity wants to recognize we live having perceptions that are one of a thousand we could have. We want to bring the energy Love into our lives to experience a higher level of light in consciousness and see what has us suffering differently. We want to go beyond it in thought. We can only do that by giving what changes the light in consciousness. Living greater Love changes the light in consciousness and will heal all levels of the Soul.
Forgiveness, mercy and compassion are all energies of Love.  The reason Jesus washed the feet of Judah was to live Love at the highest level into what was being experienced. Remembering we are the Son of God we do just as Jesus did washing the feet of Judah. We live the highest level of Love giving Heaven the light to move through us.
Forgiveness is the greatest power one has in not suffering. When we forgive we release the pain held in our light. Suffering is existing in thought. Holding anger, betrayal, fear, jealousy, sorrow or any level other than Love is only keeping us on the cross. We live the anger we have for another. We live the contempt. We are the level of what is being judged in another. We live the hate. When we are seeing the wrongs of others it is in our light they are seen. What is in our light is what we are trying to evolve through to greater Love. There is nothing we can think of another that is not in our light. We choose Love because it free's us. It gives us the level of light to be free from the mortal worlds level of pain and suffering. Love lifts us above the mortal world into Heaven.
Forgiveness is the energy that restores us to our divine right order.  Forgiveness releases us from the cross. One knows the pain is gone when what they think is only of Love. Forgiveness has nothing to do with what someone else did. It is the only level for humanity to live free from suffering and pain. The level of releasing what is experienced in thought can only be released in thought. One is leaving the energy of pain and suffering from the level of light experienced. Here are a couple practice's to help bring greater light into your life to free you from pain and suffering.
Think of someone or a group of people in your life that had you feel suffering or upset.
See a big pitcher of water being poured and say in your mind or out loud "I wash the feet of Jenny and I beg for mercy and forgiveness. I am so sorry if I hurt you in my thoughts or actions or harmed you in any way. I am the love that all life live's through." ( repeat over and over)
To heal and release pain and suffering on a different level please use this practice.
I wash the feet of everyone in the light of my photosynthesis and I beg for mercy and forgiveness. I am so sorry if I hurt you in my thoughts or actions or harmed you in any way. I am the Love that all life lives through. (repeat over and over)
Repeat the practice religiously with everyone who comes to mind. Taking time with each person to do this until you only feel only Love. It could take a day, a week or longer depending on you ability to do it religiously.  To live Heaven is to wash the feet of those we believe harmed us in life. Hundreds of times a day is doing this to little. To practice it as the only thought through out the day is the way to forgive. You will do it longer than one day but will feel Heaven helping you within the day. There is no way to release suffering without giving what releases the level of energy from the light in consciousness. Love is the energy that washes us clean. Forgiveness is the level that restores us to the divine right order of our Truth which is Love.
Live life knowing that everyone is your savior or the level you live this life through. Make them your savior and Love them with all your might and then Love them more and more.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

The Life Doctrine For Living

God created life for humanity to have the way to experience living in consciousness through matter creating Heaven here on earth. Consciousness is all that is alive and is the level of cause while what is in matter is the level of effect.
The energy Love is the level of light in one's consciousness. It is the level of Love that has accumulated in the Soul. Every experience in matter is trying to lead humanity to live greater Love. When one live's Love they invoke Heaven to guide them through the mortal world to higher levels of consciousness in Heaven. Spirit is the way to live Love. Love is the light in consciousness giving humanity the ability to live divinity on earth.
The Tree of Life is pictured in many Basilica's across the planet for one reason, it is the level of what all life is living for. The Tree of Life represents life connected as one with God having the world within. There is only one of us here. Everything we do to another is the light we are living through. We must have God in our life to live the path that unlocks the key to living and having Heaven in our lives. God is the light all life is in and there is no level in living that can unlock what is of Heaven without living through God.
"I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing." (John 15:5) All life is in the conscious space of God becoming the Son of God. It is Gods light in every particle in existence giving life what it needs to exist. The Tree of Life may be translated: "Life is energy renewing itself in matter at levels of consciousness in the conscious space of God awakening the Son of God as it becomes conscious of Love." The vine we carry through our hearts will only begin to wither if it is not rooted to flourish through the light in Christ.

The Life Doctrine give's knowledge about the level of the world in Heaven.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Mankind Living in Matter

A human being is not the body but is the conscious energy inside the body. Life is living in energy through consciousness. The matter we see is only energy existing at the level of light in our consciousness. The gift God gave when he created life was for humanity to have the ability as conscious energy to live in matter bringing everything into being. This gave humanity the ability to live in freewill at the level one could think with a path to always exist provided conscious evolution was able to be achieved.
The universe  is energy. The human body is made up of over 70% water. The atmosphere level is in water. Energy is a level of water living in a level greater than the level of hydrogen and through levels of nitrogen giving every level of life its existence. The world humanity is experiencing is only energy. The gift God gave is living as energy through consciousness in matter. If humanity was not created in consciousness life would have no level to live in matter.
Life in matter is to experience consciousness through form experiencing what one thinks as life. Life's purpose is to become Love because Love is the level of energy that creates in matter Heaven on earth. Fear in consciousness is satan. Fear in consciousness is the level of all suffering in existence. The mind in humanity is a processor for the experience in matter. It is only existing to give the level of what is needed to live levels of consciousness in matter. Where you have fear you do not have God in consciousness. Life is living a level of every thought it has. There is no other level in life that is creating the experience of life other than what is being thought.
Human beings give everything in matter meaning. The meaning creates attachment and attachment becomes a level in thought that humanity then lives through.  Everything in form keeps the mind relating to matter constantly producing what is weaving the stories human beings are living in. Humanity is thinking from one thought to the next incessantly without pausing and this is building reality. Thought is all that is alive.
Living in matter gives humanity the way to see levels of thinking manifested in form. In alchemy it's learning we can change the world by changing how we think and when we think with Love we live greater Heaven. The level of the energy Love in our Soul is the level of light in our consciousness that we live life through. The Love we give to others is the Love we live this life through.
Spirit in every life is living through the light in consciousness and Love is the energy in the Soul that is the light in consciousness for Spirit to live through.
In order to live in consciousness through matter humanity is living in photosynthesis.  The living species Conscious Energy is the fabric of the world giving photosynthesis for life to have livingness in matter. Everything in existence is in the conscious space of God. What the all seeing eye in the pyramid alluded to was God being the conscious space all life is in. The energy Love is the level of what is creating the light in photosynthesis for humanities existence.
Understanding the concept of "only one of us is here" is the level humanity needs to live by. It is the level that can help people understand why God created life in consciousness and how a human being is not body but the conscious energy inside the body. The level of the world is in a pool of consciousness trying to ascend to higher levels that produces higher levels of living. Heaven is in everything and is the level of the world humanity is in. Humanity is in a level of consciousness trying to awaken to living in Heaven.
Most people already know life lessons will repeat themselves in many forms until we evolve through them. Learning to Love greater is the call. Humanity as a collective consciousness is living through levels of experience's to become conscious of Love and live towards Heaven. Energy is constantly changing form. People come into our lives for a time and then they leave. What is remaining is the Love we have become through living that experience. Energy is all that is living. We want to live through every experience in our live's choosing Love.
All we're living is experience's in consciousness through matter. The level of matter is transitory and the level of energy is eternal when we are living Love.
We live with many different people, global events and circumstances at the level of the mortal world that have us believe we are separate because we relate to what is at the level of matter. Yet, all form we see is only in our light and is only energy. There is no place anyone is beginning or ending. Energy is never ending. It is only manifesting in different levels of form for Love to be lived. Spirit is the level humanity has to focus on to understand consciousness and living in a world that is energy.
Every person or animal we have had in our lives that's left their body, never actually left, they only changed form. The level of energy that is of Love never leaves its source. The form is changing into greater levels of life. The level of what is changing form is energy. The Love shared through the experience will be lived in other levels of Life through higher levels of Love. The Spirit no longer here is united in Heaven. Nothing is ever lost or taken, the existence is within consciousness and never leaves its source. There can be greater happiness in living knowing that life is eternal through Love. What is in form is not what is alive, conscious energy in the body is what is living in a human being and it is only living to change form for higher levels of consciousness.
Energy changing form is what being alive is and the more we live the level of Love the more we change the world to Heaven. We have to understand seeing other people as our savior invokes the light of Heaven to live through. The people we work with, we see on the bus, on the news, in the store and on the streets are all creating the way for Love to be conscious. The Love we live, is the Love we live through.
God created life to give every Spirit the ability to live Heaven while here on earth by having every human being born with Love. Love is the purpose of life and the level that brings divinity into living for living Heaven while here on earth.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Dark Matter, Dark Energy and the Universe

Life was created in consciousness with levels in matter able to regulate, communicate and compliment other levels far into the future of their conception. Dark energy is only existing in levels of light for consciousness to realize its potential in any one level of consciousness.   Life is programmed to exist into the future. A human being is born in a process living levels of consciousness aging effortlessly. The embryo is already programmed to be a senior. The seeds are already programmed to be the trees. Every level of life is existing in a divine intelligence caring for the level of light it needs to give life what it needs to exist. Life is living to go beyond the present level of form to other levels of matter in greater advanced state's of consciousness.
Dark energy is the level of what is creating dark matter in light. Dark matter is having levels of light of every level in existence giving levels of light for human beings to live in. Dark energy is giving to levels of light for levels in elements for dark matter to exist in its level of light. All dark matter and dark energy are the level of light in life giving to human beings in photosynthesis. Every level is in every atom and is part of the Goditron.
All life in existence is in the conscious space of God living through what would be called dark energy. Every particle has the Goditron keeping levels of life in photosynthesis to give each particle exactly what is needed to exist with the other. Every atom is living within a level of consciousness and is having its level of existence through the light in which it is being seen. Gravity does not explain the living purpose of matter. The idea of gravity would tear the world into pieces because gravity is not assigning the purpose to anyone atom, or the purpose to anyone particle. To have a force as what is giving spacetime is not explaining the knowing in every atom at it's level to exist at the exact level of levity in association with all other atoms giving matter at ones level of consciousness. Conscious Energy and photosynthesis is.  Conscious Energy is the living species that is the fabric of the world giving the livingness to every atom.
In order to live in consciousness every level of matter and what is being called dark energy must have the level of photosynthesis to exist at the observer's level of consciousness. Every level of matter at the smallest particle is having light that is not seen by the human eye. Dark energy is living levels of photosynthesis in levels of consciousness only having existence through all levels in Gods light. Dark energy is every level of what is giving life its elements to exist. There is no gravity in life. To speculate there is a force based on two body masses is to disregard the actual property of each as tiny microcosmic particle's existing in vibrations, resonance and levity. The level of a wave is not having a level of mass to base general relativity on. For example a bottle at a human beings level of consciousness is a formed body of matter but it's actual body is a squiggly level of waves having Conscious Energy through photosynthesis give its livingness. There is a level of consciousness giving every atom it's existence having photosynthesis at the level of the one observing. Dark matter is living energy in levels of light through the level of every human beings light in photosynthesis. Dark energy is levels of levels of levels of levels of light in different levels of consciousness.
It's hypothesized at humanities level of consciousness that 96% of the universe has an unknown force called dark matter and dark energy holding it together. Dark matter is living as the level in everything that is in existence. The level of having what is being called dark matter is the level of living on a planet that has every level of matter existing at the most precise levels for life to live in. The level of the planet to have oxygen and nitrogen is the levels of what is in dark matter. The idea of dark matter is only the very essence in light for what is giving life its existence. The level of what is being called dark energy is energy having light in the levels of what is living through photosynthesis.
Energy is existing at the level of one's consciousness. For all atoms and photons in existence there is a level not being detected by human consciousness and that is the level of Conscious Energy. Conscious Energy is the livingness in all matter. They are the mass, velocity, force, temperature and levity in every atom. Every atom is only levels of light in decimals having frequencies in resonance at levels of consciousness.
As one reaches the level of Heaven in consciousness Conscious Energy begins to have a greater role in teaching how life is existing and is able to communicate. Conscious energy is Heaven in the conscious space of God.  God is in every particle in existence giving humanity the ability as energy to live in matter at ones level of consciousness.  Conscious energy is Heaven and a living species in the conscious space of God.
Levitation is keeping the planet in its position, there is no gravity. Levitation is the level of every process that is keeping life's matter at the level it is in through photosynthesis. Dark matter is the level of everything in existence keeping life existing. The universe is consciousness.
The universe isn’t deciding the level of any matters existence for gravity to exist. Conscious Energy in the conscious space of God is. Conscious Energy is the fabric of the world mankind is living in. 

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Living Love, Living Heaven

There is no matter, no me, and no body in life. What is living is energy and Spirit. The level of the mortal world is the illusion we bring into being through our level of consciousness. Life is in consciousness. We live in consciousness through matter at the level of the mortal world awakening to Heaven.
We think of life as many other people, many places to experience and there being many objects of desire, but the level of Heaven isn't in one place, one person or anything of matter, it is in the light. Everything we are living is in the light. What is being experienced in consciousness never leaves its Source. Everyone we Love is a level of light within our Soul. The level of living is not in what is seen outside of us, it is within the light of Love we are of. What we see is only in the light of our consciousness and the light of our consciousness is the level of the energy Love in our Soul.
For humanity as energy to live in matter God created the living species Conscious Energy to give the livingness in all matter through photosynthesis. Conscious Energy is the mass, force, velocity, levitation and temperature in all matter.
Everything we see in form is transitory. The light we see it in, is what has livingness. The level of matter is constantly changing to be of the conscious level we are living. Love is the energy life is in and Love is the only reason humanity is existing. We're living to become conscious of Love and then eventually the very level of light that helps sustain all life. What we experience in life is giving us the choice to live Love through, and when we choose Love the energy accumulates in our Soul for the light in our consciousness to see higher levels of life and greater levels of Heaven here on earth.
When we read there is "no me" it is because the Soul is Love and Love is the light all life is in. We will live many levels of life in different mediums that will all have a Spirit we call "self." Self is non existent the level of what is living is the Love in the Soul. Self is a transitory level of the world we are experiencing at the present level of consciousness.
Love is all that is real. Living Love through everything we are conscious of is how we invoke Heaven. Everything other than Love is the way to Love. Choosing Love is choosing Heaven to be our Soul.  Living for Heaven is why God created life.  Live to Love in the level of Jesus Christ our Savior and experience the Heavenly light in life. Give without judgment, Love without any level coming back, and forgive relentlessly to live in the joy of the sinless world of Heaven.
Live in the Spirit of Jesus Christ our Savior and not through the level of the flesh. What is alive is the light in one's level of consciousness. The light in one's consciousness is the level of the energy Love in the Soul. All life is in the light of our Soul and only existing for us to live becoming conscious of Love through.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

What is Death?

When God created life he created the way for life to live eternally. There is no death there is only energy evolving and changing form. A human being is not the body but is the conscious energy inside the body. The body is the medium for Spirit to live this level of consciousness in. The Soul is what is alive and is the energy Love that has accumulated over our life continuum.
The energy Love is the light in consciousness giving Spirit the way to live through this life in matter.
Energy is all there is. The mortal world is energy in photosynthesis and the level of matter experienced is only through the level of light in one's consciousness. The Love we feel is living in our Soul which is managed in Heaven. Form will change but the energy of Love never leaves it's emphasis. We never lose the level of anyone or anything because they're always in our light living through different levels within our Soul. There is no death there is eternal life in the light of Heaven evolving through levels of consciousness to experience greater levels of matter.
What it means to leave the body:
When a human being or animal change's form the level of what changes is only the level of energy. The form was never alive, it is only existing for this level of experience in consciousness. The conscious energy inside of the form is what is living, the body is not. Every human being is moving forward, aging effortlessly in a process of growing older through experience's that lead beyond the body into higher levels of life. Life is consciousness evolving through accumulating the energy Love.
There is no death there is only energy changing form. Life is living to evolve through levels of form through higher levels of consciousness. When one thinks of death they should only think of evolving into new life with a new medium to live Spirit through. The Soul is always evolving into the divine light in God. 
The conscious energy we are in form continue's on to live a new level of light in the Soul. There is no level of death in Human beings, there is only conscious energy evolving and changing form. The Spirit from every life rest's in Heaven with those from this life as the Soul continues evolving. Human beings live in a life continuum while all animals live in the Love of Heaven with their loved ones from this life living eternally in bliss. If any animal leaves before their loved ones Gods Angels are with them having fun. Animals are not in a life continuum consciously evolving but continue in levels of consciousness through the level of Love within the Soul of human being's.
What it means for those still in this part of life:
The life we are seeing is in a level of photosynthesis evolving forward and constantly changing form. Those evolving before us should be seen in celebration evolving into higher levels of new living. When someone is evolving beyond the body their conscious energy is leaving the body for Heaven and their Spirit from this part of life will rest's in Heaven with loved one's from this life. They are happy, alive, and in ecstasy with others in Heaven. Every level of what we witnessed as another's life is in the light of our Soul. They never leave our Soul. The level of what is leaving is only the level of form we have experienced in the light of our consciousness. There is no level of another outside of our light.
Life is only living in the light of our Soul. Nothing is ever lost. There is only energy changing form within the light of consciousness. The Soul is the source of living and life is living eternally in God. Everyone who goes beyond the body is living the miracle of newness in Heaven.
What is alive is the level of the energy Love in the Soul. The light in consciousness is the level of the energy Love in the Soul giving Spirit the ability to live in matter. The human being is not the body but is the conscious energy inside of the body living and changing form as consciousness evolves becoming Love. There is no death. There is eternal life in God when we live for the light. 

Friday, March 31, 2017

Celestial Life

Every level of life existing including all life billions of light years away is existing in the conscious space of God. There is nothing existing outside of Heaven.

The building blocks to life such as carbon dioxide, helium, hydrogen gas, and nitrogen are all found off planet. Levels of living exist in an intelligence billions of years old giving humanity the ability to live in photosynthesis consciously evolving to the level of what God intended life to be.

All that exist is energy. Energy is all that is here and the level of matter is in the level of light in one's consciousness. Life is living in consciousness. To live in consciousness life is existing in photosynthesis. The sun ninety three million miles away is aligned perfectly for life on earth to have the exact levels needed to give photosynthesis for humanity to experience matter through consciousness. Conscious Energy is a living species God created with humanity to give livingness in matter. Conscious Energy is the mass, velocity, force, levitation and temperature in all matter. The fabric of the mortal world is Conscious Energy in the conscious space of God.

Life through out the universe is in different levels of consciousness with different life purpose's beyond what money buys. Instead they are living for life's potential in consciousness for higher levels of life in Heaven. Living life for peace with little suffering in life is greater than any other life purpose. The focus is on the higher experience of being alive in consciousness with God and evolving through levels of consciousness to higher levels of light.

Celestial life has lived with humanity for billions of years in the level of Heaven. The idea that a human being is different than the level of intelligence giving life is only a level of consciousness not awake to what being alive is. The universe is far beyond the observable consciousness of the human race and beaming with different levels of life. There has never been a time that life in the universe was not living with humanity.

To understand the level of being alive and the level of our world one has to understand the level of creation. All life has come from dynamic energy which is God. Human beings are not the body but the conscious energy inside of the body living through consciousness to become the highest energy of Love. The body is the medium for Spirit to experience consciousness in this part of life. Spirit is existing through the light in the Soul which is the level of the energy Love one has accumulated over living.

Existing on a planet floating in space with galaxies, a moon, stars and sun living through photosynthesis as a species with multiple live's with different bodies is only because of an intelligence hundreds of billions of years old, Celestial doesn't exist. Humanities level of consciousness does. The level of intelligence life is existing in is a level that is only of Heaven. God created life to live eternally. Creating a species in his likeness as conscious energy that can live in matter and change form to live in higher levels of consciousness, paved the way for life to have the path to always exist. Human beings live different mediums for Spirit to live the level of light in consciousness in a life continuum as we carve the Soul to the energy of Love.

The unity in life extends to galaxies hundreds of billions of light years away.  Levels of life in the universe do not have features like a human being but just like humanity they are not the body but are the living conscious energy inside the body. All life existing regardless of form is part of Heaven giving to life the consciousness in living. Celestial objects and beings can be in different shapes, sizes, textures and colors in an intelligence far beyond humanities present level.  Life off planet is living for conscious evolution and are in a higher level of living peace and Love. The level of form is only the medium. Consciousness is all that is alive. The level of intelligence off planet can help humanity awaken to the level of the world and what being alive is to live higher levels of consciousness in Heaven.

 Life is living in energy and only through matter. God created the way for matter to exist through conscious energy in photosynthesis so consciousness would have the experience of creating life at the level one could think. 

Sunday, February 19, 2017

General Relativity is Conscious Energy

The fabric of the world is Conscious Energy.

When general relativity was theorized and made into being there was no knowledge of Conscious Energy giving everything in matter its livingness in the level of consciousness. 

Living in photosynthesis is the level of what creates the light in what is in matter. There is no other level of force existing outside of consciousness.

The level of what is having a hypothesizes is in the level of consciousness and the level of what is happening is beyond the level of present consciousness.

When Conscious Energy is giving livingness it is in a level that is in light of living as space and time for the human race. Space and time are only a level of consciousness within the human race. Conscious energy is giving the level of mass, force and livingness to what is in matter the idea of general relativity is non existent beyond the level of consciousness keeping it in levels of living.

The light in the exterior nucleus of the atom is being given by Conscious Energy within the atom itself and is only able to be at its force through the light in photosynthesis. The level of what is extrapolated in every atom is in the level of light from the Goditron which is from God.

The idea of general relativity is levels of mass and force having energy in a level of the universe that is preceding its level in livingness. The universe is consciousness in the light of photosynthesis in the level of the human race. The level of all elements in living are from the level of consciousness in the minds of human beings. Every level of living is bringing into being the light of photosynthesis at the level of energy of love they are of. Determining the level of photosynthesis is through the energy of love that is being lived through and that is giving the fabric of the world the level of its existence in Conscious Energy.

In levels of living people are giving photosynthesis before they are being conscious of their level of consciousness. In the light of living before a human being has become conscious of consciousness they have already been conscious within photosynthesis. Every level of life is existing in two worlds at the same time for the human race to exist in photosynthesis but only one world is conscious.

The level of what is giving the level of living to every level of matter is Conscious Energy. There is no other level of force in the universe outside of the level of Conscious Energy giving the livingness.

Friday, February 10, 2017

The Meaning of Life

Everything we see in matter from the trees, sun, walls, earth, furniture, rivers, buildings, and other people are at the smallest particle only energy. Energy is a wave vibrating at a frequency.

Everything we see is in the light of our consciousness at the level of our consciousness. The world we are experiencing is only energy.  The fabric is Conscious Energy and the universe is consciousness.

We've been given this miracle from God to see energy in form in our own individual light to experience life at the level we can think at. This is the gift of living that God gave us to live consciousness through form. Conscious Energy is God's species living with us giving photosynthesis for us to experience life in form at the level we can think. Everything in form is malleable to the level of consciousness bringing it into being.

Every system, institution, level of education, or space program is only one level of consciousness in a world of higher possibility with greater levels of Heaven to be conscious in. Heaven is the conscious space of God we are living in with stars four light years away giving the nitrogen levels on planet for us to live in form.

A human being is not the body but the conscious energy inside the body and this is how we live more life beyond this part of life. Your spirit in this life is living through the light in your consciousness which is the energy of love in your soul managed in Heaven.

We're trying to consciously evolve through the young consciousness that's creating human suffering, division and fear as life to the level of thinking in Heavens consciousness creating life to live Heaven while here on earth in form. Love is the key to life and the gateway to higher levels of consciousness with greater realms of life in our world. Love 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Life Is In Conciousness

Every level of matter is energy being seen in the light of our consciousness. We see unique to our personal level of consciousness. Conscious Energy is the fabric of the world we are in and is giving what we think in form it's livingness. 
This means we change the experience of the world by changing how we think about the world. Love is the energy that expands the light in consciousness to see more Heaven. This give's us answers to life beyond the suffering of the mortal world circumstances to the higher levels of Heaven.